ghostmind said:Disagree.
If someone wants to dedicate that much of their time to creating a fancy OP, then what is the harm in letting them indulge? Is it a crime to be excited by anything these days?
Nobody is putting a gun to your head to read the OP of these topics.
Compared to some of the shit that is found on GAF these days, I would think that a fancy OP would be a minor offendor at most.
Gonna have to agree on this one. I heard the guy who made the LotR OT is really really good looking as well, although a bit chubby.Ark said:I very much like the LOTR: War in the North & Skyrim OT's for recent example.
Impressive for a fan PR effort, useless as an OT.Hex said:In fact I think it is rather impressive.
Incidentally, the actual text in these overblown OTs suggests that all of these PR-genuflecting posters are indeed taking remedial English.Woo-Fu said:People who complain about opt-in threads instead of simply opting-out are a plague on this board. This isn't remedial English, nobody is making you read anything you don't want to.
I wouldn't say that shorter is better always. The Skyrim OT is of a decent length and still manages to be very good by providing a lot of good info and not putting it all in images. The headings, screenshots, maps, and videos are well done and manage to make the OT very attractive.Willy105 said:So for shorter OP's, would you guys figure this is a good size? Or this? Or do you feel those sizes robs you of potential information?
Of course, info should not be in images (unlike those I linked in this post), but in text.
Himuro got Suikoden Tierkreis for free from a PR person for his thread and general enthusiasm for the series.Durante said:When did that happen?
ghst said:incase you hadn't noticed, the assassin's creed revelations OT went up today:
not safe for those prone to carpal tunnel in their mousewheel finger
It's not that they ARE PR people, it's that their posts might as well be the work of PR.JDSN said:Yeah, accusing someone of being a viral marketer is bannable, but yeah..that thread...yeah.
Yep, which is why I added a table of content right bellow the main post; with individual links too.enzo_gt said:I'm saying the OPs themselves go overboard in containing extraneous information like entire histories of everything in the context of the franchise, that they make it hard to find the information someone needs WHEN they need that information, that is saying when someone indeed does read the OP. Someone else said it best, if I wanted to read that shit I'd go to Wikipedia. Table of Contents somewhat help this, but you still have that extraneous, sometimes even miscellaneous, stuff in the way.
I appreciate the effort and passion though, don't get it twisted. Fancy images and stylistic choices are a fetish of the artist inside me. Were you the one who did the MK OT? I'm not a fan of the size. I like the graphic a great deal, but parsing through all that information is a bitch and counterintuitive to the goal of an OT, in my personal opinion.
My stance is that if the OP is too long I will simply skip it. So it's a wasted effort, as far as I'm concerned.hey_it's_that_dog said:The whole point of starting a thread on a message board is that it's contributing to a communal discussion. An OP designed purely to indulge the ego or urges (or whatever) of the author isn't doing its job and therefore should be subject to criticism.
If many people don't find that kind of OP to be useful, everyone should take that into consideration if/when creating an OP.
I love that you put GAFers' opinions in it.Andrex said:I humbly submit to you my Super Mario 3D Land OT. <3
No scrollbars! Even on netbooks! Impressions from actual Gaffers! One post only!
OK so I get like, one post to stroke my ego OK?
Amir0x is basing the Skyward Sword format on it, and I'm providing the netbook-friendly header images. So that should be a good thread too.
I thought fan service was one of the main goals for OTs. You're hyped for the game, you get even more hyped browsing an homage to the game.CoffeeJanitor said:These bloated messes are not much of a help to anyone who isn't a massive fan of the title at hand.
I agree. Good job, Andrex.Foliorum Viridum said:I love that you put GAFers' opinions in it.
THAT is a community OT right there. Well done, mate. I'd love to see that idea in every OT going forward.
As someone just getting into the AC series I can appreciate having all the crap from the IOS games, novels, et cetera in one place.
If someone were to do this for, say, ME3 and include all the comics/novels/spinoff promotional side games I could see it getting pretty horrifying.
As far as I'm concerned, RevenantKioku is the king of official threads.Foliorum Viridum said:I love that you put GAFers' opinions in it.
THAT is a community OT right there. Well done, mate. I'd love to see that idea in every OT going forward.
FatalT said:Herp derp great OP derp. Actually I didn't read it. I hope you enjoy your free copy of the game as much as I enjoy the decrease in fluff posts my ignore list will bring me!
Mupod said:As someone just getting into the AC series I can appreciate having all the crap from the IOS games, novels, et cetera in one place.
Andrex said:I humbly submit to you my Super Mario 3D Land OT. <3
No scrollbars! Even on netbooks! Impressions from actual Gaffers! One post only!
OK so I get like, one post to stroke my ego OK?
Amir0x is basing the Skyward Sword format on it, and I'm providing the netbook-friendly header images. So that should be a good thread too.
Extremely well done. Tons of info, lots of images and video, reviews, and some extras without being overly bulky or taking up too many posts.Andrex said:I humbly submit to you my Super Mario 3D Land OT. <3
No scrollbars! Even on netbooks! Impressions from actual Gaffers! One post only!
OK so I get like, one post to stroke my ego OK?
Amir0x is basing the Skyward Sword format on it, and I'm providing the netbook-friendly header images. So that should be a good thread too.
That's why there's a new trend of series OTs. Single game OTs should be just that. Keep extra info not about that game to a series OT.Mupod said:As someone just getting into the AC series I can appreciate having all the crap from the IOS games, novels, et cetera in one place.
If someone were to do this for, say, ME3 and include all the comics/novels/spinoff promotional side games I could see it getting pretty horrifying.
GAF OTs are not meant for the general public. They're meant for enthusiasts who are frothing with hype. They already have the release date marked on their calendar and/or tattooed on their buttocks. If they don't bring your webbroswer to its knees and make your scroll marker the size of a pixel they're doing it wrong.Volcynika said:I find it amusing when in the past some of these over the top OTs are filled to the brim of miscellaneous information, but forget things like the game's release date.
But would this be acceptable for something as simple as Mario? There's no need to go all out in terms of past products, keeping some Metacritic score alongside each release. I understand the intent behind the Assassin's Creed thread and the possible joy of work that someone may have put in to it, but there is a thin line between fan creation and PR mouthpiece on this forum when it concerns Official Threads.Mupod said:As someone just getting into the AC series I can appreciate having all the crap from the IOS games, novels, et cetera in one place.