JoeFenix said:SMH at these impressions, you people find the game shallow because you play it on a surface level.
Try to go for a higher rank and explore the game systems instead of mashing square and barely scraping by with a F rank.
That's the impression I got since the first screens have been released... I dunno, they look to me way less consistent than in other WF games.TTP said:Graphics can get messy at times.
I've been trying to learn the mechanics for the game. I think you might as well assume that if you have multiple enemies around and your attacks aren't hitting them all, one full combo (4 attacks that is) will lead to you being hit.Giolon said:I saw you on top of the PS3 leaderboards. You have like quadruple my score...and I have no idea how T.T
I can't figure out for the life of me how to not take damage. You get stuck in combo animations - and then some asshole shoots you from across the screen. Or you try to poison a guy but his 20 friends whack you. Then you get hit as you're getting up from being knocked down. It's a mess. And don't even get me started on that shadow section of the first level...can't see shit.
Can't say I'm a little disapointed in the game. Looks gorgeous. Plays so-so.
Maybe I'll warm up to it more. :-/ For the record, I got C ranks![]()
Thanks for the tips. I hate games like this. Why even bother giving a "long" combo that all it will lead to is you getting stuck in the animations and mobbed if there's more than one enemy around? That's not fun. Neither is getting hit repeatedly while you're trying to get up.Sectus said:I've been trying to learn the mechanics for the game. I think you might as well assume that if you have multiple enemies around and your attacks aren't hitting them all, one full combo (4 attacks that is) will lead to you being hit.
I feel like the game is all about crowd control and keeping enemies stunned. The standard combo is great for kicking one enemy into other enemies so they get stunned and positioned to the same place. That's basically the primary reason I ever use that combo. You've got one simple air combo (one attack, then hold down and attack), and you'll do a heavy drop onto the ground and stun enemies around you for a long time.
Another important thing to remember is to use the gun as a normal weapon. At first I treated it like a "super bomb" weapon like in shoot'em'ups, but I noticed you get ammo for it really often. And it's insanely handy for stunning groups of enemies. I use it all the time now.
I do think the scoring is a bit unfair. If you die several times in a level, then you'll never get higher than F. The biggest gap seems to between F and C. Once you reach that rank, it's easier to get up to A or S. Although S is insanely hard to reach. You'll need to get most of the time bonus and get hit only a few times throughout a level. I've only been able to get S on the first mission so far.
Muchi Muchi Pink said:German here, all new arcade games are up, but no bloodrayne, WTF?
Giolon said:Probably b/c it's filled with blood spraying everywhere?
Would only a problem if there'd be swatiskas in the game. Can someone confirm this?HadesGigas said:The Bloodrayne series has involved slaying Nazis, but no clue if there's any of that in Betrayal.
kinoki said:When I first saw the character Bloodrayne I thought "my god, this is the next Lara Croft" and saw a potential of creating a best selling franchise with huge potential to expand. But so far, this is the only game that really capitalizes on that oppertunity.
JoeFenix said:SMH at these impressions, you people find the game shallow because you play it on a surface level.
Try to go for a higher rank and explore the game systems instead of mashing square and barely scraping by with a F rank.
The Take Out Bandit said:Correct me if I'm wrong on crouching attacks.
Skilletor said:She has a crouching attack but she can't without doing a move.
The Take Out Bandit said:Okay, so basically no crouching attack by just pressing down and attack?
The Take Out Bandit said:Okay, so basically no crouching attack by just pressing down and attack?
Same for germany, try it on some other market, I could download it via an austrian account without using vpn.Nemesis556 said:So this isn't available in Australia?
Thrakier said:Not right, there is one.
The Take Out Bandit said:Ah, okay the problem is she just doesn't crouch if she's not attacking.
Just fired up the demo again.
I miss crouching as found in Batman: B&tB. Plus that game in general just had better mobility options. Bloodrayne and Thor are nice, but B&tB is the better Wayforward beat'em up.
If Bloodrayne had co-op play I'd pick it up. Kind of sucks it doesn't as co-op beat'em ups are always fantastic fun, and they make such a big deal out of this other character. Maybe if they make a sequel they'll rectify this egregious omission.
As is, it's nice to see Wayfoward developing something not for a Nintendo system only and hopefully they continue to do so.
Skilletor said:Hey, I love Batman. I think it's Wayforward's 2nd best game after Shantae.
This reminds me of Thor.
The Take Out Bandit said:I didn't know I liked you until today, now if only you can accept 3rd Strike Jesus into your heart. :3
Solid, just not spectacular.
Retro_ said:Never played the batman games but I don't think crouching would add much at all to this game.
Just jump and air dash. What the hell do you need a crouch for?
Skilletor said:Because options are awesome. And I'd like to duck under bullets when an enemy is across the screen shooting at me.
Persona7 said:I dodge bullets by using the dash button
Persona7 said:I dodge bullets by using the dash button
Skilletor said:So do I. But it's funny that some are talking about how there are so many options in this game, but when one comes up that is quite obvious to have, people just say YOU DON'T NEED IT!
Skilletor said:So do I. But it's funny that some are talking about how there are so many options in this game, but when one comes up that is quite obvious to have, people just say YOU DON'T NEED IT!
Because options are awesome. I'd like to duck under bullets when an enemy is across the screen shooting at me. Why shouldn't she be able to crouch? She's got an animation for it. It would take nothing away from the game.
I don't need lots of things in this game. That's my problem with it
Unfortunately that's typical of any game that's receiving overwhelmingly glowing reviews. The veneer of new shiny is still blinding those who cannot view the game objectively. Plus you got to factor in the PS3/360 unfamiliarity with Wayforward's beat'em ups on other platforms.
They should have taken a lesson from Hard Corps Uprising and allowed players who aren't incapable of double tap motions to two tap. :\
Sectus said: - Uploaded a video with S rank on mission 1.
Retro_ said:Nice copout
confirmation bias sure is something
You dash with L2.