Racists finally realized that it you feign outrage whenever anyone accuses you of being a racist, most people - including the media - will give you the benefit of the doubt so they don't appear partial or intolerant.I don't understand where all of this came from. It can't just be as a reaction to Obama because it's heavily ingrained in the BREXIT culture too. They literally just want to watch the world burn.
Isn't Germany pretty harsh on white nationalism?
France prohibits by its penal code and by its press laws public and private communication which is defamatory or insulting, or which incites discrimination, hatred, or violence against a person or a group of persons on account of place of origin, ethnicity or lack thereof, nationality, race, specific religion, sex, sexual orientation, or handicap. The law prohibits declarations that justify or deny crimes against humanity, for example, the Holocaust (Gayssot Act).
In Germany, Volksverhetzung ("incitement of popular hatred") is a punishable offense under Section 130 of the Strafgesetzbuch (Germany's criminal code) and can lead to up to five years imprisonment. Section 130 makes it a crime to publicly incite hatred against parts of the population or to call for violent or arbitrary measures against them or to insult, maliciously slur or defame them in a manner violating their (constitutionally protected) human dignity. Thus for instance it is illegal to publicly call certain ethnic groups "maggots" or "freeloaders". Volksverhetzung is punishable in Germany even if committed abroad and even if committed by non-German citizens, if only the incitement of hatred takes effect within German territory, e.g., the seditious sentiment was expressed in German writing or speech and made accessible in Germany (German criminal code's Principle of Ubiquity, Section 9 §1 Alt. 3 and 4 of the Strafgesetzbuch).
Isn't Germany pretty harsh on white nationalism?
The aim is to help elect right-wing politicians in the two European countries, where anti-immigrant sentiment has been on the rise, sources close to Bannon said.
America looks like the bad guys.
I lived in Germany and I doubt white supremacists have a chance there even with breitbart, the alt-right support and Putin's money. AfD got popular just because the anti muslim inmigrant sentiment.
Good luck.
They either won't be open for long in France or they'll severely tone down the white supremacist part.
Hate speech and incitation of hate speech are illegal here.
I dont understand how we can be so helpless against such obvious and transparent evil and corrupt happenings right now. i cant handle this
I lived in Germany and I doubt white supremacists have a chance there even with breitbart, the alt-right support and Putin's money. AfD got popular just because the anti muslim inmigrant sentiment.
Trump's state run media is expanding to other countries. His personal propaganda organization. America looks like the bad guys.
*snort*Isn't Germany pretty harsh on white nationalism?
How long until they start wearing uniforms? A year? Two?
It's a hell of a thing to see Nazism ascendant, given how much work it took to crush it last time.
Following the RT strategy of exporting propaganda networks disguised as an alternative news source.
Disturbing but not at all surprising. Dark days ahead.
They don't need to write anything approaching hate speech to get the same result. Focus on news stories that encourage xenophobia, overplay issues involving regional economic struggle. Attack the politicians/parties in power, painting them as corrupt, or weak in upholding cultural values.
You don't need to write "kick Muslims out of France!" To convince a segment of the population that they would be better off if they kicked Muslims out of France.
Good luck.
Yup. US-GAF loves to shit on Germany for their restrictions on free speech. Doesn't look so bad now does it?
Which is what caused Brexit, which is why the rise of fascism all across Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, which is why Le Pen is the second-biggest leader, which is why Austria might vote in a neo-nazi as President, which is why Poland has a highly right-winged government, and so forth.
They aren't opening offices in the middle-east?
Oh, that's right.
Don't for a second handwave it away as something not to be worried about.
Which is what caused Brexit, which is why the rise of fascism all across Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, which is why Le Pen is the second-biggest leader, which is why Austria might vote in a neo-nazi as President, which is why Poland has a highly right-winged government, and so forth.
Being anti immigrant makes no sense. None whatsoever. Its like they want to trap people on specific parts of the earth and keep them there while white people get to roam free because reasons. wtf.
How did Breitbart gain so much power so fast? I've never heard of them until gators started flocking there.
They're going to walk the concern troll Zemmour line. Basically dog whistle as much as possible, show themselves as conservatives who care about values and the rural/suburban man facing economic anxiety while elites watch and Islam is everywhere. I mean, parts of Figaro (particularly their online segments) are already doing this, and Valeurs Actuelles is pretty much it. These two publications share these characteristics: they have young editors and writers, and their identity politics are the alt right's: anti-feminism (with a few reactionary women as their spearhead), anti-LGBTQ (see the anti-gay marriage movement and the "gender theory" bullshit), and xenophobia/racism (see refugees, Islam and Romas).They either won't be open for long in France or they'll severely tone down the white supremacist part.
Hate speech and incitation of hate speech are illegal here.
How did Breitbart gain so much power so fast? I've never heard of them until gators started flocking there.
News organizations expanding into other countries to cover news isn't stran-
Don't most European countries have laws against outlets like Breitbart?
Smh.News organizations expanding into other countries to cover news isn't stran-
They're going to walk the concern troll Zemmour line. Basically dog whistle as much as possible, show themselves as conservatives who care about values and the rural/suburban man facing economic anxiety while elites watch and Islam is everywhere. I mean, parts of Figaro (particularly their online segments) are already doing this, and Valeurs Actuelles is pretty much it. These two publications share these characteristics: they have young editors and writers, and their identity politics are the alt right's: anti-feminism (with a few reactionary women as their spearhead), anti-LGBTQ (see the anti-gay marriage movement and the "gender theory" bullshit), and xenophobia/racism (see refugees, Islam and Romas).
Only a matter of time before it expands into CanadaOnce CPC gain power again I fully expect Breibart to make its move.