Are there versions of the San Fran track that race ON the bridge?
Pimpbaa said:That tech interview was interesting. Makes me wonder where exactly other developers are going so wrong with the PS3 (rockstar in particular).
I love Blur a whole lot, but at the end of the day, a GTA4/RDR it is not, when it comes to complexity, so give R* a break.Pimpbaa said:That tech interview was interesting. Makes me wonder where exactly other developers are going so wrong with the PS3 (rockstar in particular).
rinker said:Can anyone give me an idea of how many players are on XBL during decent hours?
I got it for ps3 and its pretty disappointing that on a holiday weekend at night there's only 500 people online. Seems like in a couple weeks it could be hard to find a game
They didn't exactly play to the strengths of the PS3 hardware, though. From what I gather, they basically shoe horned a 360 game onto PS3 (relying heavily on the GPU instead of offloading to the SPUs). Could have made a big difference.mescalineeyes said:I love Blur a whole lot, but at the end of the day, a GTA4/RDR it is not, when it comes to complexity, so give R* a break.
Sony didn't care about devs when they introduced cell/rsx combo. So it's not only the devs fault.TTP said:Some devs just don't care.
Everyone will know discipline.sinnergy said:Sony didn't care about devs when they introduced cell/rsx combo. So it's not only the devs fault.
Fortinbras said:Most games get reviewed based on the single player.
I have to admit that I think the single player of Blur sucks and is no fun at all. Not because of the AI but because it is so repetitive. Where is the fun in racing the events over and over again to be able to race against the rivals?
The multiplayer on the other hand is probably the best I've played in this genre. Ever. It's as much fun as it can get. It's motivating and all the people I raced with were pretty cool. No angry children screaming, no angry trash talk... Blur seems to be the kind of game where the people just have fun and laugh. Even when you are not winning you are actually winning and unlocking things.
10/10 for the multiplayer. I'm addicted to the game.
rinker said:I got it for ps3 and its pretty disappointing that on a holiday weekend at night there's only 500 people online. Seems like in a couple weeks it could be hard to find a game
rinker said:I got it for ps3 and its pretty disappointing that on a holiday weekend at night there's only 500 people online. Seems like in a couple weeks it could be hard to find a game
You would be surprised how quickly people move on.RiotPelaaja said:Not everyone busy the game the day it comes out, or immediately launches into online gameplay...hopefully in the next few weeks as word spreads just how good the game is online, more people will flock to it.
Can you add me so I can get those trophies? Send me a PM so I can give you my PSN ID.hugejeans said:Playing on the ps3 add me for some blur races.
also can set some single player challenges
DarkJC said:I gave this game a rent and played split screen with two other friends last night, and I'm not getting the hype. It seems like one mistake will ruin your whole race, making it really tough to catch up to anyone in the lead. We found ourselves wishing Split Second had 3 player split screen instead.
I've still got a whole week with the rental so I plan on playing through more Single Player and maybe going on Live, but I don't have much motivation to at the moment.
banKai said:not many people playing the PC versionand most of the 1 to level 10 drivers don't play in the driving school playlist but the next one, where even level 32 etc. can take part in.
GHG said:This game is certified crack. I totally lose track of time playing this online (PC version).
What are you guys' online user names for the PC?
brandonh83 said:Damn. I was trying to decide whether or not to get Alan Wake or Red Dead next weekend but after reading this thread... dunno guys... it sounds like both are the incorrect choice.
Yeah you can become a "Legend", look at the leaderboards and you can see the one for the people that are Legends already, some people have already double Legend'd from what I saw last week.ascully said:Been playing multiplayer all week just got to level 37, does anyone know what happens when you get to 50? Can you Prestige so to speak?
GHG said:This game is certified crack. I totally lose track of time playing this online (PC version).
What are you guys' online usernames for the PC?
ascully said:Been playing multiplayer all week just got to level 37, does anyone know what happens when you get to 50? Can you Prestige so to speak?
Tycho said:Alright, the joy portion of the presentation is over. I am as angry as I could possibly be at Blur, as a videogame, and at its black womb Bizarre Creations.
The last time I saw a product this unstable was with Rainbow Six: Raven Shield and Pandora Tomorrow - their server browsers (remember those?) would crash one-hundred percent of the time if populated with more than a certain number of hosts. Before that it was Tribes 2, a noble game, but delivered in such ruins that (as I have said) they once released a patch that removed the previous patch.
Once we'd obtained sufficient level to take part in Blur's Team Racing modes, things went desperately awry. Blur might crash three times in an hour, hard locks that necessitate manual shutdown. I have often said that, more often than not, fond wishes for improvement between the "beta" phase and the retail shelf are misspent. This isn't something that happens a statistically significant percentage of the time. This, however, is something new: a retail release that appends to its previously smooth contours row upon row of toxic barbs.
I've always felt like I understood something about Bizarre Creations games, that their thesis was one with which I was perhaps uniquely resonant: the joy of a perfect run, pegged somewhere between mastery and the Zen moment. There's definitely something to like about Blur, and we put up with it for a few nights. In an effort to wring some juice out of my purchase I plowed myself into the ordinary, reliable part of the game, the single player, finding it ordinary and reliable - something had happened. Some quality previously held by Blur had evaporated, and like Modern Warfare 2, the urge to continue moving my hands on the controller in the interim period between these betrayals was gone. I'm incredibly ashamed to have recommended it.
Monroeski said:The guys at Penny Arcade checked in on the game today -
BenjaminBirdie said:GOTY Excellence.
Captain_Spanky said:That PA rant was rather over dramatic. Apart from 2 crashes there's nothing wrong with the game. The progression is perfect, the way it keeps all players feeling involved (and accomplished) in both online and multi-player is too be commended and the visuals are gorgeous. I keep seeing neon lights when I shut my eyes.