Diablos said:I'm completely stuck for the first time in this game.
How do I get the platforms to slide to the door in the middle of the room?
SuperPac said:So I've gotten back into Blue Dragon after taking a break from it while the other games of the fall came out. All my characters are above Level 60. I'm on Disc 3 and just doing sidequests to kill a little time and gain some levels. One of the only ones left isCan't figure out what to do there. I've wandered all around but nothing seems to trigger an event except for thein the north east part of the map, where there's a lone house in a snowy area.mailbox.
The fortune teller only tells you about the chest barriers, not the wall barriers.PC Gaijin said:Is there anything special I need to do to unlock this achievement other than removing all the barriers? I spent the better part of today removing all of them, and the fortuneteller in the sheep camp says there are no more barriers left, yet I didn't get the achievement. Am I screwed? If I got boned out of this achievement, which was a PITA to get, my opinion of the game is going to plummet even lower. :lol
Psychotext said:The fortune teller only tells you about the chest barriers, not the wall barriers.
Synless said:Ok I just bought this game for 9 dollars and before I start is there any tips you guys have for me or things that I should be looking for in the game???
lol, I've glanced over it maybe I'll give it a read then.Nolan. said:Read the manual thats no joke.
You learn to love it. That or you'll stab out your own eardrums. Both good. :lolSynless said:Wow, talk about the worst boss music in the history of RPG's seriously does this play everytime throughout the rest of the game??????
Synless said:Wow, talk about the worst boss music in the history of RPG's seriously does this play everytime throughout the rest of the game??????
Nope, but then at least you don't have to babysit it whilst it's going on.JayDubya said:Any way to do this faster than to equip eyepatch + 4 black belts, use Field Barrier 3, and eat a Garlic outside Kelaso village, then kill a bazillion Phantom Pelicans?
Psychotext said:Nope, but then at least you don't have to babysit it whilst it's going on.
Yeah, I just left mine on while I was doing other things; didn't take too long. There's no way I would have had the patience to sit there.JayDubya said:You pretty much get 1 class from ~30=>99 in about 30-40 minutes. 9 classes though. :lol
MajorNelson said:Title: Blue Dragon
Content: Shuffle Dungeon
Price: 400 Microsoft Points
Availability: Not available in Japan
Dash Text: [ESRB: T (Teen) ALCOHOL REFERENCE,CRUDE HUMOR,FANTASY VIOLENCE,MILD LANGUAGE,MILD SUGGESTIVE THEMES] Shuffle Dungeon has arrived! This new content features a mysterious dungeon that changes every time you enter. Along with more than 30 new items, powerful monsters, and more than 10 new hard-to-beat bosses, there are certainly some challenges in store for you! Are you up for it? (Recommended Starting Level: 50 or higher. Supports Hard and Impossible game modes.) Note that you will need to be near the end of the game, and have saved that game, in order to enter a Warp Cube to Shuffle Dungeon. © 2007 BIRD STUDIO / MISTWALKER, INC. All Rights Reserved. © 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. BLUE DRAGON contains AT&T Natural Voices® Text to Speech technology licensed from Wizzard Software Corporation. Microsoft, the Microsoft Game Studios logo, Blue Dragon, Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox LIVE and the Xbox logos are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies.
JayDubya said:I just want to say, Blizzard Dragon on Hard mode was one helluva kickass fight.
Hard mode has mostly been too easy (mostly - those tigers before Jibral Castle would kill me with one hit everytime :lol), so I'm thinking without the mod I never would have enjoyed this game at all.
So... achievements. Going for the all jobs L99 one. Fun. :lol
Any way to do this faster than to equip eyepatch + 4 black belts, use Field Barrier 3, and eat a Garlic outside Kelaso village, then kill a bazillion Phantom Pelicans?
I'm afraid I can't hear you over all the awesome that is Eternity.
Also, wow @ $9. I got it for $40 and was quite happy with that.
