Cant wait to play as Zer0. Great job on the OP.
The answer is going to be, "Well I had a $30 gift certificate, and then my mom gave me 14 bucks!" or something similarly dumb
D'oh, Steam says this releases for me on the 21s. :<
Zer0 or Savaldor...decisions decisions...
Wow not seeing a whole lot of love for Salvador in the thread. I kind of feel bad for the guy.
Wow not seeing a whole lot of love for Salvador in the thread. I kind of feel bad for the guy.
Wow not seeing a whole lot of love for Salvador in the thread. I kind of feel bad for the guy.
Edit: The two post above me make me look like a liar.
I just don't care for dual wielding personally, but at least he's no Brick. What a stupid character; let's make a guy whose ability is to punch things in a game about gun variety.Wow not seeing a whole lot of love for Salvador in the thread. I kind of feel bad for the guy.
Edit: The two post above me make me look like a liar.
Sorry, but melee doesn't appeal to me at all in a shooter. Kinda the same reason I never even tried Brick in the first game.
Sorry, but melee doesn't appeal to me at all in a shooter. Kinda the same reason I never even tried Brick in the first game.
Wow not seeing a whole lot of love for Salvador in the thread. I kind of feel bad for the guy.
Edit: The two post above me make me look like a liar.
Wow not seeing a whole lot of love for Salvador in the thread. I kind of feel bad for the guy.
Edit: The two post above me make me look like a liar.
*cough* VPN *cough*
Didnt they start cracking down even harder on that after the whole russian fiasco? with that in mind is it really worth risking your account + all games for a single title?
will try to keep the OT up to date for news, DLC, steam preload, VPN workaround etc - first update
- 10/09/2012: Creature Slaughter Dome pre-order bonus playable if party host has the content - source
Sorry, but melee doesn't appeal to me at all in a shooter. Kinda the same reason I never even tried Brick in the first game.
Didnt they start cracking down even harder on that after the whole russian fiasco? with that in mind is it really worth risking your account + all games for a single title?
will try to keep the OT up to date for news, DLC, steam preload, VPN workaround etc - first update
- 10/09/2012: Creature Slaughter Dome pre-order bonus playable if party host has the content - source
I signed in but can't change the PSN sheet. My PSN is philcabinet not philcabinets
Never played the first, How viable is melee in this game. Do you run around knifing people ala COD?
I did the same with Darksiders 2 and Sleeping Dogs. No problems. Maybe they stopped carrying about it. I mean you bought the game so a ban would be pretty ridiculous.
Never played the first, How viable is melee in this game. Do you run around knifing people ala COD?
How viable do you guys think an almost pure-melee build for Zer0 would work? I never played as Lilith in BL1, so I don't know how similarly they would work.
I can't attest to New Game+, but I played through Borderlands 1 and all the dlc as melee brick and it worked just fine. Adam, our resident gearbox rep, seems to believe Zer0's melee tree will be fun too.
Lilith wasn't melee. Just based on the skill tree an all melee build for Zero seems like it would do fine. Personally I don't see the appeal in playing all melee though, since half of the fun in the first game was finding sweet guns to use.
How viable do you guys think an almost pure-melee build for Zer0 would work? I never played as Lilith in BL1, so I don't know how similarly they would work.
How viable do you guys think an almost pure-melee build for Zer0 would work? I never played as Lilith in BL1, so I don't know how similarly they would work.
Is that licensed song from the first one back? It was catchy