Fuck it. Downloaded it in a not so legal way but I couldn't wait no more. Can't wait for the vinyl though.
Bose headphones and a dark room. That's all I need for now.
Just don't start with this album as it's shit;D
To be serious for a minute, Deja Entendu is their most acclaimed and break through album. Some would say The Devil and God Are Raging Inside Me, the follow up to Deja, is better, and they aren't necessarily wrong. Two beastly albums.
I don't like ranking Brand New albums vs each other. Each album has a completely different style and sound. I take the same approach to Enter Shikari's albums.
Album is incredible on first listen. Wow. Talk about delivering.
Just finished 137. Holy shit this album is fantastic.
Love me some Brand New. This is awesome news.
Had Batter Up on repeat for hours. The slow-burniest song on a slow burn album. Lovelovelovelove it.
This album surpassed all my expectations. Wow
Either I'm forever alone with my criticism, or all you schmucks are just going through the "Omg something new, so it's amazing" phase![]()
Or maybe everyone really did just want a slow and boring Brand New album! *will listen again tomorrow to triple check current feelings*
I hope it grows on me![]()
Either I'm forever alone with my criticism, or all you schmucks are just going through the "Omg something new, so it's amazing" phase![]()
Or maybe everyone really did just want a slow and boring Brand New album! *will listen again tomorrow to triple check current feelings*
I hope it grows on me![]()
Wouldn't say this is boring at all but ¯_(ツ_/¯ opinions and objectivity etc.
I'll have to listen to both again but I think I might prefer this to TDAG, but it's pretty silly to do a comparison when their style has changed so much throughout their entire discography.
FOR THE RECORD, I haven't listened to it yet, just excited about a new album! Devil and God is so good.
Fuck it. Downloaded it in a not so legal way but I couldn't wait no more. Can't wait for the vinyl though.
Bose headphones and a dark room. That's all I need for now.
Either I'm forever alone with my criticism, or all you schmucks are just going through the "Omg something new, so it's amazing" phase![]()
Or maybe everyone really did just want a slow and boring Brand New album! *will listen again tomorrow to triple check current feelings*
I hope it grows on me![]()
Dagger to my heart!
True, but as a fan you're still going to have your favourite, or at least favourite tracks.
Funny side note, as a Brit the only time I've actually seen Enter Shikari live was in... America. At A Day To Remember in Florida. I've never been the biggest Enter Shikari fan/listener, it's just amusing how they're a British band but the only time I've seen them is in a foreign country lol.
Is that Kevin Devine doing backup vocals on "no control"? It sounds like him to me.
Hey you're probably right and I'll come to my senses in a few months about TDAG being their absolute best. Curious to hear your thoughts on 451 though? That seems to be the closest to the style of anything from that album.
Oh definitely. My favorite tracks are Jesus Christ, At the Bottom, and The Boy Who Blocked his own Shot. I've got a soft spot for the reworked 1996 as well.
That's actually pretty funny haha. I'm going to be over in the UK next year to get to an Arsenal match. Been about...6 years since the last time I've been so it's been too long. Hoping I can catch a Shikari show while I'm there.
Hmm lemme have a listen. His voice is incredibly distinctive so that would make sense.
e: Yeah I think it might be. They're pretty harmonious to the main vocals so it's really hard but I think you're right. Maybe ask him on twitter? haha
I felt an intense energy throughout the whole thing. Slow and boring aren't even words on my radar. And no this isn't just a "cult of the new" impression...Either I'm forever alone with my criticism, or all you schmucks are just going through the "Omg something new, so it's amazing" phase![]()
Or maybe everyone really did just want a slow and boring Brand New album! *will listen again tomorrow to triple check current feelings*
I hope it grows on me![]()
Either I'm forever alone with my criticism, or all you schmucks are just going through the "Omg something new, so it's amazing" phase![]()
Or maybe everyone really did just want a slow and boring Brand New album! *will listen again tomorrow to triple check current feelings*
I hope it grows on me![]()
I felt an intense energy throughout the whole thing. Slow and boring aren't even words on my radar. And no this isn't just a "cult of the new" impression...
Considering how Daisy opens with Vices punching you in the face halfway through a hymn any follow up was gonna seem slow or boring by comparison tbh.
judge it for what it is not what it isn't.
I don't really like it. The vocals are fine but the actual guitar work reminds me of something else (and I don't mean older Brand New even if that would seem logical). Hard to explain, but I think if it wasn't for Jesse's vocals I'd think it was a song by another band.
Still salty younger me never bought the Jesus Christ 7" vinyl. It's the only one I'm missing. Such a good song.
Football and Enter Shikari are at least two damn British things for you to enjoy whilst here![]()
Never heard of them. Is the band name "Brand New" or "Announce 5th"?
Edit: ah, its Brand New. Ill look them up.
I'm one of those weird Americans who loves non American things. Rugby League, Cricket, F1, Football, etc.
I don't have the older 7" vinyl sadly. I wasn't collecting vinyl back then. Biggest regret. I actually didn't start until right around when Daisy came out.
This is awesome. Cannot unsee. Reminds me of how hard it was to find Brand New stuff online because it always pulls up loads of "new" things.
This is awesome. Cannot unsee. Reminds me of how hard it was to find Brand New stuff online because it always pulls up loads of "new" things.
More like a proper American. Soccer is the real football![]()
As I said earlier in this topic really young me bought Jude Law when it came out on 7" vinyl. I had no vinyl player back then but I used to buy 7" singles along with another two friends from a record store as they were cheap and fun to collect. Like £0.99 to £2.99 a vinyl usually. Jude Law was £1.99 IIRC. Jesus is a better song but I wouldn't trade Jude Law just cause it has nostalgia attached to it and is still valuable. Jesus prices are nuts too though. No way I'm buying it now. Look it up on and NOPE at the price.
I've got all The Quiet things variants too. I didn't actually get the Deja vinyl until the reprint. As I said young me was all about 7" singles and it wasn't until I got my first record player I really started buying albums. Daisy was easy to buy when it came out. I don't know if it's continual print, but there was plenty of copies. Probably just Brand New fans with shitty taste not liking Daisy ;D Deja is on continual print now and I think Devil and God too. I did manage to snag one of those red Devil and God vinyls, out of the 666 print. Had to pay £40 for it at release and it sold out quickly. It's better for the fans when the band does a continued print though. While I enjoy having some rare stuff it's shitty for fans if there isn't at least a basic LP continually getting printed if demand is high.
Tell me about it. Have an ebay tab open waiting for the limited Science Fiction vinyls to start going up and all I'm seeing are lots of science fiction books. Can't have a hole in their vinyl collection.
The prices on that Jesus 7" fluctuate pretty regularly. A few months ago you could get one for around $60, but right now the prices are insanely high. Though I guess not far off from what I paid for Jude Law not too long ago...
i always mark the records down when i ship them : )
i have sealed white or open clear, it's up to you...
- iodinerecords
Such an amazing night drive album. Slow burn, westerny, classic rock solos, trancy and full of rhythm in the choruses.
So, is this going to hit record stores anytime soon or in October like the very limited vinyl? The standard vinyl comes with an instant download?
451 stomps.
You can only preorder the vinyl now, it won't be in stores until October. Preordering now gets you the digital download immediately.