I love GRID derby racing and Flatout racing and derby and was so looking forward to Blur chaos racing online with 20 players and now after buying the game, I will never be able to enjoy racing Blur online.
Since there NO SUPPORT for my MOMO wheel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
There only support for pad and KB and your struck with the 3 pad layouts and 2 KB layouts, no assigning the buttons to your liking!!

So now the game will sit in it case and collect dust, I will not play it if have to use a pad or KB.
My MOMO has two flippers and 6 buttons on the wheel, it would be no problem for me to change the power ups.
On the PC, I would say the majority of PC users that buy racing games like to use a wheel. There are those that use a pad and actually are not to bad with them, but don't force us that like to race with a wheel ( hey it racing game, you should use a wheel ) to have to go out and buy a 360 pad to play Blur on the PC.
I bought my MOMO wheel ( on my third one ) to race with Flatout back in 2005 and now it 2010 and Bizarre going release a PC racing game with no support for WHEELS, it a crime against PC racing!!!!
I have been following Bizarre's Blur in the forum and videos and interviews and look like Bizarre was making all the right moves, a game maker to support, now one yard from the finish line, Bizarre fumbles the ball BIG time for us PC players!
I guess I go back to Split Second, at less I was able to assign the controls to my MOMO wheel, but the online racing will not be as good as Blur.