Apart from shorty and me, who else is definitely going to Download? If anyone wants to pm me their number I'll try and sort out a Download mini BritGaf meet up.
I just silently emptied a co-workers desk entirely whilst he stood a foot away with his back turned. Ah, that gave me a good giggle.
Now he's turned around, I've had my laugh and it's time to put everything back![]()
There's definitely a 2 folk here who are going to Download...I think. We can just go randomly around the campsite and ask folk if they know Evilore.
Don't let him manipulate you Coldman, you rock whatever avatar you want!OK Tash, just for you.
Don't let him manipulate you Coldman, you rock whatever avatar you want!
OK Tash, just for you...
Still got 3 slots to use when move books and my batman Arkham City statue
Old Republic set bit shit as it quite flimsy when wings are open might close them
2 sets , one jedi is holding 2 lightsabers due to one being Luke's lightsaber while he chills in X-wing
My X-Wing with closed foils might open them and but Porkins inside cockpit with Luke outside
So i fucked my phone
It still works
i lost all my data
but no cool rom
It seems this has once again been a wasted effort... XDA forums are so needlessly complicated.
So i fucked my phone
It still works
i lost all my data
but no cool rom
It seems this has once again been a wasted effort... XDA forums are so needlessly complicated.
So i fucked my phone
It still works
i lost all my data
but no cool rom
It seems this has once again been a wasted effort... XDA forums are so needlessly complicated.
Oh man, just reached Harry Stewart in Deadly Premonition. His rhymes are siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick.
Didn't think it was possible to fuck up a rom install. The XDA forums are really easy to follow lol. They usually have pictures and a video guide attached to rom builds.
People in gaming talking about FIFA and Madden and BF4 going exclusive. Console wars make people go full retard.
Everybody knows BF4 is a console exclusive to Xbawx thats why you can preorder it for PC and PS3 soon PS4
Evry1 nos the xbawks is for teh gays lol herp derp.
Lulz."AAA development costs are killing our profit margins per unit. Team, we need a plan. Suggestions?"
"Go exclusive- let's diminish our potential sales for a one time bung of money and Mountain Dew."
theres nobody like that on gaf though rite?
I think there are gay people on GAF, yeah.
edit: how bout those fuckin GTA trailers??! WOOOOOOOOO
Iwata said:We originally planned to release a few first-party titles for Wii U during the first half of this year, but no big titles are scheduled for release before "Pikmin 3" in July because we decided to take time to add the final touches to ensure that consumers fully feel that they are valuable titles.
Still need to cross Ballad of Gay Tony from my list actually. Haven't played a sandbox game since LA Noire and I did enjoy Lost and Damned.
Still need to cross Ballad of Gay Tony from my list actually. Haven't played a sandbox game since LA Noire and I did enjoy Lost and Damned.
Edit: latest financial statement from Nintendo:
What does that say about the state of the games that were going be released around now?
An advice dog pic? Smoky, I'm rather disappointed.
I'm going through that thread now can't wait to see the spin from the Nintendo defense force
I just signed up last week. £12 every 3 months and you get a lot of games for that, with new games added every month. It's crazy good value.
still have no idea what ps+ actually does, then again i haven't turned my ps3 on in over a year and haven't replaced my xbox since it died 4 years ago. I'm probably not their target audience...
GTAV looks awesome although the inspirations for the Tony Soprano character are a little blatant.
2/3 of those GTAV trailers got me pretty excited.
1/3 didnt
which one?