Anybody post one of these yet?
Giveaway at the door at a Gearbox event in Dallas over the weekend.
This is my exact mouse w/ a BL2 skin on it!! I love it.
Anybody post one of these yet?
Giveaway at the door at a Gearbox event in Dallas over the weekend.
I have this game coming on Tuesday and I don't even care. Does anyone else feel this way? Borderlands is a good game (I just started it a few weeks ago), but it's not great. I feel like this series is just massively overhyped.
I have this game coming on Tuesday and I don't even care. Does anyone else feel this way? Borderlands is a good game (I just started it a few weeks ago), but it's not great. I feel like this series is just massively overhyped.
Huh? I got the Premiere Club and I pre-ordered on Steam...You only get the free class/bonus items if you preorder a physical copy from Gamestop, Amazon or Best Buy. I have a preorder in at the MS store and it wouldn't be eligible for the "Premiere Club."
Steam releases it at 11PM an hour before the Gamestop midnight release.
Love you Steam.
whoo hoo my Ultimate Loot Chest Limited Edition is shipping soon from amazon..this wait is going to be a long one...
I have this game coming on Tuesday and I don't even care. Does anyone else feel this way? Borderlands is a good game (I just started it a few weeks ago), but it's not great. I feel like this series is just massively overhyped.
Midnight eastern.
Midnight eastern.
Exactly, if he's playing single player I can understand why there's no hype. I've only played 1 with 3 friends, and we've all got BL2 preordered and ready to play tomorrow night. I'm super hyped because it's such a fun experience in co-op, but I could understand why someone who plays solo might not be hyped. I would suggest at least trying to matchmake to find at least one good person to play with.I'm not expecting anything more than a solid experience because the main draw of the game is co-op. The quests and loot system is going to have to be massively improved for me to care that much about it, because otherwise I'm just playing a MMO FPS in single player mode like I did with 1.
9:00PM Pacific
Can't wait to game Monday night for a few hours.
Anybody post one of these yet?
Giveaway at the door at a Gearbox event in Dallas over the weekend.
Probably, but that's also potentially spoilerly.Hmmm, anybody know how many chapters there are in this game?
Steam preorders aren't applicable towards the premiere club? They were certainly advertising it as such. I suppose that would explain why I haven't seen any mention of that content after I bought and pre-loaded though. Man if that's true, I'm pissed.
Can't decide between Maya and Salvador![]()
inexplicably the least popular character.
Can't decide between Maya and Salvador![]()
Can't decide between Maya and Salvador![]()
Man...I still have flashbacks from the first time I finished the Armory with my friend... We were running around like two kids on christmas morning with all the chests. When the countdown went low we decided to find the exit. It went a bit like that...
-All right so where's the exit?
-Must be down that shaft
-Yeah ok let's go then, only 10 sec left
Both dudes jump down the elevator shaft
-Oh FUCK this is NOT the exit
And then proceed to run around and open chests until we both dies hahahaha... We still talk about it from time to time when we talk about Blands lol.
Huh? I got the Premiere Club and I pre-ordered on Steam...
How did you confirm that, exactly? I got the game preordered and pre-loaded but there doesn't seem to be an overt mention anywhere that I'll have access to the premiere club content. I've never been part of a promotion like this, so I don't know if it's something that will just be there already when I can first boot the game up, or what.
There's a weird invisible gap in the floor leading to the control panel where the dynamite is place, I killed myself with a missle launcher before I placed the dynamite because I thought I could get to the loot boxes behind the barriers and somehow accidentily missed my chance..well after respawning, I realized I could not, and worse, i couldn't get back in to reach the control panel, ran around and fell through the floor, then crouch walled UNDER the floor in one direction, then back, then fell through blackness..then suddenly I was in a room full of lootchests and a timer that wasn't moving. I spent an hour there, looting, dying, selling expensive loot, rinsing and repeating the glitch (easter egg?) I ended up not being able to get back in to actually finish the quest, but I didn't care. I was filthy rich.
"Borderlands 2 pre-order ROW" No mention of the premiere club.....I'm getting nervous.
Where'd you preorder? If it was from either GMG or Steam, you're golden.
It was directly from Steam, so I'm not too terribly concerned yet, but I've seen people posting other screens and stuff with much more overt acknowledgment that they were receiving the premiere content, so the utter lack of that after the purchase has me scratching my head a little.
24 hours remain.
Random BL1 screenshot. LETS GO.
Always go with the lady.
24 hours remain.
Random BL1 screenshot. LETS GO.
The downside to this is I will probably only use grenades that have awesome PhysX happen.Turn physX on high and toss a singularity grenade in.
question: will I be able to play mp just fine if I do the vpn thing? not even sure if I would have to stay connected to it