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BritGAF |OT3| It's good, but it's not right.

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Do you work freelance or do you work for a singular company?
Singular company.

But the festival thing has just been an informal thing. I film the bands, in return I get an artist's pass to the entire weekend free of charge, which saves about £200.

Met loads of performers, some local and some not so local. Great atmosphere. Had most of my cider bought for me as well so a great weekend.

Just home to shove some food in my belly and now Mad Dog are playing a local bar so I'll be heading there asap.

seriously change your avatar

So long as BGBW has that ultra-moe fiend somewhere in his avatar, he's cool by me.
Wait? People are directing their complaints to you? Do they consider you my agent or something? If they are going to say something at least PM me directly.

Nah, I was just present whilst they were complaining. IRC and stuff. And yes, I probably should have told them to take it up with you.

I don't mind avatars that are a bit weird (obviously) but I think it's a bit much in your case, it's not exactly ambiguous as to what we're supposed to think it looks like.


Maturity, bitches.
It's really low quality mate. At least fix the aliasing
Hmm... I see what you mean. Shrinking sharp black and white images to such a small size does make them blur a bit. Doing it in two stages seems to have improved it a bit (eyes are much clearer now).


going spend night making a Daft Punk Fig


We can't just bury our heads in the ground and how the problem goes away :/

Bringing attention to the problems is the only way to attempt to solve them.

It's obviously bad to ignore it, but just saying crap like this on tv isn't the way to go about it. If a rift was created by government foreign policy, then stuff like this is just letting that rift grow, and it isolates a big portion of society.

I come from a muslim background, and I can't say I feel wanted in this country right now. I've had one of the most western upbringings possible, my parents worked hard and as result I grew up in more affluent areas than where most muslims grow up in, and yet this still counts for fuck all because of my skin colour. I'm just doing my own thing, focusing on exams and whatever, but there's plenty of places I wouldn't feel safe walking in. My parents are probably a perfect example of how the government wants immigrants to intergrate with society, and even they are at danger, I genuinely worry for their safety, and it's ridiculous. Since reading so many comments and reactions to the Woolwich incident, even on my own Facebook feed, I feel totally disconnected to British society right now. I feel that is largely due to how the media makes out that muslims are mostly nice, but are a group you should be extremely wary of. So no, I don't think this is the kind of attention we need to bring to the situation.

sorry for shitting up the thread with this


The unfortunate thing is that when people hear about a small group of radicals within a population, they instantly assume everyone they meet is /maybe/ a part of that group of radicals. You see it with Christians, Atheists, Muslims, people of a different race, anime/manga fans, gamers etc.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Hi BritGAF,

It's nice to be back. Had busy few weeks with (a) some intricate trust work (b) my daughter's wedding (c) some rather unexpected robbery.

Gradually getting back to normal, but it is a slow process, involving more ironing and gardening than I had expected - plus there were four more postings in the Langdell case that I have not caught up with yet.

Probably about another week before I catch up with it all - but good to see you are (nearly) all still here.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Hope the wedding went well and you didn't lose too much in the robbery. Was it the beads or your house?

Oh Christ! That's really awful! D:

Hope they didn't cause much damage or make off with too much.

Well guys, it was a spectacularly awesome and enjoyable wedding. I'm one of five children and all my brothers and sisters and associated uncles/aunts/cousins/nephews/nieces were there - and on my son-in-law's side there's another five-sibling family with all the associated relatives too - so it was like an enormous family get-together and went down really well.

You got it all wrong about the robbery though. I haven't been robbed, I am - at rather short notice (about 11pm last Sunday just after I'd driven 6 hours back from the wedding) - advising someone who has been arrested on suspicion of robbery. And to be fair to the police it is a pretty good suspicion too, though I suspect he will end up not being charged, but it is a bit fraught in the meantime.


Oh I see, so it was your daughters wedding and you couldn't refuse someones appeal to do some mob lawyering. You thought you were out but they came to you on the one day you couldn't refuse. Don't get in too deep phisheep


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Oh I see, so it was your daughters wedding and you couldn't refuse someones appeal to do some mob lawyering. You thought you were out but they came to you on the one day you couldn't refuse. Don't get in too deep phisheep

Thank you for your concern f0rk. We're in control here.

It's sorted short term - police bail with conditions. Guy knows exactly how clean to keep his nose in the meantime (namely, very clean). Took a few days to get that cleared up. It's not one I am going to get too deep into though, he'll get one bit of straight advice when and if it comes to trial and after that it is up to him. Depending which way it goes I may need to whisk him away fast after the trial but that is a few months off being as it will be in the Crown Court.


Nah, I was just present whilst they were complaining. IRC and stuff. And yes, I probably should have told them to take it up with you.

I don't mind avatars that are a bit weird (obviously) but I think it's a bit much in your case, it's not exactly ambiguous as to what we're supposed to think it looks like.

first thing tomorrow i'm going to punch you in the back of the head.
On the night bus travelling home after an awesome night clubbing with Mike and my gang. Have decided I'm a little bit in love with one of my female friends.

Shorty and Kent, glad you had a good time hanging out together.

Suairyu, I'll always keep a place in my heart for you.

Phi, glad you had a lovely time at your daughter's wedding.


