Rabid Stalkers, which I think are exclusive to TVHM, are hands-down the worst enemy in the game. Hands-down. ENJOY, BRO!
All rabbid type enemies suck.
The rabbid skags are very annoying too.
Rabid Stalkers, which I think are exclusive to TVHM, are hands-down the worst enemy in the game. Hands-down. ENJOY, BRO!
Rabid Stalkers, which I think are exclusive to TVHM, are hands-down the worst enemy in the game. Hands-down. ENJOY, BRO!
Thanks, man. I'll give that a go. As in, the first time you reach Highlands? With all the Stalkers and whatnot?
Has anyone else experienced this issue or know of someone else who has? Because apparently on the Gearbox Forums I just found out today it seems like a lot of people are having this issue and are really pist off. I thought this was just related to the DLC, but apparently it has been this way before the DLC released.
If anyone has any insight on this I would appreciate it. I played Borderlands 1 to oblivion and all the DLC therein. I would really hate for my Borderlands experience to end this way.
Oh my. Cute hat; might make me buy the Pirate DLC.
That skin is kind of lame on Gaige. I'm a little disappointed since its awesome on Maya and Zer0.
So I finally beat Master Gee and my console didn't freeze this time.
Ugh never again will I fight this guy. I would rather go through Moxxi's Underdome twenty times again. Such a stupid boss.
No fun at all.
Rabid Stalkers, which I think are exclusive to TVHM, are hands-down the worst enemy in the game. Hands-down. ENJOY, BRO!
1.5 hour into the game. Am I suppose to die alot during boss fights? Or theres something im missing?
Rabid Stalkers, which I think are exclusive to TVHM, are hands-down the worst enemy in the game. Hands-down. ENJOY, BRO!
it's good to be a Siren![]()
Whose killing you Flynt? He can be little tough, but it should be pretty manageable.
It's worth it IMO.
I have Maya's but not Zer0, and I honestly prefer Gaige's. I'll probably use another skin though, though I'm partial to the facepaint.
converge is a godsend
Dem Shift Codes.
WinPC: K3K3T-H6B9H-R3BBT-333J3-BSH5T
It's just raining gold keys this weekend.
So is it a known issue that the Slayer of Terramorphous Assassin Class Mod is kinda broken? One of the skills it boosts is a Gunzerker skill.
I want to say when I linked my shift account on PC the key didn't show up right away.
http://borderlands.wikia.com/wiki/Category:SkinsSomeone please help me out.
Hyperius and Gee are fucking stupid and lame boss fights. Boring as hell and overpowered as hell. I blame the Bee shield for this lunacy
I sincerely hope that the next DLC is a little more polished and that they address issues in the base game and Captain Scarlet. The collision is spotty in a number of areas, I ended up getting trapped in geometry in a few areas and had to quit out of the game to get out.
What makes matters worse is their loot drops are miserly (in my experience) and the whole Seraph Crystal/weapon thing looks to be a complete waste of time if you've been farming Legendaries or even level 50 weapons in general. The time gates on the boss fights, as asinine a decision as that is, is kind of secondary to that. Who cares if you can only fight the bosses once a day if all they do is drop worthless currency and items? At least with the main DLC boss there's those chests which have the possibility of not only having decent loot but possibly even a Legendary.
I've 100% cleared the main game and captain Scarlet and will be retiring Borderlands 2 until the next DLC comes out. The whole meta/end-game of the DLC is kind of a buzzkill.
You download a save file with all legendary weapons modded in because the drop rate is extremely low.you farm doc mercy for infinity right?
burst-fire sniper rifles, for the most part, are the worst idea ever.
Ugh. Round 4 of hyperion slaughter is killing me.
These fucking badass surveyors are the worst.
If anyone wanna help me, add me
Edit: got to round 5. made it to the third Wave before running out of ammo ...
you farm doc mercy for infinity right?
I killed him 128 times, yesterday. Took me 2 hours.
Obviously, no drop.
I love this game.
burst-fire sniper rifles, for the most part, are the worst idea ever.
So is "you will die" considered a sidemission? Because I just finished every sidequest I had and killed the warrior but no sidequest trophy popped. Can I just start tvhm?
Its not just the DLC. If you have not found multiple parts in the original game, you have not been paying attention enough. Since there are a lot of locations like that. One example is the very first red chest you find on the tipped frozen boat. Jump behind the chest when its open and you have a chance of getting stuck. Did that once by accident and another time on purpose. Thankfully we have save & quit, but still thats no excuse for poor level design.