GreekWolf said:After only a mere 27 and a half hours of grinding, I FINALLY beat the Poo Poo King and his Golden Robot pal.
Masta_Killah said::lol :lol :lol
You do know there's an accessory that kills Poos instantly right?
Sadly, it doesn't. But it did help soften the grind at the Golden Poo island. Also one-hit kills Corrosive Poo and Stinky Poo.Brandon F said:Don't think it works on the Poo King boss...does it?
JayDubya said:Need some basic leveling-up mechanics tips...
Are your stats completely dependant on your job, ala FFV, or do you get a flat stat boost every time you level up with a given job equipped?
So like, I've got Shu L5 now, and I've got to pick another job, so I'm thinking... Guardian, maybe?
GreekWolf said:After only a mere 27 and a half hours of grinding, I FINALLY beat the Poo Poo King and his Golden Robot pal.
You should switch classes around, especially since the early levels don't require that much SP. Generalist is especially important since it gives you extra skill slots (which you WILL want) and accessory slots.IoCaster said:I'm still pretty early into the game. I just started into the Hospital Ruins. I've got the default setup with Shu/Swordmaster, Jiro/White Magik and Kluke/Black Magic. I did switch and level Jiro/Barrier to rank 6 for the lv1 field battier, but I'm not really sure when I should start switching the others over and level Generalist and such. I planned to take them each to level 30 or so in their defaults before switching. Does that sound like a workable plan or would it be too much of a grindfest with weakened characters and tougher mobs?
All characters in the low 80's, though what you'll really need to focus on is your skill set. The recipe for success is toPonn01 said:What level? 99? I beat the dragons but the poo king still owns me.
Llyranor said:You should switch classes around, especially since the early levels don't require that much SP. Generalist is especially important since it gives you extra skill slots (which you WILL want) and accessory slots.
Maxxing out one class at a time probably isn't very efficient.
Ponn01 said:What level? 99? I beat the dragons but the poo king still owns me.
DXMachina said:At what point should I start branching out in terms of classes? I've more or less stuck with everyone's base class. I've only deviated to get a couple of abilities.
DXMachina said:At what point should I start branching out in terms of classes? I've more or less stuck with everyone's base class. I've only deviated to get a couple of abilities.
Jirotrom said:how do I play in hard mode...I downloaded it.
so i have to play for a while first?Quazar said:Start the game up new game+
Llyranor said:Er, just start a new game. Then you get to select the difficulty. Or so it was with the HK DLC, IIRC.
it didnt give me an option at just said choose English French or Japanese audio. WTH?Llyranor said:Er, just start a new game. Then you get to select the difficulty. Or so it was with the HK DLC, IIRC.
Jirotrom said:it didnt give me an option at just said choose English French or Japanese audio. WTH?
Figured it out... it was because i had the japanese packs downloaded.
NZNova said:How many double SP items are there? I only have one at the moment, the eyepatch. Can I get another 4 for the remaining characters?
NZNova said:Excellent, thanks for the info. I'll hunt some of those down![]()
Emenis said:I got my blackbelt from the nothings man... 1200 nothings... lol
Llyranor said:Not surprised. You can still win the fight, though.
Quazar said:Yea, you can steal some from mobs as well. I might only have 3, gonna go check.
EDIT: Have 4 and 1 eyepatch
Emenis said:Yeah, i might have bothered to get the achievements had i known that earlier lol.
JayDubya said:Also, to get the item achievement, do I actually have to hang on to copies of all 380 and some-odd items, or just acquire them in one playthrough?
This question basically amounts to "can I sell shit or not?"
Sysgen said:There are a few "cheap" as you call them including one that I can't do.
As recommended by GAF I spent my medals to buy Barrier hearts to help one of my chars get Field Barrier 3. When you have Field Barrier 3 you destroy field enemies with minimal mp cost.
You will have additional chances to meet him so don't worry.
You can sell. The item just has to be in your encylopedia, same with enemies. If you want the item acheivement you best be using the faq or I can pm something later that I used to help you.
JayDubya said:Any other kind of cheap achievements like the "tap A insanely fast to shut the door in time" ones? I'm gonna have to go back and do that one. Luckily I could just start an easy mode playthrough, skip all the cutscenes, do it, and then it would still count... but if there's another later in the game, that's going to suck.
Also, how should I spend these goddamn medals (I found the merchant for the first time, so I know *where* to spend them), and how many are there in the game total?
I'm kind of agonizing over spending them on anything since the guy runs away. I'm thinking you can raise Shadow (Job) Levels by gaining SP, but you can't raise base character stats, so stat ups would be better... but if you naturally max stats anyway when you're max level, that would make those medal rewards a waste whereas the job level medals would just help you get there faster.
They were all a bitch to me but I used Shielda and Quick along with Zephyr for health replenishment. I think I mainly used water magic/sword against it but i'm not sure.DXMachina said:Can you guys offer any tips for defeating the first robot at the end of the first disc on. The one with the guns.Nene's Motherhsip
And will I ever get a chance to go back to town and restock my items?