English dub is dreadful. You only need to play the demo to realize that.Sysgen said:Just got this just based on the graphics replys and also for the art.
What is the recommended language to choose? If I choose Japanese I assume I can get English subs. How's the english v/o? Haven't been following the thread so apologies if this question has been answered.
Cruceh said:English dub is dreadful. You only need to play the demo to realize that.
FateBreaker said:Alright, I have put two hours into it.
I love it so far.
I am on the road to losing faith in game critics.
Bebpo said:Ok, here's the unconfirmed deal with hard mode
It SEEMS from what I've read about the US version that it is the Japanese version 1.0 in English. After the Japanese 1.0 came out on disc, you could later download a FREE DLC that added hard and super hard difficulty, new game+, and a few other things.
From what I've read it seems like this DLC will come to the US, like it did to Japan, and therefore it's not included on the disc. Also someone mentioned that you could download the Asia DLC and it would work on the US game? So you might want to try that.
purgeface said:Really enjoying this so far, but a quick question. Is it a good idea to start working on different classes from the beginning, or wait around until I actually need skills from certain classes? Also, how freaking long is it going to take to max out each class for each dragon? These achievements are rough.
BenjaminBirdie said:Just finished the first boss and man the art design and annymation is just so amazing in this fucker.
BenjaminBirdie said:Since I'm crazy, I'm bringing every dragon to 10 in all four classes.
Just finished the first boss and man the art design and annymation is just so amazing in this fucker.
purgeface said:Also, can you revisit earlier areas once you move on to the next disc? That would suck if I missed an item or enemy and be screwed out of the achievements.
Bebpo said:Yeah you can.
The only missable achievements are the QTEs or mini-games (including shooting segments)
goldenpp72 said:also what is a good way to handle poison? I cant find antidotes in the shops and posion kills you in like 3 seconds in the hub..
goldenpp72 said:also what is a good way to handle poison? I cant find antidotes in the shops and posion kills you in like 3 seconds in the hub..
purgeface said:I found a few in the field, also the 3rd area has a shop where you can buy them.
I've had a Japanese account... and I downloaded the free stuff today...it still doesn't give me the option of a HARD mode, where is it?yukoner said:Yep, did this today.
Sign up for a new Hong Kong Silver account, and download the free DLC for Blue Dragon.
Start your game on hard.
I'm only about 2 hours in but the difficulty seems just about right, those fat rats and scorpions are both tough bastards, taking a good 6 or 7 hits each, and dealing around 20-30 in damage.
Tabris said:Well I was going to get it even though I knew it would have a "light-hearted story" (ugh!) as a lot of different aspects of the game looked neat but all these reviews have turned me off.
BenjaminBirdie said:Third town or area?
purgeface said:That drill thing
Android18a said:Guys, Learn generalist stuff early. You'll thank the +2-8 Skill slots soon enough.
Bebpo said:Yeah you can.
The only missable achievements are the QTEs or mini-games (including shooting segments)
Jirotrom said:anyone have info on getting the hard mode...I've downloaded the files but no option appears for the harder difficulty.
asian versions are english, japanese isn't.Sign up for a new Hong Kong Silver account
BenjaminBirdie said:You couldn't have told me that like a half hour ago? What level do get to unlock another set at?
you have a link on how to create an asian account, forgot how. thanks btw.jooey said:asian versions are english, japanese isn't.
Jirotrom said:you have a link on how to create an asian account, forgot how. thanks btw.
goldenpp72 said:also what is a good way to handle poison? I cant find antidotes in the shops and posion kills you in like 3 seconds in the hub..
goldenpp72 said:also what is a good way to handle poison? I cant find antidotes in the shops and posion kills you in like 3 seconds in the hub..
Android18a said:Guys, Learn generalist stuff early. You'll thank the +2-8 Skill slots soon enough.
I've read the manual on the Class and skill systems but is there a post in this thread that sort of summarizes it? I'm not sure that I get it yet.
goldenpp72 said:I keep getting my ass kicked by a dragon, does anyone have a recommendation for level?
purgeface said:Really enjoying this so far, but a quick question. Is it a good idea to start working on different classes from the beginning, or wait around until I actually need skills from certain classes? Also, how freaking long is it going to take to max out each class for each dragon? These achievements are rough.
jakershaker said:You can divide the dragons into 2 classes, ranged and melee.
Swordmaster - Guardian - Assasin - Monk
Black magic - White magic - Support magic - Barrier magic
A character who has Swordmaster as his/hers main class doesnt need to level up any of the magic classes. Magic using shadows don't need the melee classes. I went with:
2xSwordmaster(Shu and Marumaru),1xAsassin(Zola),1xWhitemage(Jiro),1xBlackmage(Kluke)
The only class that everyone needs is the General class, which enables you to equip more accessories/skills. All your characters should get this one to somewhere around Rank 33-36 so they all get the [+Skill 8]. Then you can equip your dragons with more skills then you'll ever need
Worsth saying again.
If you level up Barrier magic to Lv 50 you get [Field Barrier 3] which will give you free SP every time you run into a monster you've fought before.
Then you can level your shadows fast as hell.
Masta_Killah said:Yeah, I just got my ass handed to me by the. Now I have to go and grind to get my other shadow classes leveled up. Remember to level up your other shadow classes or else you'll get stuck.Gotsu-Gotsu in the northern coast wilderness
Shadow Class= Job skill(Assassin, White mage, black mage,etc.)
Skill= you unlock skill when you earn sp through battle. When a fight is over, you gain sp, which counts downwards to 0. When it reaches 0, you gain a new skill. Then you have to go to the skill option in the menu screen and equip it. Once a skill is unlocked, it stays with you and doesn't get removed when you change Shadow Classes. Think FFV Job Skill.
Reason why you want to equip generalist first (should be one of your first choice in choosing a new Class) is because it unlocks skill slots. It'll be helpful when you want to equip more then 3-4 skills.
target the horns with flare and only attack the horn, not the body. Also, you want your attackers to attack right after the spell is cast, so you'll need to rearrange the battle order through timed magic attacks.
Agreed. Im glad I picked it up. Seems like a throwback to what made me like JRPGs back in the day. Very nostalgic. The music is awesome as well IMO.clashfan said:About 2 hours into the game and it's what I expected, a good solid jrpg. It's a really easy game to get into. While the gameplay maybe very traditional, I find the art style very charming.
PhatSaqs said:Agreed. Im glad I picked it up. Seems like a throwback to what made me like JRPGs back in the day. Very nostalgic. The music is awesome as well IMO.