Kunohara said:And the best part is, because of their bitching, instead of wanting to keep reposting their shit every page, they won't at all if this thread dies.
The thread won't die. It wasn't being kept alive by any particular individual.
Kunohara said:And the best part is, because of their bitching, instead of wanting to keep reposting their shit every page, they won't at all if this thread dies.
moop2000 said:And for some reason, we are going to vote on Crisis' ideas? Can we just get back to the way it was working before?
This. I was actually on his 'side' of this argument, but the way he took it personally was a little overboard, and deleting the spreadsheet was just low. Also, giving a big F you to everyone when it was just a few people pushing his buttons was just bad form.commish said:I can honestly say I never thought the B/S/T thread would get so hostile. No offense, Crisis, but this is making you look far worse than any of those posters you called out.
Crisis said:Hey, by the way - fuck you, too.
Also, this isn't really a meltdown so much as it is that I'm beyond tired of dealing with all of your bullshit. I really am. You all should take a good fucking look at what happened here. I tried to suggest a few rules to make the thread better, and this is what happened. Any single one of you would have done the same thing. Anyone talking about using the work I did in maintaining the feedback list shouldn't do it. That is work that I did, that I compiled, and I don't want it used by anyone else. Make your own fucking list.
ricka238 said:Selling the following games (sorry for the crappy formatting!). I generally will not consider trades unless uncommon Saturn, Dreamcast, or NES games are offered; looking for PayPal. All are NTSC-U region unless noted otherwise. PM me with reasonable offers, and consider that I am selling from the continental US:
Title, Condition
Shock Trooper: 2nd Squad complete (Japanese)
Metal Slug 3 complete (English)
Last Blade complete (Japanese)
Art of Fighting complete (English)
Aero Fighters 2 complete (English)
Strikers 1945 Plus complete
Phantom-1 MVS-AES Converter
Samurai Shodown cart only
Fatal Fury 2 cart only
Harvest Moon Cart only
E.V.O. The Search for Eden Cart only
Metal Warriors Cart only
Contra 3: Alien Wars Complete
Final Fight 3 Cart only
Breath of Fire 2 Complete
Demon's Crest Cart only
Secret of Mana Cart only
Super Mario RPG Cart only
Lufia Cart only
Final Fight 2 Cart only
Knights of the Round Cart only
R-Type III: The Third Lightning Cart only
Bust a Move Cart only
Street Fighter Alpha 2 Cart only
Breath of Fire Cart, manual, map
Front Mission: Gun Hazard NTSC-J Complete
Robotrek Cart only
Secret of Evermore Cart only
Super Bomberman 2 Cart only
Ranma 1/2 Hard Battle Cart only
Actraiser Cart only
Alien vs. Predator Cart only
Civilization Cart only
Illusion of Gaia Cart only
The Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse Complete
Super Street Fighter 2 Cart only
Wordtris Cart only
Soul Blader NTSC-J Cart only
U.N. Squadron Cart only
X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse Complete
Final Fight Cart only
Chessmaster Cart only
Darius Twin Cart only
Eye of the Beholder Cart only
Super Nova Cart only
Capcom MVP Football Cart only
Chrono Trigger Cart only
Mega Man X3 Cart only
Mega Man X2 w/ box
Final Fantasy III Cart only
Final Fantasy II Cart only
Super Metroid Cart only
The Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past Cart only
Mega Man X Cart only
Super Castlevania IV Cart only
Chomakaimura NTSC-J Cart only
Crusaders of Centy Complete
Valis Complete
Shining Force II Cart and Manual
Chiki Chiki Boys Complete
Moonwalker Cart only
Shinobi III Complete
Micro Machines Complete
Gain Ground Complete
Herzog Zwei Complete
D&D Eternal Sun Complete
Pirates! Gold Cart only
Double Dragon 3: The Arcade Game Complete
Light Crusader Complete
McDonald's Treasure Land Complete
Sorcerer's Kingdom Cart and Manual
Toe Jam & Earl 2: Panic on Planet Funkatron Cart only
Sonic & Knuckles Cart only
Gauntlet IV Cart only
Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle Complete
Revenge of Shinobi Sealed Complete
Altered Beast Complete
Mystic Defender Complete
Strider Cart only
Aladdin Complete
Mortal Kombat II Complete
Ms. Pac Man Complete
Revenge of Shinobi Cart only
Tinhead Complete
SYD of Valis Complete
Phantasy Star II Cart only
Gaiares No Label Cart only
Valis III Cart only
Sword of Vermilion Cart only
Target Earth Cart only
Joe Montana Football Cart only
Ranger X Cart only
Thunder Force 2 Cart only
Balloon Boy / Funny World Complete
Lightening Force Complete
Contra: Hard Corps Complete
Castlevania: Bloodline Complete
Ghostbusters Complete
Ghouls & Ghosts Complete
Phantasy Star II w/ Map, Guide Book Complete
Phantasy Star 3 Complete
XBOX 360
