****Call of Duty 4: Six Hours of Poop In Your Pants Fun Official Thread****
Official Call of Duty 4 Multiplayer Get Together and Gamertag Roundup Thread
Basic Information
Website: CallofDuty.com & CharlieOscarDelta.com
Developer: Infinity Ward
Publisher: Activision
Platform: PC | PlayStation 3 | Xbox 360 | Nintendo DS (Not Developed by Infinity Ward)
Genre: First Person Shooter
Release Dates: USA - November 5th, 2007 | Europe - November 9th, 2007 | Australia - November 7, 2007 | Japan - Unknown
MSRP: PC - $49.99 (Regular) $59.99 (Collector) | PlayStation 3 & Xbox 360 - $59.99 (Regular) $69.99 (Collector) | Nintendo DS - $29.99
Game Rating: ESRB - M (Mature 17+)
Gamemodes: Campaign (Single Player Only) | Arcade (Campaign Scoring) | Multiplayer (Split-screen/Lan/Online)
Miscellaneous Information
Xbox LIVE Fire Weekend for Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare 11/16-11/18
Hardcore Mode Information - Taken from CharlieOscarDelta Forums
Information on the German version differences.
Individual System Information
PC System Requirements
Intel Pentium 4 2.4 GHz / AMD Athlon 64 2800+ processor / Any 1.8Ghz Dual Core Processor or better supported
512MB RAM (768MB for Vista)
Nvidia Geforce 6600 or better / ATI Radeon 9800Pro or better
2.4 GHz Dual Core Processor or better is recommended
1024MB RAM (2048MB for Vista)
Nvidia Geforce 7800 or better / ATI Radeon X1800 or better
3.0 Shader Support Recommended
PlayStation 3
*Ranked Multiplayer Matchmaking up to 18 Players
*Voice Chat with USB/Bluetooth Headset
*No Rumble (DualShock 3) Support
*No Keyboard or Mouse Support
Xbox 360
*Ranked Multiplayer Matchmaking up to 18 Players
*Voice Chat through Headset
*No Keyboard or Mouse Support
Gameplay Info
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare will introduce a variety of game play styles into the single player campaign completely new to the Call of Duty series. The game moves away from the standard three country-specific campaign style, and allows the plot to play through more like a film style plot with interlaced story lines from the perspective of the player as a member of the US 1st Force Recon and a member of the British 22nd SAS Regiment. There is also a variety of cameo-style missions where you play as various other soldiers such as an AC-130 Spectre Gunship gunner, or as one part of a two man sniper team behind enemy lines in a flashback style mission.
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare will focus on the variation of modern warfare as an infantry soldier by allowing the player to control soldiers in a vast amount of different scenarios, straying away from the constant "at eleven" action of previous Call of Duty titles and allowing for both heavy intensity fire fights and slower paced drama styled intensity. The developer, Infinity Ward, has so far told about a handful of such levels including where the player will be the gunner of an AC-130 gunship and the pilot of a AH-1 Super Cobra helicopter providing air support.
The series' move to modern warfare has also introduced a variety of new modern weapons and technology to be introduced to the Call of Duty franchise. Such showcased weapons and attachments include M203 grenade launchers, IR laser pointers for use in conjunction with night vision goggles, silenced MP5SD submachine guns, and the FGM-148 Javelin portable anti-tank guided missile among many others.
(Taken from COD4:MW Wikipedia Entry)
Plot Information - Possible Spoilers
A Russian nationalist by the name of Zakhaev is set on returning his homeland to the Soviet times. Zakhaev knows the United States would never allow this to happen, thus he funds a coup in the Middle East, organized by his ally Al-Asad, to draw attention away from Russia. The two men and their seconds-in-command gain the nickname The Four Horsemen. However, the British and US governments have been monitoring Zakhaev's activities and discover his real intentions. The story is told from a perspective of a British 22nd SAS Regiment operative in Russia and American 1st Force Recon in the Middle East.
The game features the following as playable characters:
*Lieutenant Price, 22nd SAS Regiment
*Sergeant John "Soap" MacTavish, 22nd SAS Regiment (present)
*Sergeant Paul Jackson, 1st Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment (later Sergeant as part of 1st Force Recon Co., U.S.M.C.) (present)
Their names are seen in mission info which is seen in published gameplay footage of the game. Further characters are unknown.
