Master Milk
man i hate mu so much lol
ggs solar
ggs solar
someone play with me
anyone want to play some potentially laggy online sets?
anyone wanna play?
They always sound so full of energy and into character with Japanese voice overs. Wth is wrong with English counterparts?
BB English dubs are godlike I have no idea wtf you are talking about.They always sound so full of energy and into character with Japanese voice overs. Wth is wrong with English counterparts?
BB English dubs are godlike I have no idea wtf you are talking about.
For any English dub to succed they CAN NOT try to mimick Japanese voice styles exactly. It just doesn't transfer right.
If you even try to say English Mak has no energy and is not into character then I'll slap you.
I don't know... Kokonoe sounds pretty bored
The one ENG voice I will say that so far feels worse than before for some reason is Bang. It's not bad or anything, but it just doesn't feel as energetic to me. Maybe I'm imagining it but at least I know for a fact his winquote against Litchi is nowhere near as good as before.
Aside from that I'm not really a fan of either Platinum.
Yeah but that's kinda the point.
Oh really? He sounds similar so he's doing a good job then, but still needs to work a little on that hot-bloodedness.
Speaking of changes to English voices, was that extra filter over Hakumen's voice really needed?
Not at all, seeing how they can still alter voice files around I hope they fix it. Also it sucks ragna got nerfed in 1.03
Whoa whoa Ragna got nerfed? o.o Is there a changelog anywhere?![]()
Izayoi seems so flashy and fun in training mode. :O
I envy you guys who can pick up and learn these fighters so quickly.
So I don't have the Terumi DLC to test... is that dashing punch by Terumi safe on block? Someone drop me some frame data.
So I don't have the Terumi DLC to test... is that dashing punch by Terumi safe on block? Someone drop me some frame data.
-4 on block. Punishable on IB. Netplay Terumis (which is a thing) seem to do this or 6C all day (which is also punishable).
So I don't have the Terumi DLC to test... is that dashing punch by Terumi safe on block? Someone drop me some frame data.
I would microdash 2A or something. I'd try recording it to get it down just in case.edit: what's a good follow up for 6B on block? It seems that even though it's + on block, I still get hit when I try to follow up with something.
Yeah after a week or so of playing Terumi I gave up on him. He's like a P4A character with only auto combo. I really wish he could be played differently but he's too cookie cutter.Are you on wifi prototype? This is really laggy.
Edit: Be careful Prototype. Your Terumi is getting very... flowcharty.
Yeah after a week or so of playing Terumi I gave up on him. He's like a P4A character with only auto combo. I really wish he could be played differently but he's too cookie cutter.
I would hope so that move is so bad now xDEdit: Also had no idea Makoto 3C was + on block lol
I would hope so that move is so bad now xD
Also I'm ass at this I swear.
All our matches seemed pretty messy lol. But at least I slowly started to realize I can't autopilot on you.
Kept expecting IAD jBB but you never did it, so lots of whiffed 6As from me.
Azrael vs barret seems like a bad match up for Azrael. Can't hit any buttons against her.
Did they nerf Platinum or is she just as robotic as last game? I swear playing her was like the epitome of flowchart.
Did they nerf Platinum or is she just as robotic as last game? I swear playing her was like the epitome of flowchart.
Whats up with the lighting move having 0 start up and being able to get full combos off traded hits. I think that's the better questionHer items make her less flowcharty. Also, what's up with that lightning thing with Kokonoe not having smp? She does the same move all the time but it doesn't matter. Did they forget about that when programming her in?
Whats up with the lighting move having 0 start up and being able to get full combos off traded hits. I think that's the better question![]()
So what you're telling me is that I should main Kokonoe? nyak nyak nyak.
Anyway, GGs Q, Rhapsody. I was going flowcharty because it feels like Terumi needs to make people think in a certain way. Except I make the opponent think a certain way and I still can't open them up. Feel like it's a lot of guessing with 236D (when people try to jump out) and command throw (they are consistently grounded). I'm still pretty bad with 6B (I get hit after the block) and I'm still not sure when to throw it out. By the way, the random 6Cs during a blockstring when I don't have meter are failed 6B attempts. Feels good.
Definitely getting the feel of him now. Just all frame traps instead of mixups. Feels weird going from Rachel (who is a mixup queen) to Terumi.