I'm in the same boat as you, around 50% complete after 2 hours of downloading..
Not anymore...mine corrupted. FUCK.
Starting over ;_;
I'm in the same boat as you, around 50% complete after 2 hours of downloading..
Not anymore...mine corrupted. FUCK.
Starting over ;_;
Shout outs to psn downloads.
Unless there's something I missed, they're just clones of Saya.
From my understanding, Kokonoe took Saya's soul from Nu and moved it to Lambda.
Shout outs to psn downloads.
I remember when I got the game back in November, my download corrupted 3 times.
Anybody want to play on PSN?
Tried out Bullet finally. Reaaaaaaaally suffered in the V13 matchup.
You have moves with projectile invincibility, gotta learn to use them when appropiate.
If they are predictably spamming the proyectiles, use the charge up move so that you can get to heat level 2 for free. To close the distance or if they decide to use proyectiles when you're close, Midlet Capture also has that kind of invincibility (but not of any other kind).
None of this works against Amane however since none of his ranged attacks are proyectiles so you're fucked there. Gotta be much more patient and careful with him.
Bullet's level charge move is 214D, which you can hold to get to level 2. ABCD is her overdrive, which puts her at level one and allows her to keep heat levels when she expends them.
okay stop...214?
I know Marvel Annotations, KoF annotations, and MK/IGAU annotations. You lost me with that one though.
Start at the beginning here. What are the numbers and what is heat? You're talking to a guy whose spent the past quarter of a year in books and at work and in Zbrush. I haven't done much but casual poke BB and try to translate Marvel/Kof stuff to it. I literally dont know it.
What's the button layout for this game? My stick defaults to a 2x2 layout but that feels strange
*drops some knowledge on Shaowebb's scrubby BB beginnings*
It's more because numbers are universal and stuff like qcb doesn't necessarily mean anything in other languages. Also it's what the Japanese use so yeah.
The character tutorials don't go that in depth, but they do teach the basic of each character.
Well its a good start at least. Where can I go to find stuff like her frame data, overheads, and what has immunity to projectiles? Dustloop maybe?
Depends on if you consider -5 as safe.
So just the computer being dumb then on hard mode. I'll look for a safe blockstring ender then and change that up to just using it for spacing and for what looks like an OTG at higher levels of heat.
Yeah, this is true. Losing pressure as Bullet sucks though, it's so hard to get it backUncharged 5C is +1, that's her usual blockstring ender I think.
-Much better follow ups to 5D and your special moves (usually a bigger wallbounce)
Uncharged 5C is -1 in 1.1 iircUncharged 5C is +1, that's her usual blockstring ender I think.
Uncharged 5C is -1 in 1.1 iirc
Uncharged 5C is -1 in 1.1 iirc
-1 isn't too bad at least, but yeah I'll look for one thats plus to end with if that frame data has changed recently. Hoping between packing my upstairs today to put in some serious lab time to work on Bread N Butter and block strings.
Are you doing the challenges? They help.
So, anybody up for PSN?
Shame they didn't put the DLC on sale ...
They couldn't even at least bundle one of them with Vita copies.![]()
I accidently got the vita copies of the dlc cast and I dont own a vita (new to PSN and jsut clicked em all)...can I gift those to you through PS3 somehow?
I accidently got the vita copies of the dlc cast and I dont own a vita (new to PSN and jsut clicked em all)...can I gift those to you through PS3 somehow?
I played so much yesterday offline. Rachel and Platinum are just too fun.
Here's hoping for the best in 2.0.
Just picked this up via the PSN sale.
First thing I noticed was, coming from SF4, the default button layout on an arcade stick seems a little weird. Anybody have a suggestion for a better layout for me? I was just going to change it to:
Probably should map the other buttons too but not sure what would be the most useful yet.