The Xtortionist
Just pre-ordered this from Amazon, and I was surprised it didn't have free release day shipping. What gives?
Only Prime members get free release date delivery now.
Just pre-ordered this from Amazon, and I was surprised it didn't have free release day shipping. What gives?
the game is free...
no ....
you have to pay for the video card you know.
If you bought an nvidia card with a code for it, it is.
buy videocard
sell key
buy game with preorder bonus
Do you get to choose which character gets the key or does it just go to your first one?
It's not really worth complaining about. I'm just disappointed they chose to do retailer specific pre-order bonuses instead of treating all pre-orders as equal. I'll just buy the Mecromancer when it's on sale. I don't care about the other stuff.
Uhm, no.
I wish I could do that - pre-order the game that is. Don't give a fuck about free keys but at least they can be a bit more specific regarding this DLC/pre-order bullshit.
You get to choose.
Also, has anyone ever bought a season pass on the 360? Can you pay for it with Microsoft bux or do you have to pay cash/charge your card?
So you bought the card and paid for the game code. They have also been pretty clear that you get the preorder stuff if you order from three specific retailers.
It's just more of the ridiculous pre-order crap. Like now gamestop gets the exclusive Arena mode. /shrug. Not even worth stressing about. I hate it but don't think the publisher knows or cares.
Has anyone pre-ordered from GMG today? Did so a few minutes ago, and already got a key which activated as Borderlands 2 Pre-Order. Never had that happen from GMG before since normally you can only get them like that when the pre-load starts.
Roland if you've never played soldier in 1. Turrets were fun to play with in 1.Unsure if I should play as Zer0 or White Roland in BL2 for my first run
I played Mordecai single player and Roland in Co-Op in 1.
I'll be playing with at least 3 (hopefully 4) people for my first run.
Not sure why everyone is freaking out over the golden keys. It's only a purple, mid-grade on the rarity scale.
He says the golden key chest is only a purple tier gun, so its not like it is top of the line. Unless I missed something and purple is the new orange or cyan.
So you bought the card and paid for the game code. They have also been pretty clear that you get the preorder stuff if you order from three specific retailers.
Has anyone pre-ordered from GMG today? Did so a few minutes ago, and already got a key which activated as Borderlands 2 Pre-Order. Never had that happen from GMG before since normally you can only get them like that when the pre-load starts.
Roland if you've never played soldier in 1. Turrets were fun to play with in 1.
I preordered early August and don't have a key yet. Weird that you got one right away.
Ah cool, that means that GMG got the keys. It's always like that with GMG. Once they get the keys every new orders get them right away and people who already bought it have to wait for the system to refresh and get their keys.
The Borderlands 2 Season Pass is up on GMG for $29.99 (In North America at least)
The GMG25-1BW0K-K1A3G DOES work so you can grab it for $22.50
Can anyone help me with a couple of questions I have. I played the first game but didn't know if these things changed.
1. If you lvl up characters locally can you bring them online? So if I solo a character up to lvl 50 can I bring it online.
2. If A friend plays with me split screen or coop can they bring that character online?
3. I have 2 xbox360s if I system link can all 4 go online or how does system link work with borderlands 2?
Yeah, I guess so. Just surprised they got the keys before the pre-load starts. Don't remember that happening before, but it did say that the game (keys) would be released 09/14/12 00:01 GMT on the order confirmation screen.
sry for this silly question, but if i have pre-ordered on steam will that season pass work with the steam version? do i get a steam code for that season pass buying it from greenmangaming?
Cool, always wondered how they'd deal with E-tech in terms of rarity. Hope more becomes clear either within the game or post-launch.My ignorance here, but I thought purple was the most rare excepting legendaries. Peralescant isn't in 2.
edit: This is the only thing I could find on it.
In Borderlands 1, high quality purples often outclassed the majority of legendary guns.
The pc version is steamwork. so it doesnt matter where you buy the game or dlc. you'lll have to use steam. (
No idea.
As a Siren, I never had anything outclass my Hellfire. Double Anarchy were good purples, but not much else, and they couldn't beat a Hellfire. As far as I remember the only good purples were combat rifles.
Thank You sir.
Does anyone else know how the system link with 360 works? Can you have 2 people split on each system if you have 2 copies of the game?
Do any dd stores have Borderlands 1 on sale?
I wonder what game he's talking about. It can't be BL2 can it?
I wonder what game he's talking about. It can't be BL2 can it?
I wonder what game he's talking about. It can't be BL2 can it?
Seeing as he was gushing over BL2 before I highly doubt it. More likely he is talking about another release.
I hope not. :|
But I feel it's not B2. I never heard anyone describe it's visuals as terrible.
Yes you can.Thank You sir.
Does anyone else know how the system link with 360 works? Can you have 2 people split on each system if you have 2 copies of the game?
Double Anarchies outclass every single legendary out there with the correct Siren build.
Yes, the Hellfire is probably the best guntype in the game (still very debatable whether it's better than a high quality double anarchy), however that's ONE legendary out of 40+, whereas High Quality Double Anarchies, Mashers, Stingers, Masscres, etc. are all better than 90% of the Legendaries in Borderlands 1.
Purples have a chance of being some of the best guns in the game. If the golden key gives a purple that level scales (especially since in Borderlands 1, there were limited areas that would actually drop level 69 gear), and a guaranteed high quality purple (as far as material type and component parts) then I'd say it's pretty valuable.
I wonder what game he's talking about. It can't be BL2 can it?