I hope the judges that are appointed uphold Justice to the highest value, and aren't motivated by electoral or political concerns.
as it is their duty to as you stated to interpret the laws as written with which comes consideration of justice, and justice which is a moral principle, dictated by the values of society they hold true to their station.
They should interpret the text as it is written. No more no less. Anything else would be a mockery of democracy.
They should not try to interpret beyond the text and try to extrapolate onto what is the popular opinion of the day. Because what would that mean? Societal values and morals change all the time.
Sometimes to the left, sometimes to the right. You can't have laws that change their meaning based on the sentiment of the day.
Two examples of why your point is wrong:
1, Italy in the last few months. Italy has swung hard right and hard hostile to immigrants in the last few months/year. They now have a significant majority of their society holding hard anti immigrant moral positions.
Does this mean the Italian Judicial system should now start re-interpreting all their laws to reflect the immigrant hatred from the general population?
Fuck no, that would be a travesty.
2, In the US we hear a lot from the alt-left about that this should happen. I never hear this from the right.
I assume it is because the alt-left thinks they are on the right side of history and they are morally right.
Now, intersectionality and alt-left is in decline. I think they peaked last year.
We have numerous studies that show that in the generation that is coming now, replacing the millennials, that the pendlum is not just swinging back to before
the popular rise of alt-left, but it is swinging hard beyond that on the conservative scale.
In many ways they are said to be the most conservative generation in a hundred years.
Not impossible since every generation rebels against the previous one and the millenials did go hard left.
So, in the US, it is very likely that in 10 years, sentiment and morality in the society will have shifted hard right from where it is today.
Do you still think that at that time "the supreme court should re-interpret the law based on current society values and morals?"
or is that something that should only happen when you think they would lean your way?
(No, it would be just as wrong and as dangerous to democracy if SC 10 years from now would re-interpret the law from a hard right lens as it would be for it today to
re-interpret the law from a hard left lens.)
EDIT: Oh, we do have a lot of data on what happens every time a Judicial systems start going beyond just interpreting the text as it is written. Never very good outcomes.