Free DLC for the game. Lets you play in Hard / Impossible mode.Synless said:Yea i was more then happy to get it for the price I got it for, now a better question what is this "mod" you speak of???
Impossible mode............!!!!!!!!! That is something I need to get!!!!!!!!Psychotext said:Free DLC for the game. Lets you play in Hard / Impossible mode.
Psychotext said:Free DLC for the game. Lets you play in Hard / Impossible mode.
lol, it's that bad eh? Then yea I'm for sure getting impossible mode then.JayDubya said:The game is pointlessly easy without it.
Imagine if you could beat Dragon Lord in the original DQ handily at like, L10. Like, that kind of easy.
Same. I killed King Poo and Gold Mecha Robo before the final boss... I ate him alive. :loltyphonsentra said:I made the mistake of doing most of the optional quests before the final boss, poor thing wasn't even able to show off his super move.![]()
Dr. Kitty Muffins said:Do you need to start a new game to enter Hard mode?
I'm about ten hours in and I need to get to Gul Mountains. My team is around level 18. So far, this has been one slow starting and pretty vanilla JRPG. Its starting to get good but the early writing is just grade school-ish. Other than that, it is one freaking well polished game.
The music (aside from the boss battles) is one of the best game soundtracks I have ever heard.
The game is starting to grow on me but clearly Artoon/Mistwalker needed to do a better job of drawing you in and perhaps upping the difficulty a bit. The underlying game is solid in all respects and is a nice spin (with new additions) on an old formula. I just hope the next two discs pick it up story wise.
Also, does my party gain any new members?
iconoclast said:So theres new DLC up for Blue Dragon, I assume no one has bought it yet?
I'm tempted to pick it up since I love BD, but between TF2 and several games in my backlog (along with Mass Effect this Tuesday) I wont really have the time for it. Unless its really awesome.
FateBreaker said:I'm interested in this.
Someone go get it?
JayDubya said:I just want to say, Blizzard Dragon on Hard mode was one helluva kickass fight.
Hard mode has mostly been too easy (mostly - those tigers before Jibral Castle would kill me with one hit everytime :lol), so I'm thinking without the mod I never would have enjoyed this game at all.
So... achievements. Going for the all jobs L99 one. Fun. :lol
Any way to do this faster than to equip eyepatch + 4 black belts, use Field Barrier 3, and eat a Garlic outside Kelaso village, then kill a bazillion Phantom Pelicans?
Mr Spliff said:Wassup gaffers? So i've tried following this thread and there seems to be some positive impressions of this game. I'm trying to decide between this and Eternal Sonata as I would like to add another RPG to my collection (yes, I have Mass Effect).
I'm not a huge JRPG fan, haven't played very many of them so I'm not over-exposed to the genre, but I do like turn based combat and lots of customization. I like the early Final Fantasy games (beat FF 2 twice, really liked it), which is why I'm drawn to this title, and I played the first 30min and liked it, music especially. I've only played the Eternal Sonata demo but the impressions I've got is that it is preachy, cut scenes too long and not a lot of variety in enemies but has a good story and excellent music. However, I haven't played the full game so I'm open to suggestions.
I'd appreciate it if anyone could help me make an informed decision as I only want to get one of them and opinions here > reviews. Thanks!
You have to restart, but it's a new game+ so you keep all the levels and stuff you've earned so far. You'll also fly through that time in like an hour anyway since you can skip all the cut-scenes.K' Dash said:I just bought the game, I started it yesterday in the default dificulty, is there a way to change the dificulty to hard (the one that's on the marketplace) without restarting the game?, I'm only 3 hours in, so if I have to start agian better be now.
Synless said:Ok I just bought this game for 9 dollars
That's exactly where I got it, I love that site!!!!!!!Saerk said:He probably got it throught Microsoft's expertzone. I got it there for $9. It's a retail employee incentive site that MS runs.