Man, I feel bad for anyone playing 1999 mode with a controller.
why? I found it a very easy game with a controller...
Man, I feel bad for anyone playing 1999 mode with a controller.
It feels incredibly polished in its mechanics and visuals. But it's not scary or creepy in the slightest, nor does it try to be (with one memorable exception). If Bioshock 1 is a game of darkness, Bioshock Infinite is a game of light. In terms of tone, it feels more like a Halo game or a military shooter. Not a lot of tension or scares.
I agree. And we do it all the time when we play games, especially violent ones.
But the folks at Irrational are taking players and designers to task for doing so. In Infinite, they ask a big question: what is it we are willfully ignoring, overlooking, or forgetting when we just "shut up and shoot"? They're indicting us as players and game designers for wanting to just "wash away our sins" and open fire without thinking about the larger historical forces that lead to those violent acts. Like I said, those opening few hours are brilliant.
But then they fall victim to their own critique, forgetting about the relationship between mechanics (acts of violence) and thematics (the history of violence/the violence of history), just as Booker does. And we as players are expected to "wash away our sins," as well. It's so close to being an absolutely brilliant game, but it falls short by falling victim to its own critique.
Man, I feel bad for anyone playing 1999 mode with a controller.
Man, I feel bad for anyone playing 1999 mode with a controller.
I want to buy and play the fuck out of this game, hard and lubeless, just from the amount of Buzz I've read about it and heard from friends. And the game looks simply stunning.
But I'm a shooter novice, and I haven't played the first two Bioshock games.
Does the first BioShock hold up well, from the position of someone playing it for the first time in 2013 and not having the strongest grasp of FPS games? I kind of feel like I should play it first.
Absolutely.Same thing happened with the first game, arguably. It was a critique of the inflexibility of choice in many games yet in order to finish it you had to do what the game said; your only recourse was not to play.
The problem with trying to aim high is sometimes you don't see the ground you're standing on is shaky. And I say this as someone who thinks these games are near-perfect masterpieces (all 3 of them).
I'd rather have a game that tries to make a point and gets undercut by the limitation of game design than a sea of games that don't have much to think about at all.
I give up on 1999 mode. This is stupidly hard. I guess I just suck as a gamer, but, I can't even get past the starting area. System Shock 2 was nowhere near this difficult, nor were any games this hard. Maybe it was on hard, I dunno.
I dont believe so. Then again, I used Winter shield which means I died literally once in the whole fight (and from my own stupidity). If you manage to pick that gear up, you've basically beaten the game on any mode.In 1999 mode for the final fight, do destroy come back if you happen to get killed?
Its really not that difficult at all, in fact the beginning when you have little to no vigors makes it probably a little harder than the other sections. Possession makes this mode quite easy especially when you have it upgraded with "more for less". Also when you use the right gear, the bosses are an absolute cakewalk.
Quick question. I remember hearing somewhere [bombcast perhaps] that someone was able to pull all the songs out of the PC game files and put them up somewhere. Anyone happen to have a link to the music?
Well, I guess I'm just a terrible gamer then. This is way too hard.
I'm still at the beginning but this is probably the best setting i have seen so far in a game.
I still don't know if this means anything meaningful, It just looks so odd and doesn't match the board.Maybe spoiler, a question near the end game about a graph on a chalkboard.
Does this graph indicate choices I made during the playthrough?
possible spoiler don't click link picture.
I had no idea idea you could play this with the Move. How well does it work?
Anybody know: if you buy the season pass after finishing the game do you still get the bonus content? Thanks.
Holy shit. Stuck on a certain boss on 1999 mode.
L.C's Spirit..
Get on every melee based gear that you have (especially burning halo if youve got it), equip a shotgun or some kinda heavy hitter, use charge (would be great if youve got this upgraded) and just keep whacking da boss, charging da boss, shotgunning da boss and hope for the best. Makes it very easy and Should be over quite quickly.Holy shit. Stuck on a certain boss on 1999 mode.
L.C's Spirit..
Holy shit. Stuck on a certain boss on 1999 mode.
L.C's Spirit..
Charge Vigor mixed with melee gear is so satisfying. I've got a hat that gives a 70% chance that the target is set ablaze,Melee strikes against staggered enemies add 60% chance to crit/ victims take 25% more damage when struck coat, melee kills give health boots, and melee targets briefly vulnerable victim takes 2x damage for 5 seconds pants.
Things just fucking explode. And if they don't, they get a shotgun to the head.
Well, I guess I'm just a terrible gamer then. This is way too hard.
Totally knew it was her. But yeah, she's always real good.So I just found out that Jennifer Hale was the voice actor for Rosalind Lutece. I never would have guessed that. She really did an outstanding job.
I'm done attempting this awful final sequence in infinite.
Someone tell me where i can get an easy save game.
I'm done attempting this awful final sequence in infinite.
Someone tell me where i can get an easy save game.
I'm done attempting this awful final sequence in infinite.
Someone tell me where i can get an easy save game.
Totally knew it was her. But yeah, she's always real good.
Is there a limit on how many lockpicks you can carry? I have 30 right now, I see one, and it won't let me pick it up. There's aren't enough doors to unlock in this game. I search every nook and cranny and somehow I still have 30 lockpics![]()
I regret not getting this game on the PS3 now. I loved using the Move for R3.Been playing it with the Move for a few days now, and it's pretty damned good. I would say it's comparable to the Resistance 3 support. Go with custom controls, and turn the sensitivety all the way down, and you're good to go.
Just beat what I think was the last battle. The story sequence afterwards is BLOWING MY FUCKING MIND. HOLY SHIT. This game is fucking incredible atm, and all my frustrations with the gameplay have been forgotten. WOW
The ending chapterThis feels like something out of LOST. The music, the atmosphere, the questions.
edit: oh my god.
edit edit: what the motherfuck just happened. WHAT THE FUCK
edit edit edit: WHAAAAAAT???????????????
this is the best video game story I've ever seen. Holy shit .
amazing credit sequence too. Well done, Irrational.