Fourth "My character is destroyed!" *ends up A tier*
But...Tager never ended up A tier
At least, I don't think so.
I think if they actually launched the game with this version of the loke test it would probably end up being the worst version of BB since CT :lol
lolKatou: "Balance change" might be the wrong word to describe it... Instead of averaging the strengths and weaknesses of each character, we aimed to expand the individuality of each character and how it feels to play with the characters.
Seriously, though, is anybody legitimately happy with any of their character's changes from the non-famitsu notes?
I wouldn't worry about it, honestly.
I'm not worried, I'm just wondering how much they'll be blasted when they listen to the feedback from players, lol.
Japanese companies tend to not care that much on feedback. They usually just use loketests to see glitches or get ideas on what to change from just watching. Rarely ever do they take actual input from players from what I hear.
Wait what WAIT WHATShout outs to Bullet getting 5.1k meterless
Wait what WAIT WHAT
- 236D doesn't wallbound anymore
- 236C works different on hit now
- You lose air inertia as soon as you press j.D
- 236A harder to follow up afterwards.
So looking at most of the Bullet changes. She's actually buffed overall, from what I can tell. D being special cancelable is MASSIVE and she has better options for combos now from midscreen. Getting pokes into D leads to bigger damage without Heat as well because you can go into Sheer or Capture to follow-up.
Shout outs to Bullet getting 5.1k meterless
Well that changes everything
So if I'm understanding right, the intention is for her to have a harder time getting that hit, but when she does it's gonna hurt like hell?
Basically more of the same but more dramatic, she also can get 2 heat in one combo now because of this
It's funny hearing everyone cry about how nerfed she is. I'm looking forward to seeing new zanny mak stuff too
I can I twitter this link? lol
- 6B faster, only special cancellable
Well there goes my main way of going into tachi combos
Well, he at least got buffs. I don't think anyone considered him destroyed like Hazama and Hakumen during loketests
Also, so cute
...what the fuck is the point of 6B anymore outside of combo filler then
Good. Now I don't have to deal with netplay Mu's mixup of full screen dash into grab or 6B.
Legitimately disappointed it doesn't turn her into a nun, actually. (Also is Lambda's the same as Nu's?)
- 6C no longer jump cancels.
- 22[D] not a unblockable.
- j.214D overhead now.
Wasn't it blockable in CP1 also?
So wait...I'm trying to learn Bullet and she's about to get buffs to go into heat 2 easily and get big meterless damage?
Maybe, loketest are major what ifs when it comes to arcsysSo wait...I'm trying to learn Bullet and she's about to get buffs to go into heat 2 easily and get big meterless damage?
So wait...I'm trying to learn Bullet and she's about to get buffs to go into heat 2 easily and get big meterless damage?