Finished the game yesterday. W H O W.
Great experience overall. A lot of fun. The game ran so good on my PC (everything maxed out).
Clocked in at ~42 hours. It was a three player co op for the first 15 hours, after that one friend bailed and I finished the game with the other friend.
I'm a lvl 33 Siren, friend's a lvl 34 Mechromancer.
We finished the main game and (we think) all of the side quests.
Now onto DLCs.
This is the correct order, I assume?
1. Captain Scarlett and Her Pirate's Booty
2. Mr. Torgue's Campaign of Carnage
3. Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt
4. Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep
We have all the content except the last two that came out in the last 3-4 months (will get them on the Steam Summer Sale).
The only criticism that I have, so far, is that the loot is mostly crap.

Very few interesting and high-damage dealing guns so far.
After 40+ hours and a very detailed playthrough, it's hard not to be disappointed.
Is all the "good stuff" in the DLCs, especially the Ultimate Vault Hunter?
Also, I didn't do any specific Maya build. Any good recommendations on what to focus going into the DLCs?