This game man. I haven't played HL1 in forever and a day. It's fucking criminal that it holds up so well and a lot of fps don't even begin to have a campaign worth anything nowadays. Everything from the jump puzzles to the "fetch quests", feel like they're actual hurdles, keeping you from escaping, and not like a dev just placed them there for padding.
Right up until you get to the surface, they manage to up the "survival horror" atmosphere even more-so than it was in the original. It also helps that they did away with having a zombie in every corner of everything in the game. I'm not as trained as I was in the og version, so it's easy to let your guard down some.
I really don't know how I feel about the marines. I feel like I fear them for a different reason in this game. In og HL, hiding behind boxes for to long meant certain death at the hands of several grenades tossed at your direction. As the grenades were sailing in the air, they would flank the fuck out of you, so you had to be fast in taking them all out. Here, I've only seen one so far, and the bastard threw it before I even walked in the room. Their aim is fucking gdlk. I've seen a marine pointing at a wall and manage to shave off health, before they turned completely around. That said, the Magnum owns all of their souls and I haven't had to much of a problem yet. Just stay at range. If you get to close to even one, you're gonna die. I'm playing on normal, so it's not bad.
I miss fps built like this,
so much.