Ayyyyyyyyobama: "all according to keikaku"
translator's note: keikaku means "let's dispel with the notion that barrack obama does not know what he's doing - because he knows exactly what he's doing"
If Black People hadn't made themselves so enslavable we wouldn't have been tempted to purchase and base a whole region of America's economy on them! It's their fault!I have heard Obama created slavery too.
Well, bad things happen when you keep all the chaos emeralds for yourself.
I stopped reading after this.Middle-class incomes are stagnant, and radical Islam is on the march across the Middle East.
This is exactly it. Multiple articles have run with it, but the GOP and Fox have crafted a base that is taught to distrust almost everyone, that nothing is a fact, to never listen to the media and go with your gut.
Trump simply took that training and is running with it, and using it to turn their base against the establishment.
In a way, it's amusing seeing them trying to struggle against the same tactics they've been using against the left for years now.
Calling him Piyush instead of Bobby is real petty shit.
This is gross.Shut the fuck up Puishe, fucking fake Indian-wannabe-white-person.
This is gross.
Second paragraph and my eyes are already rolling out of their sockets.
http://assets.nydailynews.com/polopoly_fs/1.2268905.1435121503!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_635/timothy-egan.jpg[/IM G][/QUOTE]
Lol this is both sad and hilarious.
I applied to be the Asian commie boogeyman but my application is still awaiting approval.And now...for a white commie boogeyman. I for one am excited
They outsoruced that to China funnily enough.I applied to be the Asian commie boogeyman but my application is still awaiting approval.
"I've made a huge mistake."
Yeah this. Apparently LA is literally broke, post-secondary institutions won't be able to finish the year à la Kansas(meaning gasp...local top football prospects are leaving) and public hospitals may have to deny service. And Jondal who just left office, inherited a surplus. He's Chris Christe on speed.Please fuck off Bobby. Like seriously. Don't be salty you couldn't fuck with the entire nation like you did here in La.
Yeah this. Apparently LA is literally broke, post-secondary institutions won't be able to finish the year à la Kansas(meaning gasp...local top football prospects are leaving) and public hospitals may have to deny service. And Jondal who just left office, inherited a surplus. He's Chris Christe on speed.
Calling him Piyush instead of Bobby is real petty shit.
I'd love to know how this shit started. It never made any sense to me.
God I hate CNN
Is that real? Please tell me its photoshopped. Why would CNN even say that.
When did that air?
I'm confused, isn't unemployment at 5%?
I'd love to know how this shit started. It never made any sense to me.
I'm confused, isn't unemployment at 5%?
Donald Trump has said those numbers are a lie at least once during a debate. It's probably more than that, but that's all I can remember.