Dodonpachi Daioujou: Black Label Ex (Sealed w/pre-order art NTSC-J Mint)
Silent Hill: Homecoming (Sealed Mint)
Call of Duty 6: Modern Warfare 2
Gears of War 2 (Good)
Call of Duty 4: Game of the Year Edition (Mint)
Fable II
Gears of War (Mint)
Call of Duty 2 (Mint)
Call of Duty 3 (Mint)
Dead Rising (Mint)
Halo 3 (Mint)
Street Fighter IV (Mint)
Too Human (Mint)
Fifa '08 (Good)
Bionic Commando (Mint)
Condemned 2
Crackdown (Mint)
Perfect Dark Zero (Mint)
Project Gotham Racing 3 (Mint)
Big Bumpin'
Far Cry Instincts Predator
Grand Theft Auto IV (Sealed Mint)
Lego Star Wars II
Madden '07 (Madden '06 box & manual)
Madden '08 (Mint)
NHL '07 (Mint)
NHL 2K6 (Mint)
Pocket Bike Racers
Sneak King
Ogre Battle 64: Person of Lordly Caliber (Complete Good)
Bomberman 64: 2nd Attack (Complete Mint)
Paper Mario (Complete Mint)
Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon (Complete Good)
Sin & Punishment (Complete NTSC-J Mint)
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (Complete Mint)
Mischief Makers (Complete Mint)
Starcraft 64
Castlevania 64: Legacy of Darkness
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Gold Cartridge, version 1.0)
Hybrid Heaven (Complete Good)
Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon Poor)
Mega Man 64 (Complete Mint)
Winback Complete
WWF No Mercy (Complete Mint)
WCW/NWO Revenge
WWF Wrestlemania 2000
Sniper Elite Sealed Mint
Fatal Frame Mint
Fatal Frame 2 Good
Beyond Good and Evil Sealed Mint
Castlevania: Curse of Darkness Mint
Capcom Fighting Evolution
Destroy All Humans Sealed Mint
Manhunt Mint
Final Fight: Streetwise Sealed Mint
Midway Arcade Collection 2 Mint
Burnout 3 Mint
Hunter the Reckoning: Redeemer Sealed Mint
Jet Set Radio Future/ Sega GT 2002 Good
Legacy of Kain: Blood Omen 2 Sealed Mint
Legacy of Kain: Defiance Sealed Mint
Halo 2 Collector's Edition Mint
Indigo Prophecy Mint
Narc Sealed Mint
MVP Baseball 2004 Mint
Crimson Skies Mint
Dead to Rights Average
NHL 2004 Mint
NHL 2K5 Mint
Syberia Sealed Mint
Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay Sealed, Platinum Hits Mint
Pikmin 2 Sealed, Mint
Super Smash Bros. Brawl Mint
Ikaruga Good
Super Mario Sunshine Mint
Super Smash Bros. Melee Mint
Alien Hominid Mint
Star Fox Adventures Mint
Star Wars Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader Mint
Blast Works Sealed Mint
Chaos Field
Baten Kaitos Origins Sealed Mint
Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes Average; no manual
The Legend of Zelda: The Twilight Princess Mint
Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem Mint
Baten Kaitos Mint
Metroid Prime Mint
Metroid Prime 2 Mint
Resident Evil Mint
The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker Mint
MikeE21286 said:For anyone, you know, looking to actually b/s/t something....
Here is a Google Docs link to a quick spreadsheet I put together containing feedback
GAF b/s/t feedback
****Note: It is updated through the end of March 3, 2011 (post 1228)****
Crisis said:I'm tired of dealing with all of your bullshit. I deleted the User-Submitted Feedback List. I deleted the Beginner's Guide. I'm done being personally attacked for trying to help this thread. Fuck xaosslug, fuck knee, and fuck the rest of you, too. Can't even help without getting personally attacked. I'm done with the thread and the community in general. All of you are terrible.
Come on, this is the shit that has to stop.RickA238 said:Bump.
xaosslug said:um... wow.
IIRC, there were 2 other posters involved in the birth of the feedback doc (and didn't someone else make the images for it as well?) Yeah, they abandoned it and you took full responsibility, but that DOES NOT give you the right to delete the whole thing in a fit. I don't understand the reasoning beind this aside from proving my earlier point about power-tripping...
KoreanBarbecue said:OK, I'm going to do this - update the list as best as I can starting from March 3rd. However, this is going to take some time. Anyone who wants to help, please let me know - I could use it.
xaosslug said:um... wow.
IIRC, there were 2 other posters involved in the birth of the feedback doc (and didn't someone else make the images for it as well?) Yeah, they abandoned it and you took full responsibility, but that DOES NOT give you the right to delete the whole thing in a fit. I don't understand the reasoning beind this aside from proving my earlier point about power-tripping...
xaosslug said:um... wow.
IIRC, there were 2 other posters involved in the birth of the feedback doc (and didn't someone else make the images for it as well?) Yeah, they abandoned it and you took full responsibility, but that DOES NOT give you the right to delete the whole thing in a fit. I don't understand the reasoning beind this aside from proving my earlier point about power-tripping...
