I'll play tonight if you want.
Ranked is literally me and 40 Ragnas.
Probably not unless it's relatively early.
Put the computer on random block and try and land your combos that way.So yeah I re-learned the other day that practicing combo's for 3 hours doesn't actually help you perform them in a real match. You pretty much forget it all while you're trying to actually get a hit on someone.
Think I'll limit that to 30 minutes tops for combo practice, afterwards real matches only for however much longer I play the game for.
Put the computer on random block and try and land your combos that way.
Improvisation is necessary to a degree. Many characters have several delineating combo routes depending on the opener/sloppiness of the hitconfirm; work on the "bad" ones too because, more likely than not, you'll be seeing the lower prorate versions more often than the full combos for a long time. I have used Litchi's "second best" corner combo more times than I can count.
In general, it is more important to hitconfirm than it is to do the correct combo as it means more meter, more damage and hopefully some kind of knockdown (not totally applicable if you're making stuff up and it's not an option, but still). If you can't hitconfirm the proper combo, work on just hitconfirming *something* for now. Try and find ways to get cheap knockdown with your character that you can do off of most hits. People who can't hitconfirm anything lose to people who mash because the people who mash invariably confirm a lot of things and therefore invariably deal a decent amount of damage and get meter. You simply won't win one hit at a time unless you're playing as Hakumen.
Who are you playing, by the way?
Don't know if it was posted somewhere, but BlazBlue's apparently going to get an anime adaptation.
I suppose it was inevitable.
Dustloop is the best place for BB stuff right? After the Arc stream I want to play learn some BB before CP comes out.
The cartoon's being done by kg (new) and Hoods (Qwaser of Stigmata).
Dustloop is the best place in English but you will probably have to rely on video analysis and stuff like that for any sort of upper-level information. Speaking as a Litchi player I can tell you that Dustloop is far from a complete repository of information.Dustloop is the best place for BB stuff right? After the Arc stream I want to play learn some BB before CP comes out.
Litchi is much better suited to full screen and 3/4 screen than Ragna is. You will not easily punish whiffs, particularly at full screen. The most important thing, therefore, is patience. Put your effort into getting in close as you have a rather large advantage there, taking care to not leave yourself vulnerable to Itsuu A or CH ground normals. 6D and 6B[m] pose a particular threat to Ragna, as 6D will beat attempts to run in on the ground, and 6B[m] will beat stupid shit like half screen gauntlet hades or whatever; getting hit by either of those moves in a CH will give Litchi 50 heat and corner carry, not to mention a ton of damage. 6B[m] can be followed up with 6C[m] -- a very common frametrap -- so be prepared to block again afterwards. Probably the best time to approach Litchi is when she has tossed the staff and it hasn't hit you, as her staffless normals are not threatening by themselves. Beware, however, that the staff is going to come back and hit you unless you land an actual hit (not a blocked hit) on Litchi or you are standing on the other side of her. If you get in on Litchi and she has the staff, be aware that 5B[m] has a surprisingly large amount of range and comes out at a reasonable speed. Be sure to also remember that Litchi has a rather formidable DP.I had a question, Fugu, when I'm Ragna, when's the best time to get in against Litchi? Usually, like other footsie characters for fighters, I'll whiff punish or approach after I see them whiff, or I'll try to keep them honest at my max distance and inch in. With her range, I feel like that she's already recovered unless I'm going in after the wrong move.
With Rachel I at least have some idea (even though I don't like playing that matchup much).
Thanks, that's just what I needed. Usually I try to record and play to figure out how to beat things, but for Litchi I didn't know which specific things to look for, leaving me too scared and fumbling my combos in matches. Guess I'll eventually hit training mode and get used to dealing with some of these options with Rachel as well.Litchi is much better suited to full screen and 3/4 screen than Ragna is. You will not easily punish whiffs, particularly at full screen. The most important thing, therefore, is patience. Put your effort into getting in close as you have a rather large advantage there, taking care to not leave yourself vulnerable to Itsuu A or CH ground normals. 6D and 6B[m] pose a particular threat to Ragna, as 6D will beat attempts to run in on the ground, and 6B[m] will beat stupid shit like half screen gauntlet hades or whatever; getting hit by either of those moves in a CH will give Litchi 50 heat and corner carry, not to mention a ton of damage. 6B[m] can be followed up with 6C[m] -- a very common frametrap -- so be prepared to block again afterwards. Probably the best time to approach Litchi is when she has tossed the staff and it hasn't hit you, as her staffless normals are not threatening by themselves. Beware, however, that the staff is going to come back and hit you unless you land an actual hit (not a blocked hit) on Litchi or you are standing on the other side of her. If you get in on Litchi and she has the staff, be aware that 5B[m] has a surprisingly large amount of range and comes out at a reasonable speed. Be sure to also remember that Litchi has a rather formidable DP.