The game features the following as unplayable characters:
*Captain MacMillan, 22nd SAS Regiment
*Captain Price, 22nd SAS Regiment (serving as MacTavish's commanding officer. Uses the same model as Call of Duty and Call of Duty 2 incarnation) (present)
*Lieutenant Vasquez, 1st Force Recon Co., U.S.M.C. (Sgt. Paul Jackson's Platoon Leader) (present)
*Staff Sergeant Griggs, 1st Force Recon Co., U.S.M.C. (Support Gunner of Sgt. Paul Jackson's Squad) (present)
Their names are seen in mission info which is seen in published gameplay footage of the game, or, in the case of Lt. Vasquez and SSgt. Griggs, in the PC Singleplayer Demo. Further characters are unknown.
(Taken from COD4:MW Wikipedia Entry)
Box Art
Collectors Edition Contents
Official Brady Games Digital Strategy Guide
Exclusive Hardcover Artbook
Xbox 360:
Making of DVD with SAS Documentary
Exclusive Hardcover Artbook
PlayStation 3:
Unfortunately No Collectors Edition
Action Trip
Firing Squad
Gaming Nexus
Hollywood Reporter
San Jose Mercury News
Putin's Review: Flash Player | WMV SD | WMV HD | MOV SD | MOV HD
Gamer.TV Review: (Had a video but was taken down) 9/10
Pelaaja: 10/10 Scans w/o translation
7 PC Images - Gamersyde
6 PS3/Xbox & 6 PC Images - Gamersyde
PS3 Shots by adams828 on AVSForum
Update: He is now updating with more pictures on blogspot.
More Shots here of the Multiplayer Interface.
Exclusive Halloween Surprised Trailer: SD | HD - GameTrailers
Trailer: SD | HD - GameTrailers
PC vs. Console Interview: SD | HD - GameTrailers
Lighting and Effects Interview: SD | HD - GameTrailers
Vehicle and Weapons Interview: SD | HD - GameTrailers
Evolution of Shooters Inteview: SD | HD - GameTrailers
Multiplayer Perks(That we know of)
Perk Slot 1:
* Bomb Squad (detect placed C4 charges)
* C4 x 2
* Claymore x 2
* RPG-7 x 2
* Special Grenades x 3
* Frag x 3
* Bandolier (adds more ammo to your clip)
Perk Slot 2:
* Juggernaut (More Health)
* Sleight of hand (Reload quicker)
* Stopping power (More weapon damage)
* UAV Jammer (Jams enemy radar)
* Sonic Boom (Bigger explosions)
* Double Tap (increased rate of fire)
* Overkill (carry two primary weapons, no pistol)
Perk Slot 3:
* Extreme conditioning (Sprint longer)
* Steady Aim (Steadier aiming)
* Last Stand (Shoot your pistol while dying)
* Deep Impact (Better bullet penetration through walls)
* Dead Silence (Less noise when running)
* Iron Lungs (Hold breath longer when sniping)
* Eavesdrop (Allows you to listen in on enemy chat)
* Martyrdom (While dying, player pulls a grenade)
Multiplayer Weapons (Potential list pulled from PC Demo files)
Bomb Defuse
Cobra 20mm
Cobra FFAR
Colt .45
Concussion Grenade
Desert Eagle
Flash Grenade
Frag Grenade
Humvee .50cal
Remington 700
Winchester 1200
Information and Single Player Weapon List
For those that want to play COD4 with realistic settings on the PS3 check out: NeoGAF Call of Duty 4 PS3 Realism Unit Thread of Realism!
