Would love to get them separately on PC. Already have 2 (excellent) and Infinite (trash) but I'd pay for a functioning and slightly updated Bio 1.
What does it mean by free PC upgrades? What upgrades are we getting?
Ummm, I don't really get this. If we're getting the remasters for free if we buy the originals, can't we just buy Bioshock 2 on the steam store right now for 6$ and get the upgrade anyway?
What does it mean by free PC upgrades? What upgrades are we getting?
What does it mean by free PC upgrades? What upgrades are we getting?
What does it mean by free PC upgrades? What upgrades are we getting?
Doesnt really look really improved?
1080p 60fps on console, and free PC upgrades for Bioshock 1, 2 and Minerva's Den. No Infinite PC remaster.
Textures are much more higher-resolution with less blurriness, and character models look noticeably higher-poly than before. Look at the Little Sisters limbs for an example.
Take it I'll need to buy the bio 2 DLC for the upgraded one or is bio 2 enough? Own them all and have done for ages just never played the bio 2 dlc
The DLC was given to Steam users for free when they switched from GFWL to Steamworks, you might already have it.
Yeah, my same question too, since this is called "Collection" and not "Remastered".
Anyway it's 2K, so I bet they will charge for it.
The insulting thing is Bioshock 1 on PC is very bad, if I remember correclty there's no pad support, I had a bug in which the game got muted for no reason, no achievements etc.
Instead of doing a remaster they should simply patch that one.
On Bioshock 2 Minerva's Den I had a bug with a minigame, when I interacted with it, controls stopped working.
Andrew Ryan still has the best voice in video games.
I was shocked when I found out who did the voice work.Andrew Ryan still has the best voice in video games.
bioshock 1 physics fix please and thanks
Pretty much.
Will keep an eye on the PC Bioshock 1 remaster, though. I hate the 30fps physics bug it currently has.
You get the remaster for free.
Texture and asset updates. Even at high resolutions, Bioshock 1 doesn't look great anymore. Hopefully new lighting too.
Bio 1 and 2 owners get upgraded to the new remastered versions for said games for free.
The remastered versions of Bioshock 1/2. It's not just an upres, they updated a lot of textures, models, etc.
but betterLooks exactly the same as the original
Textures are much more higher-resolution with less blurriness, and character models look noticeably higher-poly than before. Look at the Little Sisters limbs for an example.
Baked lighting and shadows also look a lot better in certain areas, especially around signs.
£3.80 to complete my bundle, I really like this feature.
Seeing as it's 60fps on consoles I assume the PC version won't have locked 30fps physics?
I watched the youtube trailer and read the 2k blog announcement page, but i didn't see anywhere mentioned that who owns Bioshock 1 or 2 on PC will get the upgraded versions for free, could you link where did you get that info from please?
Never played Bioshock, so I'm mildly interested. Though I've never heard good things about 2 or Infinite. Then again I heard praise for Infinite the first few weeks and then suddenly all I saw was hate.
I have a few questions regarding this collection on PC. I own BioShock 1, 2 and Infinite + season pass on Steam, but I don't (yet) own Minerva's Den (already played and loved it on PS3). Now I see it's also discounted for the Steam Summer Sale.
As for my question, when they say "free PC upgrade" do they mean you have to own all of them to qualify for the free upgrade, or do you get a free upgrade separately for every piece you own? So in my case for Bio 1 and 2, but not Minerva's Den.
Free PC upgrades for Bioshock 1,2 and Minerva's Den
If it's not 1080p/60fps that's a shame.
"if you already own BioShock, BioShock 2, and/or Minervas Den on Steam, you will be able to upgrade to the remastered version of the respective title(s) for free after release. Its a circus of values! "