Latest preview of BlazBlue Alter Memory.
Only about 30 seconds of footage around the middle.
Only about 30 seconds of footage around the middle.
People interested in BBCP: Play-Asia has it for preorder at just $65 with free shipping available.
- Learn to hitconfirm in the corner every time. Mu gets big damage in the corner and you're going to spend a lot of time there. If you can't do this, you'll probably lose as Mu's neutral game simply isn't that good.So, now that I actually own the game and have to train for a relatively big tourney, could anyone give me some general Mu advice and what should I be practicing?
- Learn to hitconfirm in the corner every time. Mu gets big damage in the corner and you're going to spend a lot of time there. If you can't do this, you'll probably lose as Mu's neutral game simply isn't that good.
- Her neutral game isn't that good, but her oki is. Learn knockdown setups.
- Learn how to run away and spam steins.
Wanna play a few games solar?
That is not really true. Properly conducted stein "spam" is one of the most effective ways to stall in the game. It is hard to just run in on Mu at fullscreen.Stein spam will not avail you against someone who knows what they're doing. It will only get you cheap wins, if that. In the last game when you actively did some combos, that was much better play, and you deserved the last win.
That is not really true. Properly conducted stein "spam" is one of the most effective ways to stall in the game. It is hard to just run in on Mu at fullscreen.
Solar you'd do ok if you put some steins on the ground. You only place them in the air which doesn't affect oki that much since if they hit you and you block the beams won't come. If you put more on the ground you can explode them and possibly get some free hits. It was obvious the lag was affecting you as you missed the timing of all the 63214C's
Couldn't last night, unfortunately.First time I've run into it, but I hardly ever see Mu players. Also, are you up for matches?
I doubt that's true. If you're still playing with people at the bottom of ranked (we should probably define "bottom") then it's likely that you can win with hitconfirming alone. Mu is a character that requires you to complete your combos. Her game plan looks like this:Honestly I only really do it that much because I feel safer. And it's been working, but it's the bottom of ranked so it's not like it says much. Proper Stein usage is what I need to eork on the most.
Do people still play this game online in random matchmaking on vita? I have the game from ps plus and I'm interested in starting to play.
Anyway, the question I wanted to ask is whether I should continue playing CS or just migrate to P4A (or something) until CP is released in October? I need to relearn the game anyway and if a lot changed in CP... maybe waiting 2 months is less effort than learning characters now and relearning then.
Stylish is a waste of time.So I just picked this up today, played/watched the very first tutorial where it talked about the stylish system and then was told the rest of the tutorial would be told in the technical system. I am guessing that I should learn how to use the technical system and not bother with stylish?
Also, I tried playing arcade, picked Noel and did ok I suppose on Normal. Got through the first six matches, most of which went to 3 rounds. Obviously I need to go back through the tutorial but are there any tips for stuff that I should really focus on?
So I preordered BBCP from Play Asia and someone on Dustloop said that they'll give the Terumi preorder code. Does anyone know if this is true?
I thought the code came with all launch versions of the game?
Man, this tutorial is assuming I'm an absolute moron.
I don't mind that for once.![]()
The tutorial is pretty detailed compared to some other fighters.
Agh, so conflicted concerning whether I should import CP or not. I don't have anyone to play with so the answer should be obvious to me, but it sucks having to wait several months for the North American version.
Agh, so conflicted concerning whether I should import CP or not. I don't have anyone to play with so the answer should be obvious to me, but it sucks having to wait several months for the North American version.
I broke down and decided to import. I play this series so much and story is great and all but I can wait till it's real cheap to find out what happens. The fact that there is still no NA release date makes me not want to wait.
I can always play with you too...
I'd say get it unless story mode is important to you too. For online, quite a few of us are getting it here, including myself. Plus I'll be taking BB seriously this time (I'll aim to try and hold my own against Fugu). Several months is also going to make you ahead of a lot of people with all that tech and matchup experience.