Guess they're planning to change up Ragna's combos since Hell's Fang has less float.
For like the 500th time since this series started. They need to stop at some point. It's getting old.
Guess they're planning to change up Ragna's combos since Hell's Fang has less float.
I'm training slowly but what are peoples thoughts on Kokonoe?
The US Litchi in top 8 took out some during his gauntlet run.
She's considered by many the undisputed best character in the game, even if no one maining her made top 8 ar EVO this year.
Litchi always makes top 3 even though every single revision, it's "She's not as good as she used to be."
Also Bang is the best character in the game.
Bang was secret top tier in CT
God, the Nu forum on Dustloop is chock full of stupid right now.
It's telling when the newly split off Lambda thread only has one thread and it's locked.I should probably go check this out v_v
It's telling when the newly split off Lambda thread only has one thread and it's locked.
Oh okay, so Celica isn't actually a puppet character and the thing is only there for aesthetics. Interest +1 in the character, she looks really fun to play. Goes to show you really can't judge a book by its cover when it comes to Arc Sys and playstyles, I was expecting the v-11 announcement along with her that she'd be something akin to a remixed Carl/Relius.
Stepped the AI up to Very Hard last night and the game put me in check for sure. Learning more defensive play and trying to stay safe more often. For some reason I am having success with Bullet now. She can be real hard to get in with but when she does I get gets that damage. After getting trashed by the AI I turned it back to normal and went ham on Arcade mode and beat it with 2 more characters for revenge, lol.
She looks more like Dizzy.
Honestly, I think you should play online if possible. AI is no replacement for real players. Even if you lose, what's the worst thing that's going to happen?
Yeah, the douchebags will tell you you suck or something, but the ones who understand how hard it is to start off will keep playing with you (to a certain extent). Don't be afraid and jump in. It's the fastest way to learn, IMO.
I am Vita only. I have only seen one opponent one time and he bailed before the match. I try every night to fight real people. I really wish these games had cross platform play like SKxTekken did. I hope Skullgirls Vita port does too.
I don't have a much free time lately and I'm usually playing something else but I'm down to play with you as long as it's not too laggy. I only played one match online for vita and it was against a D spamming Noel on an extremely laggy connection.I am Vita only. I have only seen one opponent one time and he bailed before the match. I try every night to fight real people. I really wish these games had cross platform play like SKxTekken did. I hope Skullgirls Vita port does too.
Oh okay, so Celica isn't actually a puppet character and the thing is only there for aesthetics. Interest +1 in the character, she looks really fun to play. Goes to show you really can't judge a book by its cover when it comes to Arc Sys and playstyles, I was expecting the v-11 announcement along with her that she'd be something akin to a remixed Carl/Relius.
Wow, that Sector Seven ending.
It's not going to get easier, is it?
Can we get a spoiler thread for the story? What I don't get...
What is Relius after? Why revive the Black Beast? Terumi, I could believe, but what does Relius have to gain from destroying the world?
BB's story is convoluted to the point that nothing makes sense without full context, and sometimes even with it.
This game doesn't really have shortcuts on it's commands nor does it have negative edge on the inputsRecently got a stick and tried playing this with it. Holy fuck this shit is hard. I cannot get motions to come out for the life of me and spent an hour practicing doing Hell's Fang and Dead Spike. Street Fighter was surprisingly easier to play on a stick than this
Recently got a stick and tried playing this with it. Holy fuck this shit is hard. I cannot get motions to come out for the life of me and spent an hour practicing doing Hell's Fang and Dead Spike. Street Fighter was surprisingly easier to play on a stick than this
So I just finished the story mode.
So Rachel saw all of this coming already? Repetitions were mentioned. And that epilogue, I'm pretty sure what Hibiki mentioned about wielders of ars magus popping up/remaining people from the seithrization is alluding to new characters in the next game. And Rachel herself being a Chrono Phantasma like Celica. So she's essentially asking Tsubaki to make Ragna a Chrono Phantasma as well by killing him with the Izayoi?
The story contains a lot of questions but I think a lot of the answers or at least partial answers can be found if people are willing to dig through all the exposition/connecting dots. Time to browse some more forums for details.
No she's saying if Ragna really has gone ape shit to straight up kill him, and if she does kill him to kill Rachel too because Rachel WILL NOT let Ragna die.
Probably getting the Vita version next week. Any load time differences between physical and digital?
It takes two minutes to load a match.
Sheesh... that didn't resolve much of anything. Could've been a great finale if they hadn't had to take on all that extra nonsense.
Final battle was wonderful, though. Finally a GG-tier boss in BB.
Uh, how do people know Jubei is dead? That confirmed nothing, but DAMN Nine sounded badass.
You really think Nine let Jubei live before she returned? Also Time for you to go play Xblaze now
Story spoilers
Maybe the reason the body count is this high so they can cut down on the number of characters for Blazblue Xrd.
There's no confirmed dead, though. Hell, I thought Jin was dead. The only serious possibility is Terumi and maybe Hazama and Platinum/Trinity.
Well if you count the number of characters that are MIA at least there's
I don't know what the BB's team is doing regarding the next Blazblue. Mori said he wants to bring BB to next gen so it makes sense to me that they would develop the next game with their new tech but who knows.
And the three new characters especially felt pointless in the story. Azrael in particular was wasted.