Black Myth Wukong budget was $43M


Gold Member
You want all games to be made in China? Because I highly doubt the budget would have been anywhere near that in the US or Europe. Would have been at least a few times more.
If you want me to answer that honestly I don't really care where my games come from if its games made by people like the professor clearly trying to build a game around their forced agendas VS a game like Black Myth

These companies that are pushing the so called woke movement onto us either need to adapt or die because most of their shit isn't selling.


are those numbers with or without advertising budgets? After all those are often higher than the actual production costs nowadays and there is just no way that a small addon like Morales cost 170m just for the production......
The cost was mentioned in the Insomniac leaks:
the cost for making "Miles Morales" itself was around 85mio, but they had to pay Marvel over 100Mio for using the license.
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What is this source? Weren’t they estimating 70 million before?

Anyway, the game is an unresponsive technical mess on PS5. It shows the lower budget.
That wasn't my experience at all. I had one instance of the game freezing in about 40 hours of gameplay, its my personal GOTY.
Hope we get a lot more of these Chinese games, more Wukong as well as other Chinese single player games that's similar. Also more games like Stellar Blade 2 for the Korean side. This year has got me interested in more Korean and Chinese games.
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You want all games to be made in China? Because I highly doubt the budget would have been anywhere near that in the US or Europe. Would have been at least a few times more.
Most of these Chinese devs located in tech clusters (Shaghai, Shenzhen) where salaries not that much lower compared to US and especially to Europe.
11 years or so as well. Ever watch the credits? Tons of people in this shit.
I looked it up and I still cannot believe that game cost that much money. They could have made like 5 AAA games with that budget. Unbelievable.
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Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
This will never cease to amaze me in such a negative way. You have a staff of 380 people that can easily be split into smaller more focused groups that can create like three or four games at a time for a significantly lower cost. Whats more, the game engines are done, don't need to waste time creating a new engine (as just making the engine can take two years at the least). Spider-man 2 was a good game but $300 million is way overboard and WILL cause issues with future games. Hollywood is already feeling the burn of making movies with $150 million+ budgets, the AAA style of game will follow suit. This model just isn't sustainable.

Yet, have you noticed how many copies of SM2 has sold so far? 6 months ago it sold over 11 million units. That's almost $800 million in revenue in the first 6 months. It wouldn't shock me if the game generates around $1 Billion by the end of 2024. How is that not great ROI for Sony and the Insomniac devs?

Miles Morales is a 7 hours game (12 ish if you do the sidequests) with lots of recycled assets and built on the bones of the first one and somehow it reportedly cost like170m

Miles Morales didn't cost $170 million to make. Where did you get that fake number from? Insomniac themselves said it cost $82 million to make.


And also notice how much profit (ROI) they made from Miles Morales. 242%!!!!! That's insane! And those numbers are from June of 2023. The game has probably sold 15 million units with an over 250% ROI (return on investment). Only corporate greed would say a 250% profit is bad.
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Yet, have you noticed how many copies of SM2 has sold so far? 6 months ago it sold over 11 million units. That's almost $800 million in revenue in the first 6 months. It wouldn't shock me if the game generates around $1 Billion by the end of 2024. How is that not great ROI for Sony and the Insomniac devs?

Miles Morales didn't cost $170 million to make. Where did you get that fake number from? Insomniac themselves said it cost $82 million to make.


And also notice how much profit (ROI) they made from Miles Morales. 242%!!!!! That's insane! And those numbers are from June of 2023. The game has probably sold 15 million units with an over 250% ROI (return on investment). Only corporate greed would say a 250% profit is bad.
It's volatile and a slippery slope if their not careful with a budget like that. They went over budget by $30 million, whose to say they won't go bigger and more expensive and still go over that budget too?


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
It's volatile and a slippery slope if their not careful with a budget like that. They went over budget by $30 million, whose to say they won't go bigger and more expensive and still go over that budget too?

Good point. Maybe that's why we haven't seen the Venom game yet even though it comes out in Holiday of 2025.
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