First exam today. :(

I don't know why my semester is so long, the weather is amazing here and I have to be inside most of the time to study :mad:


Got another Airship Pirates tabletop RPG session to look forward to this afternoon. The last one involved a bar brawl, rare book theft and clockwork tea dispensers.


thinking i might set up a new facebook or do a huge cleansing.

i've got just over 200 friends on facebook, and i don't really use it at all. i dont really like stalking people on it, i don't really like posting because i don't really want to share shit with all these people i've accumulated over the years. some people i'd rather just cut out of completely or go dark. i actively try to avoid using it really apart from talking to a few key people.

might try and cut it back to like 50 people.

id even switch to google+ but no one seems to usei t.


Oh I see, so it was your daughters wedding and you couldn't refuse someones appeal to do some mob lawyering. You thought you were out but they came to you on the one day you couldn't refuse. Don't get in too deep phisheep


Congratulations to your daughter Phisheep, and I hope that the first child be a masculine child.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
On the night bus travelling home after an awesome night clubbing with Mike and my gang. Have decided I'm a little bit in love with one of my female friends.

Shorty and Kent, glad you had a good time hanging out together.

Suairyu, I'll always keep a place in my heart for you.

Phi, glad you had a lovely time at your daughter's wedding.

I ditched my group (who were standing way back) to mosh with shorty and some fella's from the gorbals, Complete sweatbox of a great time.

My tshirt is still soaked in half of glasgow sweat.

Mike was correct about shorty being good people.


thinking i might set up a new facebook or do a huge cleansing.

i've got just over 200 friends on facebook, and i don't really use it at all. i dont really like stalking people on it, i don't really like posting because i don't really want to share shit with all these people i've accumulated over the years. some people i'd rather just cut out of completely or go dark. i actively try to avoid using it really apart from talking to a few key people.

might try and cut it back to like 50 people.

id even switch to google+ but no one seems to usei t.

I think I'd do a culling if I were you.

I've recently been feeling a bit weird about the sheer number of people on my profile who I never talk to (but I used to be friends with 1+ year ago so feel obligated to keep them) and yet they see stuff I post about my life. Should do a culling too. Also as a solution I've just been posting the odd thought and bare essentials of what I get upto each year, as I've never liked those people who update their profile 5 times a day with "I made a bowl of ice cream, LOOK AT THE PIC, LIKE IT, I WILL POST MY DRINK IN HALF AN HOUR". Fuckin vapid.

I've heard that it's not possible to delete your fbook account, is that true?


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
I think I'd do a culling if I were you.

I've recently been feeling a bit weird about the sheer number of people on my profile who I never talk to (but I used to be friends with 1+ year ago so feel obligated to keep them) and yet they see stuff I post about my life. Should do a culling too. Also as a solution I've just been posting the odd thought and bare essentials of what I get upto each year, as I've never liked those people who update their profile 5 times a day with "I made a bowl of ice cream, LOOK AT THE PIC, LIKE IT, I WILL POST MY DRINK IN HALF AN HOUR". Fuckin vapid.

I've heard that it's not possible to delete your fbook account, is that true?

67 Friends on mine the now. Trimmed down a little. I had to start a new Facebook because i had 300+ on it last year (Pretty much everyone i knew got added)

I was caught up in the Adding/accepting hype of a new social media website at the time. I also like a shitload of pages and they also posted on my news feed.

Glad its trimmed now.


Amazingly good gig. Things were great but it went full steam when Wild for the Night got performed. Holy shit! Place just flipped upside down. Seriously! There was this one guy doin' Guile Flash Kick-esque moves while in the pit. Kentpaul, his friend, myself and some guy were tearin' it up but eventually got seperated while moshing. Got to shake Rocky's hand when came to the front row. By the end of the night the place just turned into a party with folk on the stage. Read up on fb about a kid who passed out from the heat around the front which sucked. The place was absolutely roastin'...worth it just to hear Goldie live.


I think I'd do a culling if I were you.

I've recently been feeling a bit weird about the sheer number of people on my profile who I never talk to (but I used to be friends with 1+ year ago so feel obligated to keep them) and yet they see stuff I post about my life. Should do a culling too. Also as a solution I've just been posting the odd thought and bare essentials of what I get upto each year, as I've never liked those people who update their profile 5 times a day with "I made a bowl of ice cream, LOOK AT THE PIC, LIKE IT, I WILL POST MY DRINK IN HALF AN HOUR". Fuckin vapid.

I've heard that it's not possible to delete your fbook account, is that true?

these are all people ive known or was friends with. its just time/distance that have allowed these friendships to die. some scenes i just dont even want to be associated with anymore.

indeed, perhaps i shall start a new facebook


Maturity, bitches.
Nah, I was just present whilst they were complaining. IRC and stuff. And yes, I probably should have told them to take it up with you.
I guess I should have asked earlier, but this wasn't the BritGAF room right? Because I wouldn't want to upset people in this community. If it was #GA or something then I couldn't care less.

dont worry BBW, i have spoken with green scar. he shall no longer bully you.


I'm not upset BGBW, it's fine, very you in fact.

Some people just have a dirty mind, she's clearly just running for the bus in the rain.


I used to be big on Facebook culls. Got myself down to <50 Facebook friends.

Then I realised I was being socially dumb, and hamstringing myself.

Facebook is for networking, not BFF circles.

It's on the freakin' internet; you shouldn't be putting anything up there about your life you wouldn't want a future employer to know. Privacy settings only do so much.

So now I'm just super-careful about what goes up on there, and maintain a good network of contacts it'd be good to have. Kind of essential in the media industry, and I'm sure very useful in other industries, too.
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