Are you getting hit by Itsuu a lot, or are you getting hit by normals?Thanks, that's just what I needed. Usually I try to record and play to figure out how to beat things, but for Litchi I didn't know which specific things to look for, leaving me too scared and fumbling my combos in matches. Guess I'll eventually hit training mode and get used to dealing with some of these options with Rachel as well.
I think it's Itsuu a lot, mostly on block. Sometimes I try to get in and sneak in that low and other times I'm outside of range but forced to block, then getting dragged in and trying to find a safe time to get out. I know you can punish inbetween (B version I think?) but sometimes I'm not close enough.Are you getting hit by Itsuu a lot, or are you getting hit by normals?
Narukami still has way better mixups though, imo, haha. I'm biased though since I do main him.I hate Yu as a character in P4A but just realized that Relius is pretty much Yu minus a good dp. Now I'm upset...
If you IB the first hit of Itsuu B, you can DP it. Make sure it doesn't whiff though. Other punishes are unreliable because it can be hard to gauge whether or not the second hit will land.I think it's Itsuu a lot, mostly on block. Sometimes I try to get in and sneak in that low and other times I'm outside of range but forced to block, then getting dragged in and trying to find a safe time to get out. I know you can punish inbetween (B version I think?) but sometimes I'm not close enough.
Narukami still has way better mixups though, imo, haha. I'm biased though since I do main him.
But really, he does...
If you IB the first hit of Itsuu B, you can DP it. Make sure it doesn't whiff though. Other punishes are unreliable because it can be hard to gauge whether or not the second hit will land.
Itsuu A is an AA that hits on a 45 degree angle. It can hit behind, too. Itsuu A leads to the most damage, carry and meter. It is also very easy to combo off of.
Itsuu B is a mid with very far range. Itsuu B will not combo if it hits you in the air.
Itsuu C is a low that hits on a 45 degree angle. Itsuu C gets the least damage and carry.
Itsuu can also be cancelled with D. The last few frames of Itsuu can also be cancelled into staff throw, which means kote, shishin and kokushi are also possible.
As of CS2, all itsuus will do both hits on hit and block. The second hit of every itsuu is safe. Itsuu's guard point blocks mid and high for an infinite number of hits; if you hit the guard point, you are probably going to get hurt.
EDIT: I am wrong. Itsuu B can combo if it hits you in the air, it's just very difficult and doesn't seem to do very much damage. You can also try throwing between the first and second hits.
Yeah, the damage is similar, but A is higher. I don't see many people get the full combo off of Itsuu C because it's so inconsistent.The second hit of each Itsuu ender is really + on block, but there's a really big gap between the two hits. You can actually jump forward and close space and dodge the second hit entirely. The gap's big enough to where Litchi can 5B[m] another Litchi between the two hits, and she has the slowest 5B in the game iirc.
Really all 3 Itsuu followups lead to pretty similar combos and damage, unless you hit someone crouching with Itsuu B and that character has a small crouch hitbox so you can't combo into 6C. Itsuu C has the best corner carry though, since you can do
Itsuu C>dash>jump>falling j.C>j.B>6C>421D>dash>6A>5D>236C>stuff
Combo's really stupid to nail consistently though.
Makoto is worse. Tsubaki does fine.I found my 360 copy of CSE. Everything I read says Tsubaki is really bad; should I just play Makoto.
Makoto is worse. Tsubaki does fine.
You down for matches, Fugu? Messaging you on PSN seems to be a crap shoot.
I'll play with you.
Sure thing, but Fugu and I have unfinished business.I'll be on in a few.
Evenings are bad for me lately. I can't play tonight. Yes, unfortunately my PS3 is more or less constantly on. If I see you on I will invite you though.Sure thing, but Fugu and I have unfinished business.I'll be on in a few.
That last match was all hilarious luck. I suck at Relius. You're good with everyone, Roe. GGs. (Minimal lag too!)
You weren't lagging up the room; that game was just straight up laggy. The host was bitching about Litchi like nobody's business and complaining about how he couldn't do anything in the corner against Litchi (while playing as Lambda). He got so fed up with losing that at one point, he "accidentally" picked Nu and went on to say that Nu was fundamentally the same as Lambda so him beating me as Nu was basically the same. I had no mic so I just got to sit back and enjoy the fireworks.I found Fugu in a room at 5 am I left before we got to play cause I thought I was causing lag. We didn't even say hi![]()
You weren't lagging up the room; that game was just straight up laggy. The host was bitching about Litchi like nobody's business and complaining about how he couldn't do anything in the corner against Litchi (while playing as Lambda). He got so fed up with losing that at one point, he "accidentally" picked Nu and went on to say that Nu was fundamentally the same as Lambda so him beating me as Nu was basically the same. I had no mic so I just got to sit back and enjoy the fireworks.
Does anyone want to get on and play with me sometime? I need the team trophies in order to get the platinum so I need two other people. Any help would be appreciated also we could just mess around and play!
I'll play right now. Not the same right now you were referring to, but this right now.