I was expecting this to be one of the Plat or Rachel ones LOL
I was expecting this to be one of the Plat or Rachel ones LOL
Kokonoe is out! all yo 800 yenz
Kokonoe is out! all yo 800 yenz
Hope she's out in the HK market, I'm hype![]()
Fawk I want her T-T
Wow, did she really just get 3k off of an AA before reaching the corner?
I can't believe my copy still hasn't come in. ;_;
Oh, hey you, I didn't know you imported it.
Lol yeah. If I knew you and Cajun were game-sharing it, I would've asked if I could too. I already spent the money though so now I'm just waiting.![]()
Sorry, we spontaneously decided to create an account to permanently share and snag other stuff. I think only Vanilla knew what we were up to.
GGs to those I face in RoeBear's lobby.
ggs people
fuck mu and her english voice
fuck puppets
fuck noel too
D: maybe tomorrow thenHmph... still no kokonoe on the HK store.
Yeah, she's looking pretty strong. 5C's so good as footsies and especially when it counterhits, which gives 5k or so meterless iirc. j2C's pretty great for starting pressure since being IB'ed from a high height can still lead into pressure without any gaps. Like you said, her normals are just great overal,l and better than what I expected before release.My initial impressions of Kokonoe
- You can set her drive in one of 9 directions and cancel them off normals for extended strings or just reduce recovery
- Her normals are so good
- Magnet gauge is fairly long
- Airdash range is pretty large
- Her rocketpunch move comes in 2 flavors. A version does more damage and move forward a little. With a magnet, you can follow this version midscreen with 3C. B version attaches something on the opponent that can explode while theyre getting up. Can airdash up and combo off of the explosion if not blocked. B version also hits nearly fullscreen. When randomly throwing it out, I was getting stuffed by a lot of things and even thrown before the first punch.
- The giant fireball super is sorta like a hidden missiles in that it'll stay around even if you hit her out of it
- Teleport only moves forward a bit. Great for teleporting behind an opponent during blockstrings + fireball
- 6A, 6B and Mecha Tager laser are all chargable. Mecha Tager charges by both holding the button and spinning the stick around, but I haven't seen a practical use for charging it.
- Love her astral.Science is Power
poor and beats and solar i wanna try playing u guys!
If by Solar you mean me you'll have to wait until the thing finishes downloading tomorrow and then for me to get home from college
Not enough 360 sales I guessI'm sure I'm not the first to say this but... no 360 version? What the hell? I aint buying 2 arcade sticks for PS3.
Her design is set up so she's gonna be good no mater what, it's why I wanted her the moment I saw her trailers/gameplay.Jiyuna reporting Kokonoe is legit bullshit with day 1 unblockable setups.
I know I'm already getting destroyed...but that doesn't mean a lot. Kind of discouraging though...
Jiyuna reporting Kokonoe is legit bullshit with day 1 unblockable setups.
Killing people with Amane's chip is pretty fucking satisfying
Uhh... UHH... that can't be good. So... what are her flaws?