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BritGAF |OT| Mad Stacks Beyond Thunderlord

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Solo is like the Scullibundo of James Bond films. He usually sports a young Sean Connery as James Bond avatar.

Actually, I take that back. He isn't as uptight as Scullibundo.

Reason why I hide from movie threads it is just if i don't like it then nobody else is allowed to like it. Sours my experience of even posting in Spiderman threads because of all the Rammi circle jerking


I'm getting really bored in my flat, because I know Infinite will be at my door tomorrow and I feel trapped here right now.

Going to go Tesco for snacks, possibly jager, washing up liquid and maybe something from Ginsters because I won't be fucking cooking tomorrow if I can help it.


cross posting from the GoT thread:



she's brilliant. an upcoming british star if you ask me.

(sry tumblr gifs)


Ahh the girl I said other day made me feel like a CreepyGAF member sophie turner is ....damnn

Well that's my Daft Punk Vinyl ordered


Vinyl?! the fuck is this hipster bullshit.

*hides only vinyl record he has in a cupboard*

Where did you get it? Wouldn't mind getting a decent vinyl player and some of my favourite albums in that format.

Put it in a nice frame hang on wall looks boss

you get free digital album so worth it imo


Reason why I hide from movie threads it is just if i don't like it then nobody else is allowed to like it. Sours my experience of even posting in Spiderman threads because of all the Rammi circle jerking

Yeah, criticism doesn't seem to work very well in movie threads here. I used to frequently post in the "Movies you've recently seen" thread and it was great hearing other people's opinions about films you've seen but - from my experience - it got to the point where the only responses to films posted was negative. And I don't mean negative constructive criticism where they'd highlight what was wrong with the film. No, I mean pretentious shit like "lolol, you liked that shitty film?! your taste in film sucks lolol"


i dont even know what character she plays

who is she

Sophie Turner. Plays Sansa in Game of Thrones. Other british actors in Game of Thrones:


Sean Boromir Ned Bean, first of his name, Hand of King, Son of Gondor


Richard Madden, handsome scottish dude with gorgeous hair


Maisie Williams

it'd be too much to post all of them. almost all of the cast is british (something I just realised). yay for britian.


BritGAF |OT| Incoming referendum on thread title
BritGAF |OT| Home of the master alt
BritGAF |OT| That place wot Evilore drive-by posts


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
BritGAF |OT3| Includes Ireland, Channel Islands, Isle of Man and probably the Falklands. Even Scotland. Does not include Austin, Texas.
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