Everyone is. Couple of tips:I'm still learning.![]()
- Use more moves in drive. Not sure how to describe this. Your pressure is easy to block because you're dependant on a single overhead and no lows. You need to learn how to use the pseudo-command grab because it lets you beat players who block standing. You also need to incorporate the low-hitting drive move (I don't know Noel's inputs well).
- Stop wasting your meter. You're using her super a lot of times that you shouldn't. It is basically only useful at the end of a combo or in the air.
- Don't end combos midscreen with Type 3 unless it's going to kill them. It puts them way in the air, which isn't favorable for you.
- Learn how to hitconfirm something in the corner; Noel's damage happens in the corner.
- Stop mashing shit neutral. Mostly 2C and optic barrel but also 6D. It doesn't do you any favors and is just going to get you counterhit.
- You need to learn a way to approach other than triangle jumping.