Official Call of Duty 4 Multiplayer Get Together and Gamertag Roundup Thread
Basic Information
Website: CallofDuty.com & CharlieOscarDelta.com
Developer: Infinity Ward
Publisher: Activision
Platform: PC | PlayStation 3 | Xbox 360 | Nintendo DS (Not Developed by Infinity Ward)
Genre: First Person Shooter
Release Dates: USA - November 5th, 2007 | Europe - November 9th, 2007 | Australia - November 7, 2007 | Japan - Unknown
MSRP: PC - $49.99 (Regular) $59.99 (Collector) | PlayStation 3 & Xbox 360 - $59.99 (Regular) $69.99 (Collector) | Nintendo DS - $29.99
Game Rating: ESRB - M (Mature 17+)
Gamemodes: Campaign (Single Player Only) | Arcade (Campaign Scoring) | Multiplayer (Split-screen/Lan/Online)
Miscellaneous Information
Xbox LIVE Fire Weekend for Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare 11/16-11/18
Get ready for some wild multiplayer action as we celebrate the release of Call of Duty® 4: Modern Warfare with a LIVE Fire Weekend. We've got a 72-hour Play & Win Sweepstakes, a chance to play against the game developers, the PMS clan gets in on the action, plus we'll have exclusive themes, gamer pics, and game trailers available from Xbox LIVE® Marketplace.
Register your gamertag now and get ready for a whole weekend of fun and competition! From 12:01 A.M. (ET) on Friday, November 16 until 11:59 P.M. (ET) on November 18, you'll get an entry into the sweepstakes every hour when you play a multiplayer Call of Duty 4 session on Xbox LIVE®.
We've got a whopping 72 prizes to give away (one for each hour), so you've got plenty of chances to win. The Grand Prize package includes an Xbox 360 Elite console, VIP Accessories kit, Call of Duty 4 merchandise, and lots more!
Hardcore Mode Information - Taken from CharlieOscarDelta Forums
fourtwozero said:In Hardcore Mode all HUD elements are gone, unless you get UAV Recon (radar) then the mini-map pops up for radar for 30 seconds but that's the only time the mini-map is visible.
The idea of Hardcore mode is to be more realistic, so you have no Ammo Counter, no Icons telling you who are friendlies, just you, your weapon and the world. Plus the increased weapon damage, friendly fire is turned on, and no Kill cam.
That's what makes Hardcore mode so fun, you have to use your eyes and ears to your advantage. Keeping track of your ammo, knowing where the bomb sites are, knowing friendlies from foes. Using your wits not your HUD.
Plus, in Hardcore mode you SHOULD be communicating with your team, so there should be little moments where you don't know one of your snipers is right in front of you.
For example:
Soldier 1: "Sniper at wood bridge!"
Soldier 2: "That's me ass!"
Soldier 1: "My bad...."
Problem solved. Communication FTW!
Information on the German version differences.
Posts made by Calen a programmer at IW concerning some issues.TerryLee81 said:Just got an email from my game store with an Activiosion press release in which they say that the german version of COD4 will be nearly identical to the US version.
There will be 2 differences:
- one cutscene has been changed slightly (bullet impact)
- the "Aracde Mode" won't be available after finishing the SP campaign
Calen said:Ok, so, yeah, I'm one of the Infinity Ward programmers. I won't even pretend to be objective about our game, because all of us at IW love it (duh). That said, I see some questions coming up repeatedly in various threads...
1) We don't support keyboard and mouse on PS3, sorry.
2) No rumble (DS3) support - we found out about it too late to add it to this game. Hopefully next time around, though!
2) Yes, the PS3 version does support voice chat (bluetooth and USB mics supported.)
3) There are minor visual differences between the 360 and PS3 versions, due to the platforms being extremely different from an architectural standpoint. This results in us having to make different tradeoffs on both platforms to hit our framerate targets. They're very nearly identical, but you'll be able to pick screenshots in which both versions are "clearly" the better version. They're as close as we could make them without going completely batcrap insane (though whether or not we are already completely batcrap insane is a matter of some debate.)
Tradeoff example: Shadow filtering. We use different techniques on PS3 and 360 to filter shadow edges, which gives them a bit of a different look. I think it's a matter of taste as to which way looks better, but we did it that way because it was the most efficient way to do it on both platforms that yielded a look that was good enough.
Calen said:I don't know what our patch plans are, if any (and I'm not one of the people who decides these things), but everything turns into a question of time vs. benefit. We don't have any kind of rumble framework on the PS3 yet, so adding it would be significant work that could be spent on other potential fixes or changes that would help everyone with the PS3 version and not just folks that buy the DS3. It's already on our "big board of ideas" though.
Calen said:This is a misnomer and this rumor needs to die a fast, painful death.
