This game is going to be so good that I'm buying it twice on launch day. Xbox 360 to play with my friends, and PC to get the best experience.
Can we get this alt cover as a wallpaper pretty please?
god i really hope i am gonna love this game. also much love to iNvid0 for this sweet OT and keeping it up to date.Go further than that, I'd love to have a larger version framed up on my wall.
Ooh, this will go nice with my iPhone wallpaper:ALT COVER
I think they said no mandatory install on ps3, but i hooe there is an option.Any word on mandatory HDD install sizes for PS3 or 360?
I actually liked that. It reminds me of the 90's.
Yes. Only reason you'd even consider going console is if you have a crappy PC that can barely play Minecraft or most of your friends are infected with consolitis as well and you want to play with them.
Definitely get a power rangers vibe. I might've liked it more it was a Japanese dub with kung fu noises and screen-sized sound effect blurbs.I actually liked that. It reminds me of the 90's.
This..I can't tell if it's supposed to be serious or not.
I can't tell if it's supposed to be serious or not.
facebook crap again
Day Three
I popped in the original Borderlands the other night just to compare the interface with Borderlands 2, and its pretty incredible how bad the original looks now. At the time it was functional, it got the job done heck, it even looked pretty cool in some parts. But since then Gearbox has made a number of small tweaks to the design that really help the sequels menus and heads-up display feel modern and, more importantly, make playing the game easier and thus more enjoyable.
Is that when the review embargo ends altogether?
Excited for reviews. Not to read them or their scores, but to see more of dat Borderlands in the video reviews.
facebook crap again
Is this an exclusive review is the embargo seriously up that early? Scores must be insane if 2K would allow the latter.
"Bigger. Ballsier. Bullet-ier. Borderlands 2 is the antidote to stuffy military shooters. Even statistically poor weapons are fun to handle. Underlying physics of each weapon have
been massively improved - guns feel like they used to in Doom and Unreal. Trading gear is better. Gearbox have learnt how to turn off the brown palette in Microsoft Paint, leading
to BL2 being the prettiest game of 2012 to date. Increased verticality of the world. More varied missions. Even better humour. Improved story. 30+ hours main quest. A truly epic
game once sidequests/playthroughs/badass ranks/loot has been taken into account. Bonus (optional) objectives to missions and multiple outcomes. Solo play and co-op markedly
improved (with more populated environments and more seamless co-op.)"
Game Informer: 9.75/10
"Instead of taking the easy route, the studio has taken everything that impressed in the original and greatly enhanced it. From major bullet points like the story to smaller details
like the UI and inventory system. Borderlands 2 surpassed my expectations and stands as a prime example of how to knock a sequel out of the park. Throughout the game, the
dialogue and clever missions display a sense of humor on par with the best in the industry. All of the improvements would make for a standout title even if it were constricted to
single-player. Considering Gearbox has continued to put this franchise in a league of its own when it comes to co-op, it elevates the game to something more. With its unmatched
co-op gameplay, intense shootouts, addictive loot-collecting, expansive skill customization, hilarious dialogue, and insane level of replayability, Borderlands 2 is one of the most
rewarding gaming experiences of this console generation."
Why not link it/have it directly on the official site?"I'm going to snub on a fun contest that may get something I did in a blockbuster vijeo gaem because it is on Facebook."
is that from the live action commercial?
is that from the live action commercial?
wow, they did a great job
I'm going to be playing this on PC using a 360 controller. I'm not really used to the KB/M set-up, but I may switch off here and there. Anyone else doing the same?
Sounds like the best way to play. I will be doing this as well. Or at least trying to it to see the change in functionality.I'm going to be playing this on PC using a 360 controller. I'm not really used to the KB/M set-up, but I may switch off here and there. Anyone else doing the same?
I'm going to be playing this on PC using a 360 controller. I'm not really used to the KB/M set-up, but I may switch off here and there. Anyone else doing the same?
I'm going to be playing this on PC using a 360 controller. I'm not really used to the KB/M set-up, but I may switch off here and there. Anyone else doing the same?
I'm going to be playing this on PC using a 360 controller. I'm not really used to the KB/M set-up, but I may switch off here and there. Anyone else doing the same?