I really don't understand this game.. I keep on dying.
Is it me or am i the only one that doesn't really see the benefit of using 4 actions in 1 turn.
This just increases the buttons to press to finally make a move, and this with 4 characters.
I know that it suppose to make more sense in the full game, i think.
But can anyone explain ?
I really don't understand this game.. I keep on dying.
brofist.jpgTook Tiz and Ringabel both through the Knight and Valkyrie job paths a bit to get them both to have Jump, Crescent Moon and Two-Handed. Now they're destroying stuff left right and centre which is nice.
Can I make enemies attack certain party members more often?
I'm not seeing a point of my knight if he's hitting for 10 damage while my ninja is hitting for 50, when enemies are just attacking my mages anyway.
No Spotpass on this demo, just streetpass at the moment.Stupid question: How does one use Spotpass? Keep the game running in sleep mode?
Am I the only person who has problems with the 3D, I mean this is the first game that hurts my head with 3D on and my eyes are going like crazy.
Also liked the demo so far.
;D http://www.jp.square-enix.com/bdfts/world.html#luxendarcIf the rest of the towns in the game are even half as beautiful as the town in the demo, we're in for a real treat.
I really don't understand this game.. I keep on dying.
Will tell you about the reward after I've recieved more, do the quests, easier way to get money than "grinding". Poison you can heal yourself with antidotes or use poisma, just make sure one of your characters have a set skill to use at least level 1 white magic.Game's absolutely gorgeous, but I have no idea what I'm doing.
Am I supposed to do the town thing first? Can I even? I have no idea how it works.
Should I do the quests? I'm dying quite often so I'm guessing I should?
Are the rewards for the actual game the demo is talking about any good?
Poison is killing me. Help?
I love it though, it's great. <3
Can I make enemies attack certain party members more often?
I'm not seeing a point of my knight if he's hitting for 10 damage while my ninja is hitting for 50, when enemies are just attacking my mages anyway.
You need level 4/max to use level 3 spells.
Played 7 hours and not done yet, one of the best demos ever.
Damn this game is hard :lol. Guess it's the learning curve.
Does anyone know what the rewards are that carry on to the full game and what you have to do to get them?
Oh, and I need to battle some Imps during the night, do I actually have to wait till it's evening in real life or is there a set ingame day/night clock?
Is this game THAT hard, or is this thread just full of people who have never touched a classic-style JRPG?
If it's the same as the final Japanese demo, defeating all the bosses gets you a bunch of potions and some equipment that's not bad for the early game. And you can transfer a number of the villagers you get from Spotpass.
There's an ingame clock that passes as you walk around on the world map.
Is this game THAT hard, or is this thread just full of people who have never touched a classic-style JRPG?
Try using some of the abilities of other classes, IIRC performer has the ability to influence the enemy to attack them more.
Budget, and Japan loves portables. I think it's fine, a game can be on a handheld and they are as good as console games.
Yep gotta level up the job to unlock abilitiesI think I get how the job command stuff works, but how do I unlock more?
Do I need to switch my knight to a performer and grind that up to level 2 to unlock what you're talking about or something?
Any tips for the, I assume final boss of the demo,?dragon
The quest giver says thatweapons from "this land" aren't enough to beat it?
Any tips for the, I assume final boss of the demo,?dragon
The quest giver says thatweapons from "this land" aren't enough to beat it?
You may be right, haven't been able to really touch that stuff yet with it being street pass only and all in the demo :/Yep gotta level up the job to unlock abilities
You are progressing too fast for me to answer =P, any chance you upgrading Norende weapon shops etc?
Is Bravely Second in the demo?
I know that. It's just a rhetorical question.
Uh, how can I use white magic outside of battles? My entire party is poisoned and I don't have any more antidotes. Running around trying to pick a battle drains HP so fast :/
Nah that wasn't the first FF lol, it was a DS game check here: http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Final_Fantasy:_The_4_Heroes_of_Light
Change job command to one that can use white magic.
so gorgeous...but the demo isn't great imho in explaining game's tricks.
btw, this will be great to play right after zelda
Can't remember the last time I spent this much time with a demo. I do not regret my pre-order despite some annoying things like the blinding traps or the 10 hour wait for the construction of a shop in the village. I hope BD players don't mind sharing friend codes in the OT when the game releases.
Beat the first boss with a Knight, Ninja(died), White Mage and Black Mage. Felt like the battle took a really long time to beat. I'm already using the fast forward option when fighting previously encounterd enemies. I'm also addicted to the job system. I will probably put some levels in all jobs.
There is one thing I'm not 100% sure about equipment. Everyone can dual wield (I think) and many classes can have shields. Does equipping shields on mages have no effect on their magic attacks? My ninja does not have two daggers, etc. Should I even bither the the ranks of weapons for different classes?
What? You should get onto that.
Generally Dual-Wielding characters will do physical attacks with both weapons ("Left hand" and "Right hand" stat + "Attack" stat are important) . Magic users only rely on the "Magic Attack" stat when they use spells, so as long as the second weapon doesn't increase this stat you're better off equipping a shield.
He's using two maces.
I'm going to spend another little bit of time figuring that job mechanics outIt is pretty self-explaining after finding out how to assign jobs though, at least if this isn't your first FF ever.