vumpler said:Read the last page. type in cod4 hacks or autoaim. Its everywhere on there. That why I love the 360/PS3 versionsThey are very competitive and controls are as close as you're going to get [thus far] to greatness with a controlpad.
Strider2K99 said:Quick question, which campaign mission if any is Creek based on?
Strider2K99 said:Quick question, which campaign mission if any is Creek based on?
I think this is something everyone can agree on. :lolUSD said:I get the greatest feeling in the world when I flank the shit out of the enemy deep in their own territory, rack up some kills, call an airstrike on my own position, and then run the fuck away. I can help but smile and laugh every time I do it. And it feels so good.
Question: I noticed in this shot one of the guys has claymores and an RPG. Is that a new perk to be introduced sometime in the future or is it only something the devs get to take advantage of when testing the maps?fourzerotwo said:Creek isn't based on anything from the campaign. It's a completely original map and will be one of our largest in the game.
this is just a map packRussian Steve said:I read the bit about the 3 new maps, but is there any mention of new guns or perks? Or is this simply a map pack?
fourzerotwo said:Creek isn't based on anything from the campaign. It's a completely original map and will be one of our largest in the game.
Can't wait for the maps to hit, but in particular I'm looking forward to the Broadcast map.fourzerotwo said:Killhouse is larger than Shipment but still designed with small team games in mind (ie. 2 v 2), but I have to say that we had a 5 man Free For All going with the guys from IGN, Team Xbox, and Gamespy last week that was probably the most fun I've had on Killhouse, it was carnage.
It's a larger and longer map than Shipment is and great for Free For All. If it's size you want, don't worry you'll be more than covered between Creek (which is probably take the crown as our largest map) and Broadcast which is huge as well but unlike Creek divides it space among outside AND inside spaces.
Trust me, these maps bring a lot of variety to the game as they play completely different than the stock maps. Broadcast is insane on objective gametypes with the amount of floor to floor vantage points and alternating routes leading throughout the entire station and outside.
That's what I'm wondering... IW already sent the patch in for certification. Seems like Sony's dragging their feet about this.miyamotofreak said:Oh man where is that PS3 PATCH!?!?!?
Jtrizzy said:Is Carentan the level they joke about on The Office? "You don't snipe on Canenton" Saboteur!
Also, what is the PS3 patch going to do?
How about DS3 support?Strider2K99 said:The same things as the 360 one, but also add a few PS3 specific things, like a recent players list.
Oh, thats too bad, its gonna be 800 points.X26 said:Given how big a success cod4 has been and how it's exceeded activisions wildest expectations it'd be nice if they were free, but for 400 I'll bite
Treyarch.Insertia said:I hear they're going back to WW2 for CoD5. WHY?!?
I'm getting 404 errors on all the vids.SMZC said:Why is no one commenting on this? IGN already has videos of all four new maps.
I'm downloading them right now.
Duck said:I'm getting 404 errors on all the vids.
PatzCU said:Picking this up today for a promotion this week at Gamecrazy - CoD4 + CoD3 for $39.99
I'm really excited to sink into this as I really enjoyed the multiplayer beta. It's going to take a lot to pull me away from Halo 3 though, I've been really addicted to it lately. Does CoD4 have a ranking system similar to Halo? I know you "level" up in CoD4, but do you get a rank as well (with different ranks per playlist)?
Nothing visable. It uses a hidden TruSkill system.PatzCU said:Picking this up today for a promotion this week at Gamecrazy - CoD4 + CoD3 for $39.99
I'm really excited to sink into this as I really enjoyed the multiplayer beta. It's going to take a lot to pull me away from Halo 3 though, I've been really addicted to it lately. Does CoD4 have a ranking system similar to Halo? I know you "level" up in CoD4, but do you get a rank as well (with different ranks per playlist)?
Geoff9920 said:Nothing visable. It uses a hidden TruSkill system.
Not to worry, there's always Prestige Mode!PatzCU said:Gotcha, thanks! No visable rank?! My e-peen will suffer.
Eh, PGR4 in some scenarios (New York in thunderstorm, etc) looks a bit better.The Lamonster said:Do you guys think this is the best graphics available on the 360? If not, what is?
Dyno said:So what perks/weapons are you guys rolling with these days. I'm up to 53rd level and there's nothing else to unlock. Most of my challenges are done too.
Primary Weapon: G36C with red dot
Secondary Weapon: Auto-shot gun
Perk 1: 3 Frags
Perk 2: Overkill
Perk 3: Eavesdrop or Steady Aim
Gears?The Lamonster said:Do you guys think this is the best graphics available on the 360? If not, what is?
~Devil Trigger~ said:well, im finishing up my weapon challenges(Assault, SMG and Shotgun), done with shotgun
Uzi & Skorpion = Slight of Hand/Stopping power, 3 special grenades, Marathon
Assault Weapons = 3 special grenades, Stopping power, Marathon/Deep Impact
The Lamonster said:Do you guys think this is the best graphics available on the 360? If not, what is?
The Lamonster said:Do you guys think this is the best graphics available on the 360? If not, what is?
JoJo13 said:How about DS3 support?
That sounds like lag.J-Rzez said:Don't hold your breath, and iirc, they stated they wouldn't. You should know by now that there will be no special treatment for PS3 owners, just give them your money and be happy.
That patch on the 360 is rediculous though. I noticed you don't have to even have the crosshairs on someone perfectly for headshots. I thought, bullet-stray at first, but then it happened so many times where the sights are off and you just see blood from the head. Seems like they went from one extreme to the next now :lol