virtuafightermaster said:It is very kiddie indeed. Wish they have gone with different character design artist.
are we STILL on this?
virtuafightermaster said:It is very kiddie indeed. Wish they have gone with different character design artist.
The frown doesn't even look all that serious. Looks very silly for some reason.Blimblim said:Yeah it's quite good. Only thing I dislike is Shu's frown. He's a rather lighthearted character so this looks a bit out of place.
virtuafightermaster said:It is very kiddie indeed. Wish they have gone with different character design artist.
The X06 trailer was on Marketplace for awhile but they've taken it down months ago. I'm pretty sure we'll have a new one in a couple weeks during E3.got2bekidding said:Is it that I can't find it or is there not a Blue Dragon trailer or any kind of video on the XBL Marketplace to dl for free....or for money?
GreekWolf said:The X06 trailer was on Marketplace for awhile but they've taken it down months ago. I'm pretty sure we'll have a new one in a couple weeks during E3.
Llyranor said:Hmm, if you have two controllers hooked in, can the second controller also be used at the same time? IE. Could two players split some of the characters amongst themselves and each control a few in battle?
clashfan said:Is there a limited edition Blue Dragon for the US?
Quazar said:I'll try this thread. How many towns/cities are in BD?
FateBreaker said:Better question: how many dungeons/fields are there?
Best question: Do we really need to know this?
Quazar said:I like RPGs with alot of towns/cities so yes I do.![]()
Thoren said:Dude just let the game surprise you!
Quazar said:I like RPGs with alot of towns/cities so yes I do.![]()
Me likey!u_neek said:Euro cover:
Blimblim said:It seems that some reviewers where totally turned off by the poo monsters and other Toriyama funny antics. Some went as far as boycotting Sakaguchi's interviews a few weeks ago because the game was so bad in their opinion.
Well I heard about people from all type of magazines I know for a fact that JVM (jeux video magazine), multiplatform publication, refused to go interview Sakaguchi because how terrible they thought Blue Dragon was. I think they actually were offended by the game or something.Suikoguy said:That's very strange BlimBlim
I plan to buy it myself, what to the reviewers in question normally review? Perhaps they are not used to the format if they only review Xbox games?
That's insane.Blimblim said:Well I heard about people from all type of magazines I know for a fact that JVM (jeux video magazine), multiplatform publication, refused to go interview Sakaguchi because how terrible they thought Blue Dragon was. I think they actually were offended by the game or something.
Sometimes I think the gaming "journalists" have lost all sense of wonder and humor. Blue Dragon is all about a lighthearted story with silly humor from times to times. It's all good clean fun, and certainly nothing to be offended about.
Blimblim said:Yeah it's quite good. Only thing I dislike is Shu's frown. He's a rather lighthearted character so this looks a bit out of place.
I think they have 1nt0rn3tz in France too...GreekWolf said:Perhaps Microsoft should pull the game from store shelves there, along with all future Mistwalker releases. If they want a copy of Lost Odyssey then they can plan a nice little road trip to get it.
Blimblim said:Well I heard about people from all type of magazines I know for a fact that JVM (jeux video magazine), multiplatform publication, refused to go interview Sakaguchi because how terrible they thought Blue Dragon was. I think they actually were offended by the game or something.
Sometimes I think the gaming "journalists" have lost all sense of wonder and humor. Blue Dragon is all about a lighthearted story with silly humor from times to times. It's all good clean fun, and certainly nothing to be offended about.
Unfortunately I don't think this will be limited to France. Between the reviewers who are more used to play action/fps games that will destroy the game, and the others who won't appreciate the game's tone for what it is, I'm starting to think this game will be one of the most polarizing of the 360 in term of review score.GreekWolf said:That's insane.
Perhaps Microsoft should pull the game from store shelves there, along with all future Mistwalker releases. If they want a copy of Lost Odyssey then they can plan a nice little road trip to get it.
Blimblim said:Unfortunately I don't think this will be limited to France. Between the reviewers who are more used to play action/fps games that will destroy the game, and the others who won't appreciate the game's tone for what it is, I'm starting to think this game will be one of the most polarizing of the 360 in term of review score.
I don't usually give scores, but I'd give BD a 95% for a jRPG n00b, and 90% for true jRPGs fans because the game is really easy. It's really my favorite 360 game so far.
Oh no they don't. I've already e-mailed the actors from Die Hard 4 and offered a hefty sum for them to blow up teh interwebs. I should be hearing back from them any minute now.u_neek said:I think they have 1nt0rn3tz in France too...
But yeah, it sounds really stupid.
I can understand not liking Blue Dragon (well no I don't, but you see what I mean), but actually refusing an interview with Sakaguchi? Me and my PR contact for Xbox fansites (since I was still only xboxyde at the time) in France worked for many days in order to get a 10 minutes slot with him, and these guys refuse the invitation when it comes to them? Assholes, that's all what they are.Thoren said:This really makes me sick about today's industry. Everyone is just obsessed with "cinematic action games", its pathetic. How dare they refuse Sakaguchi, one of the key people who escalated video games to where they are today. For some reason I get the vibe that most "journalists" wont even beat the entire game. Heck, it ships with the hard mode already enabled in the NA Version if I recall correctly, so it should be a pretty great experience.
Blimblim said:I can understand not liking Blue Dragon (well no I don't, but you see what I mean), but actually refusing an interview with Sakaguchi? Me and my PR contact for Xbox fansites (since I was still only xboxyde at the time) in France worked for many days in order to get a 10 minutes slot with him, and these guys refuse the invitation when it comes to them? Assholes, that's all what they are.
Blimblim said:I can understand not liking Blue Dragon (well no I don't, but you see what I mean), but actually refusing an interview with Sakaguchi? Me and my PR contact for Xbox fansites (since I was still only xboxyde at the time) in France worked for many days in order to get a 10 minutes slot with him, and these guys refuse the invitation when it comes to them? Assholes, that's all what they are.
Hunahan said:Sometimes I feel like everything I love about video games is just getting pushed out.
I'm usually not one for conspiracy theories, but in this case it seems more than apt. Offended by "objectionable material" in Blue Dragon? Refusal to accept an interview with one of the most highly recognized and celebrated RPG developers of all time?JoeFenix said:Wow, this is really depressing.
This game is just so charming and well put together, I can't believe anyone would hate on it.
You have to atleast recognize that it's quality even if you don't dig the style. Sad.
rs7k said:Just tried out the demo. Pure garbage :lol
rs7k said:Well, maybe I should explain myself. The battles take forever, there's zero challenge, the screen tears all over the place, and on top of all of it, I'm fighting snakes made out of purple poo. I wouldn't mind that last bit if the demo was actually enjoyable.
What do you expect? They're French!Blimblim said:I can understand not liking Blue Dragon (well no I don't, but you see what I mean), but actually refusing an interview with Sakaguchi? Me and my PR contact for Xbox fansites (since I was still only xboxyde at the time) in France worked for many days in order to get a 10 minutes slot with him, and these guys refuse the invitation when it comes to them? Assholes, that's all what they are.