Is Tachi the cinematic super?
No that'd be Omoikane
Is Tachi the cinematic super?
No that'd be Omoikane
Lol, then what is Tachi? Is that the combo followup to 6C?
Yup, it's the flippy attack
I have no idea how that string of events plays out though.
Damn lol. The three characters I was most interested in playing are on this list.
Messing around with koko just so I can learn to block some stuff, Her teleport is way way more manageable now. It's only going to cross you up in the if she's a certain distance near you.
I got to yellow. We did it guys. I think I'm officially retired.
Any other Azrael players here? Curious how people set up their OD's
Ahh I like it. Didn't realize that. Thanks.You can activate OD during a Valiant string after pressing 6.
Ahh I like it. Didn't realize that. Thanks.
Izayoi seemed cool when I tried her out for a bit but I didn't have the execution chops to handle her strings. Were they made easier to perform in 1.1?
I think I've finally found the character that speaks to me in this game. The changes made to Izayoi are huge. I might actually be sticking around with this game now. And I'm not sure why I didn't notice this when I first tried her out(probably because in 1.0 I only used her for like an hour tops) but Izayoi's normal mode reminds me a lot of Mitsuru in P4A in terms of her 5B(feels similar to mitsus 5A) and movement/air dashes.
nope. At least not her normal mode combos. I haven't tried practicing her GA combos yet.
Really? I don't really like that. Maybe cause I don't know what you can get off of it. Gonna have to fool around in the lab a bit. Plus I hate how much time you lose when you ODcMy friend told me with the new changes to Azrael's OD, it's better to just ODc after 5BB.
Now go do this
Nothing really that game changing for Hakumen. I mean, besides air throw ODC not working anymore.
Really? I don't really like that. Maybe cause I don't know what you can get off of it. Gonna have to fool around in the lab a bit. Plus I hate how much time you lose when you ODc
Less meter gain overall now
That's only while he's airborne, isn't it?
That's only while he's airborne, isn't it?
Is Izayoi like super cool now? I don't really feel like playing the game right now. Too busy with other games.
I think so. Her GA mode is totally different in terms of movement and her trans am super is actually useful. You can also go in and out of her normal/GA mode much more safely now.
Trans am is useful? Nice. Sometimes I would use it just to hear her say it. What's different about it? The requirements didn't seem worth it before.
Welp, I have no clue at all how to fight Kagura
Airborne at all times... including getting comboed.
Because of it, his defense is much worse.
I should rephrase that. His defense is much worse with Kokonoe in the game.
I don't think I can quite do that with Bullet >.>
With Mu tho, yeah I'll do that.
Oh man, I'm enjoying the change to Bullet's super command grab SO much more than I thought I would. I mean, it's not really a tier changer, but it's still quite a big deal. Before I never even considered it as one of my tools much tbh, but with this change I'm now constantly looking for tick throws and reversal super punishes.
Alright well I no longer know how to use Terumi. My brain dead combos no longer work. Guess I have to actually try now![]()
Anybody care to play?
I'll play you next time I'm on BB ApolloJoh. I'm not dodging to keep my pink square, I swear lol
Maybe it's more so the fact that anyone could use kokonoe naturally in 1.0![]()
ggs brolaggin at the end there, but ggs