Got this bad boy preordered for PS3. Any other PSN Vault Hunters here?
Got this bad boy preordered for PS3. Any other PSN Vault Hunters here?
Leaning towards Axton right now. He just seems to be the best class in terms of enhancing the general gunplay in BL2 and enjoying all guns. Just trying to determine if I should go for damage output or being a tank at this point. Probably tank, given how offensive minded every other class seems to be at this point.
Zero speaks to me the most, but I really don't want to have to focus on just sniper rifles or melee for my first playthrough. Really want to enjoy any and all loot that I pick up.
Maya seems like the most fun though....singularities never get old.
As everyone knows, the first game made the moronic decision of restricting health regeneration to one subcategory of shields, making all the other shields completely useless. They're not repeating that mistake, right? I haven't seen anything about this.
They haven't specifically said much, however, they did say there are exponentially more varieties of shields this time around. So I would hope for regen to be the baseline skill for a few different kids with other + effects paired.
I thought the gunzerker would be the most geared to enjoying all the guns. From what I've seen he looks really fun.
You're not really able to use the guns as intended while gunzerking though, and he's more of an aggro character with skills meant to keep you in that heavy high dealing damage state for as long as possible.
Axton has a lot of skills that just help general gunplay -- like expertise which allows quick weapon changing, instant aim down the sights and fast movement while aiming down the sights, and Ranger which gives a boost to generally every gun stat there is up to 5%.
There's a lot of versatility with him in terms of just using weapons in whatever way you see fit rather than just going in guns blazing.
From what was shown in the Gamespot preview with Zer0 it seems like any class can use any weapons effectively. I haven't actually looked at the skill trees yet, but the dev who was playing was talking about the team coming up with "shotgun ninja" builds for him taking advantage of the skill that gives you a damage increase when you alternate between melee and gunfire. He was also using a rocket shotgun pretty effectively. It sounds like there are just flat bonuses to weapon damage as opposed to +sniper/pistol damage and stuff
You're not really able to use the guns as intended while gunzerking though, and he's more of an aggro character with skills meant to keep you in that heavy high dealing damage state for as long as possible.
Axton has a lot of skills that just help general gunplay -- like expertise which allows quick weapon changing, instant aim down the sights and fast movement while aiming down the sights, and Ranger which gives a boost to generally every gun stat there is up to 5%.
There's a lot of versatility with him in terms of just using weapons in whatever way you see fit rather than just going in guns blazing.
I am torn between Maya and Zero.
In Borderlands 1 it was a clear cut Lilith for me. Borderlands 2 not so sure. I don't know how much I like the singularity ability. Though I love the looks of her Cataclysm tree, the others aren't as appealing. Zero's trees look much better but I'm not sure how much I'd like Melee in such a gun-centric game. Melee didn't work at all in the first game. Sniping is great on paper but when you're getting accosted by tons of enemies, you're doing yourself a disservice locking all your skills into sniping.
It's a toss up for me.
I might be starting to lean towards Zero after looking at the skill tree again. I highly underestimated what he's capable of.
There are some great gunplay buffs that are a little underrated for Zero. Something like B0re will work great for hurting groups of enemies, image deploying deception and then using a shotgun to pierce through the back of multiple enemies bunched together, all the bullets penetrating and doing crit damage due to being hits from behind.
Critical Ascensi0n might just be what makes me use Zero though, you can stack up to 999 a +5 % and + 6% damage boost ot sniper rifle and crit damage. Which means you've got a great reason to keep using that sniper in combination with something like Kill confirmed, which gives up to +8% crit damage when aiming down the sights. It essentially means that if you're careful and continue to get headshots, you're going to start 1 shotting enemies relatively quickly so long as you keep it up.
Will look for other builds later, but the sniper damage output has the potential to be godlike if you're a good shot.
So I still have my Xbox save but I pre-ordered it for the PC digital, I'm guessing I'm not going to be able to get the Veteran Awards?
Yes. The code is in the last few pages of the steam thread.
What steam thread? Halp! I wanna buy this game! What's the code?
What steam thread? Halp! I wanna buy this game! What's the code?
Nevermind got it. If I buy here can I activate on steam?
racist.I'm gonna rock Maya. Roland was my boy in the first game. I think it's a good idea to mix it up. Sorry Axton![]()
quick question.
dont remember much of borderlands 1 but are the characters in this one restricted (or best played with) to a certain type of gun? Basically, can Zero kick ass with machine guns and maya with snipers?
Gave into the $36 deal on GMG....
I really didn't like the first game and found it boring for some reason, but people keep talking improvements, and the price is alright. That quote in a review about guns feeling more like Doom and Unreal doesn't help either. Really craving a co-op game right now as well.
Will these Nvidia enhancements run well on a 560 Ti?
I only ever played Zombie Island and General Knoxx on my 360, put I wanna pick up some DLC on my PS3 copy. I hear Moxxi's is bad, but how is Claptrap's Revoluion?
Anyone know if those who pre-ordered at GMG will get access to any of these pre-order bonuses?
we need to put the preorder link FAQ at the very top of the OP.
i hit a brick wall in moxxies part in the prison, and just lost interest, couldn't even move on to claptraps part which i've heard might be good
i think i'll rent it from gamestop.
he was my boy too, come at me brethren!
Anyone know if those who pre-ordered at GMG will get access to any of these pre-order bonuses?
This one isn't as limited as the first one was. Zer0 is the only one that has a skill tree that really focuses on a single weapon class (snipers), but if you don't plan on using that tree then it doesn't really matter.
It even says so right on the product page of GMG.
As do Gearbox. All of their promotional materials and Facebook posts link back to the BL website and it doesn't say shit about Steam and GMG. It makes it look like you have to do Amazon, Best Buy or Gamestop. Unless you dig into the forums your first impulse is your are shit out of luck.
It even says so right on the product page of GMG.
For the other B&M stores and other sites that don't have it explicitly stated yes it is unclear but the info about the bonuses are literally listed on GMGs page. And on the Borderlands 2 website there is a big splash image before the list of the different versions that has a direct link to the Steam page which also lists the bonuses.
Apparently no one bothers to read the page anymore and the only thing that is visible is the add to cart button lol.
For the other B&M stores and other sites that don't have it explicitly stated yes it is unclear but the info about the bonuses are literally listed on GMGs page. And on the Borderlands 2 website there is a big splash image before the list of the different versions that has a direct link to the Steam page which also lists the bonuses.
I'm actually going to attend the Gearbox community day in Dallas on the 15th.
If you click the link for "Premier Club" you are taken to this page where I don't see anything about Steam, GMG, etc. That is all I am saying. They are telling people to "get your premier club info by going here!" and it seems to be the most incomplete list of info regarding pre orders. It is no surprise people aren't sure about the status of their pre orders.