I've been to Santa Pod a few times. It's awesome, really loud cars go really fast.
Like you'd rather be playing that, or... ?
I really really dig it so far.
Not really that I'd rather be playing it but I'd like to play it again. I remember the game looking amazing and there's something much more enjoyable about going through one big mansion.
I'm enjoying 2 a lot, but I'm not really sure I like it being separated by missions. Not that I have a problem with this for a portable game, I feel it worked well for say, Peace Walker, but the first 2 mansions are just too small and most missions feel like "congrats on doing this thing, mission over, next mission go through it all again but with the thing you did last mission" and I find the controls to be a bit not good.
Fair enough. Never played the first game, so I don't have that to compare it to.
What kind of sick beast are you?
Someone who didn't buy a GameCube day one. Well one could have gotten Super Monkey Ball instead I suppose, but there wasn't much else to get. Universal Studios HA HA HA.What kind of sick beast are you?
I bet you all thought that Rogue Squadron game was awesome too
I've been to Santa Pod a few times. It's awesome, really loud cars go really fast.
Has anyone seen Santa Pod? I've been invited Monday, it sounds really cool and am actually looking forward to it... That and the fact of being driven their in a new Audi A5 3 Litre TDI...
Was just wondering if anyone had been and could provide an insight of what it's like?
Morning GAF
Cba with swimming, ill jog later
What's everyone doing for Saturday then?
Playing Runescape and posting rubbish on NeoGaf.
Do you have any other games such as Guild War 2, Battlefield 3 or Left4Dead2?
Nope, I was thinking about playing League of Legends but I'm too invested in Runescape.
I thought runescape was a less serious mmorpg for younger gamers
There's all sorts of people playing it. I started my account when I was maybe 10 and I've been on and off playing it since then.
Note: Time played.
I'm shameless.
It's been 9 years so that really isnt that bad, but i do think the game sucks so i have to judge you slightly
My head. Owwwwww.
Also managed to cut up the side of my foot with my shoes, lethal bloody things.
My shoe
My foot
My head. Owwwwww.
Also managed to cut up the side of my foot with my shoes, lethal bloody things.
My shoe
My foot
My shoe
My foot
What's everyone doing for Saturday then?
Optician's appointmentWhat's everyone doing for Saturday then?
Gonna head to the Trafford Center and do more Bioshock. Might go out, dunno.What's everyone doing for Saturday then?
What's everyone doing for Saturday then?
Morning GAF
Cba with swimming, ill jog later
What's everyone doing for Saturday then?
Playing a bit of MG:Rising, then off to London to smoke weed, drink jager and play Cards Against Humanity.
BritGAF, I have a question for you all.
I too remember these, but what they are or how i obtained them is ...a mystery
The ice lolly on the right, the one with two sticks... Where on Earth can you buy these? I remember these as a child and I haven't had one in years, and all of a sudden I was given one yesterday, but nobody knew where it came from.
I'm having a lazy day in today.
YAY doctor whoJust finished SC2 Heart of the Swarm campaign this morning, got Doctor Who to look forward to this evening.
gahh now im hungryOptician's appointment
Flat tidying
Doctor Who on the new HD enabled SKY box wotchamacallit
Might splash out and get a Happy Meal from MaccyDees, too!
Trafford center eh, what business do you have there?Gonna head to the Trafford Center and do more Bioshock. Might go out, dunno.
I had to move all of my stuff out on my own...actually that's not true.. my 11 year old sister helped me for 10 minutes packing the vanNot quite decided yet, probably sit on my arse playing video games until I get hungry and then grab some food I guess.
I definitely need a shower, helped a friend move out of their house yesterday and was lifting and moving stuff from 8-5 pretty much non stop. I'm dreading the day I move out, though - I don't really own much stuff.
God damn it mike, why do you have to have a fuckin' life mannPlaying a bit of MG:Rising, then off to London to smoke weed, drink jager and play Cards Against Humanity.
Try to make Easter Eggs for the first time.
If the U.S. and the south Korean puppet group perpetrate a military provocation for igniting a war against the DPRK in any area including the five islands in the West Sea of Korea or in the area along the Military Demarcation Line, it will not be limited to a local war, but develop into an all-out war, a nuclear war.