CoD4 PS3 does have ranked, player skill based matchmaking! It does not use the TrueSkill algorithm, because that is Microsoft proprietary and therefore you'll only ever see it on the 360. People have been ranking and matching players in games long before this though, so we just use a different ranking technique on the PS3.
Server selection is still based around private match + invite, LAN game, local splitscreen MP or online matchmaking with the same party and lobby support the 360 has. The only server browser screen is the one for seeing what systemlink games are underway on your local LAN.
Edited to add, DKo5 beat me to it :lol I see this so often it bears repeating, though.
fourzerotwo said:To Clarify!
Both versions PS3 and Xbox 360 are identical. They are both MAX 16 players in RANKED games, EXCEPT for 18 Player Ground War in Ranked.
However, on BOTH consoles, you can have 18 player Private Matches on ANY gametype.
Hope this clears up the confusion, in short. Both versions are the same.
Individual System Information
PC System Requirements
Intel Pentium 4 2.4 GHz / AMD Athlon 64 2800+ processor / Any 1.8Ghz Dual Core Processor or better supported
512MB RAM (768MB for Vista)
Nvidia Geforce 6600 or better / ATI Radeon 9800Pro or better
2.4 GHz Dual Core Processor or better is recommended
1024MB RAM (2048MB for Vista)
Nvidia Geforce 7800 or better / ATI Radeon X1800 or better
3.0 Shader Support Recommended
PlayStation 3
*Ranked Multiplayer Matchmaking up to 18 Players
*Voice Chat with USB/Bluetooth Headset
*No Rumble (DualShock 3) Support
*No Keyboard or Mouse Support
Xbox 360
*Ranked Multiplayer Matchmaking up to 18 Players
*Voice Chat through Headset
*No Keyboard or Mouse Support
Gameplay Info
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare will introduce a variety of game play styles into the single player campaign completely new to the Call of Duty series. The game moves away from the standard three country-specific campaign style, and allows the plot to play through more like a film style plot with interlaced story lines from the perspective of the player as a member of the US 1st Force Recon and a member of the British 22nd SAS Regiment. There is also a variety of cameo-style missions where you play as various other soldiers such as an AC-130 Spectre Gunship gunner, or as one part of a two man sniper team behind enemy lines in a flashback style mission.
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare will focus on the variation of modern warfare as an infantry soldier by allowing the player to control soldiers in a vast amount of different scenarios, straying away from the constant "at eleven" action of previous Call of Duty titles and allowing for both heavy intensity fire fights and slower paced drama styled intensity. The developer, Infinity Ward, has so far told about a handful of such levels including where the player will be the gunner of an AC-130 gunship and the pilot of a AH-1 Super Cobra helicopter providing air support.
The series' move to modern warfare has also introduced a variety of new modern weapons and technology to be introduced to the Call of Duty franchise. Such showcased weapons and attachments include M203 grenade launchers, IR laser pointers for use in conjunction with night vision goggles, silenced MP5SD submachine guns, and the FGM-148 Javelin portable anti-tank guided missile among many others.
(Taken from COD4:MW Wikipedia Entry)
Plot Information - Possible Spoilers
A Russian nationalist by the name of Zakhaev is set on returning his homeland to the Soviet times. Zakhaev knows the United States would never allow this to happen, thus he funds a coup in the Middle East, organized by his ally Al-Asad, to draw attention away from Russia. The two men and their seconds-in-command gain the nickname The Four Horsemen. However, the British and US governments have been monitoring Zakhaev's activities and discover his real intentions. The story is told from a perspective of a British 22nd SAS Regiment operative in Russia and American 1st Force Recon in the Middle East.
The game also features a flashback mission set 15 years ago in the Chernobyl Zone of Alienation, which features a new incarnation of Captain Price from 22nd SAS Regiment, the only character to appear in both of the first two games of the Call of Duty series. He needs to assassinate Zakhaev, but his mission fails because his Captain gets wounded and he has to get him out of the Zone of Alienation. Whether this new Price will be confirmed to be a relative of the WWII era Price remains to be seen. It is also believed that the assasination attempt left Zakhaev with only one arm.
