Man, I was sure this was going to be a day one purchase for me as I really love the series (and Booby lady). Here's the thing though, I put in some hrs in the ps3 version, stopped for five months, came back, had to relearn it all again. That's my biggest beef with it. It is not user friendly at all.
That said, the Vita ver looks soo beautiful.
Sorry for not playing last night prototype, had to finish up Binary Domain! (And I did!)
Might try to get in some playing tonight and tomorrow.
Yup. Every single revision they decide to turn her into a new character. In this version they left her combos relatively intact but decided to completely change her corner and staffless game.Boobie lady changes heavily from game to game- she's as notorious for that as KOF Beni or Robert.
Spent some time on her challenges today. I like her a lot, but I can tell that it's going to take work if I want to perform 3.5k+ combos. Bang's damage is much easier to obtain by comparison. Gonna have to work out more ways to incorporate Daifunka into my combos too...oh platinum the trinity, how i long to kick ass with you
that reminds me, i still haven't learned any combos with her yet
i should really stop puttin that off
someone should get online so we can play
playin randoms is hella annoyin
me and solune are playing right now. msg him if you want in
So rare that you're not playing DOTA 2!
If anyone is up for a game, my PSN is natotoxxiii
I'm scrub, in case you need to know. Playing for fun, with the possible intention of getting better![]()
Tutorials can only do so much. Repetition and grinding matches is the bigger part of the learning process. I don't see how anything short of HAL 9000 could solve the problem that some beginners have with tutorials. This is inevitable when you are dealing with a system that can't react to the questions of the player in a meaningful way.
I may not be fresh to the series, but I was new at one time. The tutorial in CT was useful enough to get me started. I never once felt the urge to quit the game like I did with Vanilla MvC3(Quit SFIV pretty quick though thanks to one frame links and no good tutorials or challenge system).
This is the type of genre it is.
I finally got my Vita copy today. I have to say I'm pretty disappointed at the manual. All it says is to go to the website for the actual manual
I also hit a wall with Noel's Mission #06.
I do it fine. The combo counter still goes up and it all hits and stuff (same number of hits as the demonstration). But the timing window between the jump cancel and bullet storm/thor is too small. The game says I didn't do it in time. My fingers can't go any faster. Bleh. It goes off fine and combos fine, that should be good enough!
I don't know what I'm doing though.
I wish ASW had some sort of suggestion box. Challenge mode and tutorial reps are a great idea. I wouldn't mind setting the number of reps for challenge combos or tutorial sequences to 15x just so I can grind something specific until it is retained. They should give us 5x,10x,20x multipliers just so we can decide how much we'd like to do.
Ditto on the character specific stuff. Mini tutorials on character strengths and weaknesses should really be a standard in fighting games. It'd be cool if they could start off in a series and then expand over time via DLC and sequels. I'd reckon we'd have a hell of a library for each character by now if they did that in CT.
I'm sure some people would still want more though lol.
I think if ASW wants to make some serious ground in regards to making the game more accessible, they should make the challenge mode combos worthwhile as opposed to, like, combo gauntlets. That would instantly solve the issue of forcing new players to land multiple hits to complete with the damage of players that can combo.
That was a lot of fun. I wish the chat was more featured though.
I tried Stylish mode on like two fights. I'm not really sure what it is but it seems like if I press Square, it just does combos for me. But I can't figure out how to do special moves. D ends up being grab or something.
Stylish mode seems like a decent alternative for people who just want to mash? I don't like it. That was the only way I beat your Makoto in that mirror fight.
I hope we can play again!
I'll probably "main" Noel. Though I won't really play online on my own so that probably doesn't mean anything. Arcade/Story I'll play and learn the basics of every character - like I do in all fighting games.
I really enjoyed Arakune. His animations are so weird. I'm not sure what his Drive actually does though. mu-12 was my least favourite.
I didn't like fighting any of those characters with projectiles. I have no idea how to get in.
Tonight reminded me I should start working on learning more than one lame BnB for Makoto. Sorry for being boring and only playing Makoto though, as she's the only character I know combos for. :x
I think most people just play their one character they're most familiar with. I'm just weird. I "random" a lot. I'm okay with people practicing the character they like.
I don't know how to do that green knock back that you do. And I have no idea how to get out of corners. I still need to learn a lot of things.
The green knock-back is Break Burst. You hit ABCD all at once and you can only use it as many times as you have that weird looking red/white symbol thing under the portrait I think.
These aren't even the biggest issues for me tbh. I can reset the combo a million times so I don't feel like a multiplier is all that important in challenges(forgot that when I was typing my post up lol). It should be added to tutorial mode though.Yeah, this kind of killed me in SF3oe. Nailing parries was more often fluke than skill, and the action is so minimal that you spend more time in the menu than you do practicing.
Hey AkSys guys! Pass it along.![]()
I've ever played an online game with a character other than Litchi. The only combos I know for other characters are combos that I've learned to teach other people. Don't sweat it too much.Tonight reminded me I should start working on learning more than one lame BnB for Makoto. Sorry for being boring and only playing Makoto though, as she's the only character I know combos for. :x
Yes, but it only applies on the English version of the few lines which had to be redone. So I think she has 2 actresses in CS:EX. Don't know exactly which are the different lines though as I use JP voices.Someone mentioned before that Noel's voice actor got changed. Did this turn out to be true?
Probably? >.>
BB is an Online Warrior's game, it seems, so you probably won't have any trouble finding a match.
Oh, should have mentioned I have a PS3 too. More of a question (that I didn't really ask) between the two if anyone has experience with both.
Challenges that start with a grab seem so hard to do (Tsubaki and Makoto's 8th challenge). The opponent always seems to recover early.
E: and just as I say that I complete Makoto's challenge, lol.
I have the Vita version too. If you want play with a scrub, my PSN is nya_08.Vita version here. Apparently if I play at like 6am, I can win against scrubs. I've never been very good at competitive play, but I still love the fuck out of fighting games (sans modern capcom)
If you're doing a save transfer between PS3 and Vita how does that affect your trophies? Will it be two entries, but different trophies? That's gonna get confusing.
What console are you on?I just had some hilariously good rounds with Gaf member I9. Man, I didn't realize that Taokaka could triple jump. Those two jc aerial combos. I also love that you can tiger knee her QCF B attack. This game is so good.
Btw, if anybody is looking for some rounds, I'm game! I usually play in the evening PST.