bitch I'm taking calls.
Checking this out now. Cheers
EDIT: lovin' this so far. The newsbits really take you back to the time. Will check out the '00 mix once this one is done.
If anyone's looking for more long mixes then I highly recommend Jaguar Skill's 60 minute History of Hip hop mix.
Double Edit: Ooooooo Regulate!
Glad you liked the mixes, Shorty. I'll bookmark that Jaguar Skill one. Here's a link to Flight Facilities soundcloud page for anyone else that wants to check them out: https://soundcloud.com/flightfacilities
Gotta say, I'm rather loving Gearbox's heel turn lately. It's like they're trying to give their studio personality, but they've just realised everyone who works there is a cock.
Gearbox is fucking awful. I knew they were shit from the first moment I tried to play Borderlands 1 online. Loaded up the game on steam where they outsourced the servers to Gamespy and get a pop-up that says I need to register for a gamespy account.
EDIT: Why am I always on the top of the page. This is awkward.
Dance me off, Duane!