The game features the following as playable characters:
*Lieutenant Price, 22nd SAS Regiment
(15 years ago)
*Sergeant Paul Jackson, 1st Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment (later Sergeant as part of 1st Force Recon Co., U.S.M.C.) (present)
Their names are seen in mission info which is seen in published gameplay footage of the game. Further characters are unknown.
The game features the following as unplayable characters:
*Captain MacMillan, 22nd SAS Regiment
(15 years ago)
*Lieutenant Vasquez, 1st Force Recon Co., U.S.M.C. (Sgt. Paul Jackson's Platoon Leader) (present)
*Staff Sergeant Griggs, 1st Force Recon Co., U.S.M.C. (Support Gunner of Sgt. Paul Jackson's Squad) (present)
Their names are seen in mission info which is seen in published gameplay footage of the game, or, in the case of Lt. Vasquez and SSgt. Griggs, in the PC Singleplayer Demo. Further characters are unknown.
(Taken from COD4:MW Wikipedia Entry)
Box Art

Collectors Edition Contents
Official Brady Games Digital Strategy Guide
Exclusive Hardcover Artbook
Xbox 360:
Making of DVD with SAS Documentary
Exclusive Hardcover Artbook
PlayStation 3:
Unfortunately No Collectors Edition
Action Trip
Firing Squad
Gaming Nexus
Hollywood Reporter
San Jose Mercury News
Official Xbox Magazine said:Simply put, Call of Duty 4 does everything right and nearly nothing wrong. But where it elevates itself above even the best shooters is how all of the good stuff is ludicrously good. The campaign never lets up, while multiplayer is a triple-A affair in itself. [...] this swing for the fences has belted Call of Duty 4 way out of the park. 10/10
Official PlayStation Magazine said:The single-player campaign or the multiplayer options alone would make this essential. It's a game where stunning set pieces are linked together by other ever more dazzling set pieces, while the depth and customization potential of the online component promise months of play. Too early for game of the year? Trust us, you'll see.... 10/10
Putin's Review: Flash Player | WMV SD | WMV HD | MOV SD | MOV HD
Gamer.TV Review: (Had a video but was taken down) 9/10
Pelaaja: 10/10 Scans w/o translation

7 PC Images - Gamersyde
6 PS3/Xbox & 6 PC Images - Gamersyde
PS3 Shots by adams828 on AVSForum
Update: He is now updating with more pictures on blogspot.

More Shots here of the Multiplayer Interface.
Exclusive Halloween Surprised Trailer: SD | HD - GameTrailers

Trailer: SD | HD - GameTrailers

PC vs. Console Interview: SD | HD - GameTrailers

Lighting and Effects Interview: SD | HD - GameTrailers

Vehicle and Weapons Interview: SD | HD - GameTrailers

Evolution of Shooters Inteview: SD | HD - GameTrailers
Multiplayer Perks(That we know of)
Perk Slot 1:
* Bomb Squad (detect placed C4 charges)
* C4 x 2
* Claymore x 2
* RPG-7 x 2
* Special Grenades x 3
* Frag x 3
* Bandolier (adds more ammo to your clip)
Perk Slot 2:
* Juggernaut (More Health)
* Sleight of hand (Reload quicker)
* Stopping power (More weapon damage)
* UAV Jammer (Jams enemy radar)
* Sonic Boom (Bigger explosions)
* Double Tap (increased rate of fire)
* Overkill (carry two primary weapons, no pistol)
Perk Slot 3:
* Extreme conditioning (Sprint longer)
* Steady Aim (Steadier aiming)
* Last Stand (Shoot your pistol while dying)
* Deep Impact (Better bullet penetration through walls)
* Dead Silence (Less noise when running)
* Iron Lungs (Hold breath longer when sniping)
* Eavesdrop (Allows you to listen in on enemy chat)
* Martyrdom (While dying, player pulls a grenade)
Multiplayer Weapons (Potential list pulled from PC Demo files)
Bomb Defuse
Cobra 20mm
Cobra FFAR
Colt .45
Concussion Grenade
Desert Eagle
Flash Grenade
Frag Grenade
Humvee .50cal
Remington 700
Winchester 1200
Information and Single Player Weapon List
For those that want to play COD4 with realistic settings on the PS3 check out: NeoGAF Call of Duty 4 PS3 Realism Unit Thread of Realism!