I can! But that's because I saw some amazing stuff in Disc 3 that surpasses that. 
Blimblim said:Can you believe this is realtime?
Blimblim said:Well I wouldn't say it's "too bad", it's just a way for the real RPG newbies to get used to the fight system and exploration.
Can you believe this is realtime?
Bebpo said:Sure. I mean on a tech level it's not all that impressive. You have the 3 character models and 3 not too high geometery robot hand models using the same textures. So six objects in a not too detailed background.. Game looks very nice and I'm completely happy with it on a graphical front, but like other Jrpgs and most Japanese games in general, it looks good because of the art, not because of any neat tech things that are hard to believe are happening in real-time like Gears or Resistance.Plus I remember that cutscene because it's one of the few that had a screen tear when the kids were grabbed.
Bebpo said:Sure. I mean on a tech level it's not all that impressive.
Resistance IMHO looks good thanks to the excellent (for the most part) art direction and a solid but absolutely not amazing tech. The lack of any kind of seemingly proper lighting really kills it for me.Bebpo said:it looks good because of the art, not because of any neat tech things that are hard to believe are happening in real-time like Gears or Resistance.
clashfan said:I can't believe that's realtime, the graphics for Blue Dragon is much better then I though!
clashfan said:I think you are underestimating Artoon's technology. The Blinx games may not have great gameplay but it's tech was always pretty good. Blue Dragon doesn't have that generic shinny 3d rendered look. From what I have seen it looks fantastic!
duckroll said:That's because it's a FMV.![]()
duckroll said:That's because it's a FMV.![]()
HAaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa lalalaalalalalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!Bebpo said:
Blimblim said:HAaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa lalalaalalalalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
I can't get the song you get after you are done with this quest out of my head![]()
It's the most beautiful realistic game too?cvxfreak said:I spoke too soon.
Bebpo said:No that scene is real-time, evidenced by the screen tearing.
The easiest way to tell the two apart is that the FMV scenes have facial expressions like a movie, whereas the real-time stuff just has the simple open/close flaps.
Blimblim said:It's the most beautiful realistic game too?
Yep, the falling part was CG. No tearing.duckroll said:Was it? Then it must be the scene right after that which was FMV. The falling sequence was totally ROBOT CG.
Blimblim said:Yep, the falling part was CG. No tearing.
It's still rather incredible to have to look for the tiny details to be sure if it's realtime or not.
I'm only 1 hour in, so I can't discuss much more than the graphics :/duckroll said:Yeah I notice the tearing when they're usually panning upward on a character or scene. Anyway, why are we nitpicking on video details again? It seems that no one wants to discuss the gameplay.![]()
duckroll said:Yeah I notice the tearing when they're usually panning upward on a character or scene. Anyway, why are we nitpicking on video details again? It seems that no one wants to discuss the gameplay.![]()
fixed. A review is something done when a game is finished and all the pros and cons are weighed. As always, on-going impressions are just that...on-going. As the game quality dips up and down so do the impressions. You never seem to get this aspect![]()
Bebpo said:It's interesting that the game lets you get away with putting tanks in front and mages in the back and the mages will never be attacked ever by physical attack enemys unless the tank dies. Sorta like a turn-based Tales fight!
painey said:oh man they better fix screentearing for english release.. i CANNOT believe that shit is allowed to be left in by MS
DCharlie said:I'll reiterate again - i've seen the vsync go off ONCE for a split second when turning in a large area (being someone who doesn't care about framerates and stuff though, i'm probably just missing this on my inferior set up!) - i've literally seen this once, i'm not seeing it at the same rate as bebpo and it's definitely not going to affect your enjoyment of the game (IMO)
Karma Kramer said:the battle of impressions
Bah! PS2 has had screen tearing for a whole generation. Typical MS stealing Sony's techniques.Bebpo said:Well MS lets a lot of other games get away with it, so why would BD be any different :\ Screen-tearing is a major next-gen problem with many, many developers. But I do think as developers get more accustomed to the new machines screen-tearing will go away.
DCharlie said:more opening shots....
Ginko said:Thanks, DCharlie.
The water is breathtaking..
DCharlie, I guess you are a picky videophile that just turns off the nitpicking when the game is on X360Actually, all joking aside, how far are you? I'm under the impression you aren't too far in and until you start getting the various magic attacks, you won't have screen tearing in battles.
I mean it's one thing to not notice it a few times during cutscenes I guess....but it happens during a various attacks in almost every battle and is even evident in the video captures; saying you don't see that at all is....
Zaptruder said:I really hope that either the PAL or American version are region free.
Because man... playing through this game in japanese probably isn't gonna be worth my time (Asian console and all that).
duckroll said:There will be another Asian release in English.