Wait, are you three on some sort of weird date?
I live in Gunwharf, so that is dangerously close.
That Thatcher thread is pretty hilarious.
I've between invited for an interview with Mercedes F1 that I applied to in December and they never replied. I already have a job sorted with great prospects but... F1 :/ not sure what to do
I'm getting bored of it now. It's just full of southerners denying how bad things where outside the rosy bubble of the south east back then.
So many in the thread who liked Thatcher can't admit she made mistakes, and those with disdain for her can't admit she did anything right.
I've between invited for an interview with Mercedes F1 that I applied to in December and they never replied. I already have a job sorted with great prospects but... F1 :/ not sure what to do
It's only an interview, book the day off work and go - you may enjoy it more than your current job.
My gut says let it go but at the same time the curiosity would be killer. As long as you think it won't sully your current prospects, I don't see how it can hurt to check it out.
If you're genuinely interested then just go and see how it goes. Shouldn't put too much pressure too as you've already got a safety net.
Yeah the regret it in the future thing gives me pause but would it be worse if I passed the interview and then turned it down lol?
So who is watching this dogging documentary on channel 4? The guy they're talking too is legend already.
Fucking wasted
Jed and mikeside are gone
I have 6 pieces of bacon in the oven ready to be consumed
Lets hope m 8am start doesnt kill me
Good night but jesus I have a shitty hangover
Got up at 5:30am to nurse myself back to health before my first day
Hopefully not before you finish LBP3.Damn locals are going to kill me soon. xD
Good luck on your first day Tash. Glad to see you Mike and Jed had a good day yesterday.
Wednesday. Boredom level - dangerously high. Have taken to daydreaming at work, which means I'm not getting much work done, but I have shitloads to do, I just really can't be bothered to do it. This is not good.
Huh. I was at Alton Towers yesterday. You must have been, like, the only other guy there.Alton towers was not busy at all was sweet
What job is it you do? (I could search)
I've been at work 20 minutes today and all I have done today is stare at my screen and tried to discover some new music. Also spending a bit of time looking at Kickstarter trying to find some things worth backing.
Fully aware you are completely wasted now but you seem like the right person to ask.
Is Rocksmith the game a good way of learning how to play? Or would that be a stupid idea without really knowing?
Spent a good half hour trying Rocksmith (Bass version) last June. Was the only one there and the guy at the booth was nice enough to give me a Ubisoft pick.
Is it a good way to learn? Its an...interestingly different way to learn. I found the screen layout a little confusing at first though. I suggest you try it for a few days at a friend's house or through a rental and see how comfortable you are with it.
EDIT: if you happen to find it at a good price then gimmie a shout.
I'm a client accountant in property management. I don't mind the accounts side, I've always liked numbers. I just really don't give a fuck about property. But I've been in it too long and earn to much to change career, I can't afford to take a pay cut, which I would undoubtedly need to do to change career.
I am seriously doubting my career choice at this moment in time;
A local game shop near me is selling the Xbox version with the game and real tone cable for £30. The shop does not deliver and isn't a part of a chain unfortunately. I know he has one copy in and I'm unsure wether he has any more. I actually have £30 store credit with him and I'm very tempted to pick that and a guitar up instead of a 3DS.
That's fair enough, is there no way you could look around and see whether anything is about with a similar sort of pay bracket?
I am seriously doubting my career choice at this moment in time; fully aware I'm starting a new job on Monday but currently I'm sat under some disgusting desks and its making me feel sick and I just dropped a huge heavy lump on my shin and it fucking hurts! Can't wait to leave this fucking place. God I am seriously just having a shit week!
Know what sucks? When you have a job with a load of really cool people and you really enjoy it there, but then the work is total fucking shit.
Good night but jesus I have a shitty hangover
Got up at 5:30am to nurse myself back to health before my first day
Hopefully not before you finish LBP3.
And have fun Tash. Oh I guess I never said congrats. Congrats.
Don't we all!![]()
I'm a client accountant in property management. I don't mind the accounts side, I've always liked numbers. I just really don't give a fuck about property. But I've been in it too long and earn to much to change career, I can't afford to take a pay cut, which I would undoubtedly need to do to change career.
We all doubt our careers from time to time. You gotta either come up with a solution to change it or adapt. I really want to explore my creative side and do some writing or create a website/app but I can't find the motivation in me. Really should at some point. Take up something you enjoy doing and making it into a career or something.
Also, if you can get a 3DS for £30 then I'd go for that. I'm waiting until I can find Rocksmith for something crazy like £20 or lower.
So true. My old job was so mundane but the folk I worked with were amazing and fun. Today, It's the complete opposite.
is there anything you havent done phisheep
Danced with the Devil in the pale there anything you havent done phisheep
Danced with the Devil in the pale moonlight.