What about that film that you have been promising? What about other mediums?
We have been approached by a number of movie studios and have been exploring ideas. But still havent quite got together a team / script that we would have confidence in greenlighting.
Wait...if the amount shown on kickstarter page don't reach the target, wouldn't they won't take the money from backers?
The target was $400k, so now it's just a stretch goal, no problem there - they'll take everything what was donated on Kickstarter.
The target was $400k, so now it's just a stretch goal, no problem there - they'll take everything what was donated on Kickstarter.
When the game is completed is it then available to buy, to people who haven't backed the Kickstarter?
Amazed, that the BASS stretch goal won't be met. But not even I as big Broken Sword fan pledged for this Kickstarter. It just has been too much in the last months.
BASS2 is still planned to be made, folks. The stretch goal was more to allow them to go *directly* into production after BS. If it's not reached, it'll mean they'll have to wait for revenue from BS before they can do so, or start a Kickstarter for *that* sooner.
Very glad $800k was reached. Those stretch goals sound awesome, especially the exotic locations one![]()
And that next zeitgest seems to be the Gnostics (those early Christians who defected and were massacred) who are mentioned before this quote. I don't know much of them and haven't seen them mentioned in popular media much so he might be on to something.Games TM: "Why no Knights Templar?"
Cecil: "We were largely responsible for bringing the Knights Templar to the public consciousness. Many of our fans are sure that Dan Brown must have played Broken Sword and, in writing The Da Vinci Code, was inspired by the story, the characters and the settings.
But the problem is we then saw a slew of Knights Templar books and films, and so the subject matter, as great as it is, has become cliched. Our objective is, rather than looking back, to look forward to create the next zeitgeist, and that is what we're hoping to do here."
Looks good!
Can't believe I didn't back this... I guess this will haunt me forever.
Any new on how long the delay is? Just remembered this was supposed to release in April.