KoreanBarbecue said:ATTENTION
OK, I have the feedback list, but it's only updated through March 3rd. I'm going to start compiling and adding feedback to it as quickly as I can, but it's going to take awhile.
Does anyone want to lend a hand? There are literally thousands of posts to comb through and any help I can get getting this thing current will be greatly appreciated. If you want to help, please PM me. Thanks!
MikeE21286 said:For anyone, you know, looking to actually b/s/t something....
Here is a Google Docs link to a quick spreadsheet I put together containing feedback
GAF b/s/t feedback
****Note: It is updated through the end of March 3, 2011 (post 1228)****
kodt said:It's still up, he just took down the link:
Beginners Guide:
I saved a copy of both already.
LocoMrPollock said:Is that the most recent backup you have? I could really care less about Crisis' temper tantrum, (He's seriously putting my 18-month old daughter to shame in that department) and will happily make use of his previous list. I suppose he can sue me if he feels the need to..heh.
Way to be a douche, Crisis. Respect -100.
RPGCrazied said:So, I got my copy from Zavvi today of Xenoblade. I was charged again. I already have it. Its sealed and want to sell it to a gaffer. I'm asking for $60 shipped. U.S only. Paypal preferred.
MikeE21286 said:Awesome
Ken said:I may be interested. Will let you know by the end of the week if it hasn't sold already.
Crisis said:Go fuck yourself.
sn1pes said:Any interest in moving to a proper feedback system (someone in this mess of a thread suggested it) now that the 'BST War' is over and those babies are gone? That way no one is responsible for updating and no one wields all dat power.
KoreanBarbecue said:Hm, got a PM from Crisis asking me not to use his list. I don't want to take sides here. I can see where he's coming from, but honestly, I'm not ready for this thread to just up and die over something like the feedback thread being someone else's, and thus we're all screwed.
What would people think about starting a new feedback list? We'd all have to start off from scratch, but we'd hopefully get this shit ironed out faster.
KoreanBarbecue said:Hm, got a PM from Crisis asking me not to use his list. I don't want to take sides here. I can see where he's coming from, but honestly, I'm not ready for this thread to just up and die over something like the feedback thread being someone else's, and thus we're all screwed.
What would people think about starting a new feedback list? We'd all have to start off from scratch, but we'd hopefully get this shit ironed out faster.
LocoMrPollock said:He's acting a fool. Just use the recorded feedback to make the new list.
KoreanBarbecue said:Hm, got a PM from Crisis asking me not to use his list. I don't want to take sides here. I can see where he's coming from, but honestly, I'm not ready for this thread to just up and die over something like the feedback thread being someone else's, and thus we're all screwed.
What would people think about starting a new feedback list? We'd all have to start off from scratch, but we'd hopefully get this shit ironed out faster.
KoreanBarbecue said:Hm, got a PM from Crisis asking me not to use his list. I don't want to take sides here. I can see where he's coming from, but honestly, I'm not ready for this thread to just up and die over something like the feedback thread being someone else's, and thus we're all screwed.
What would people think about starting a new feedback list? We'd all have to start off from scratch, but we'd hopefully get this shit ironed out faster.
Its not really his list. take the info and start a new one, kind soul.KoreanBarbecue said:Hm, got a PM from Crisis asking me not to use his list. I don't want to take sides here. I can see where he's coming from, but honestly, I'm not ready for this thread to just up and die over something like the feedback thread being someone else's, and thus we're all screwed.
What would people think about starting a new feedback list? We'd all have to start off from scratch, but we'd hopefully get this shit ironed out faster.
KoreanBarbecue said:Hm, got a PM from Crisis asking me not to use his list. I don't want to take sides here. I can see where he's coming from, but honestly, I'm not ready for this thread to just up and die over something like the feedback thread being someone else's, and thus we're all screwed.
What would people think about starting a new feedback list? We'd all have to start off from scratch, but we'd hopefully get this shit ironed out faster.
Aselith said:FUCK CRISIS. His list was built with other people's reputations. Everyone was very appreciative of what he did except one or two people and he betrayed them all. Use the list and let someone who isn't a mewling infant take responsibility.
I don't want him back ever whether he gets over it or not. This could easily happen with him again and we know that now.
Crisis said:Hey. Fuck you, guy. I posted this in the other thread, but just so you know:
duckroll said:Okay, I'm just going to help put the foot down on this and clarify a few things.
C. The Buy/Sell/Trade thread is meant for the community on this forum to buy/sell/trade within the community. It is not a thread for people to promote off-site sales or auctions. If you choose to sell or auction your stuff on a public site elsewhere, that's your decision. Do not spam those things back into this thread. There's a specific function for the thread and linking to your auctions is not that function.
commish said:Yes, new page, let's stop with the mud slinging from here on out. BBQ is working on a new list and we'll just use that from now on. Hopefully a mod can give BBQ the first post so he can maintain it.
KoreanBarbecue said:Agreed on a new thread. Any suggestions on who I should contact?
Looks like duckroll is your contact.KoreanBarbecue said:Agreed on a new thread. Any suggestions on who I should contact?