Good god, this game is such a delicious narcotic. Losing game after game, and I still come back for more.
ElyrionX said:So I just played a round of Domination and tried listening for footsteps but I just can't get it. At first, I tried it with my surround setup but it's late and I can't turn up the volume much so it doesn't really work out. I can't hear a single footstep and the fucking 360 and its jet engine is not helping either. So I switched to headphones and it doesn't work too. Yes, if I try really hard I can make out the footsteps but most of the time, you have airstrikes, choppers, grenades and guns going off all over the damn place in addition to your team's default chatter, it's really hard to make out footsteps at all.
arts&crafts said:I got to rank 55 approximately 3 days after getting cod4 for pc. Now what..![]()
From what I've heard, Call of Duty 4's sound programming was done in Dolby 6.1. If you're using a 5.1 system, perhaps that could be the problem?lawblob said:To me the footsteps don't make much sense; sometimes I will hear what sounds like a 400lb person walking right next to me, but I will search everywhere in my player's vicinity and not find them. Other times a player will wildly run up to me and stab me in the back and I won't hear a peep.
Add me so I can be on your team... please. >_>Brandon F said:Woot! Finally got my Mile High Club achievement...980 total, just need to get all those damned intel items for the full 1000.
They're probably using the Dead Silence perk? That could explain it.lawblob said:...Other times a player will wildly run up to me and stab me in the back and I won't hear a peep.
BlackGoku03 said:Add me so I can be on your team... please. >_>
BlackGoku03 - PSN (unless you're on LIVE)
Or anyone else who's good as fuck on this game...
What anime is that from in your avatar? I've seen it somewhere but can't figure what it is.
robut said:when are the new maps up?
? its an honest question. this week, next week, tommorow?salva said:calm down
robut said:? its an honest question. this week, next week, tommorow?
GuessWho said:just wondering if i hit prestige will i have to restart challenges too?
????U K Narayan said:So, I bought the Xbox 360 version of this. Am I shooting myself in the foot? Should I grab the PC version instead?
marc^o^ said:I just ordered it on ebay (you have no idea how it feels to buy US products with euros these days
I know graphics are amazing. But how is the 5.1 sound in this game?
blindrocket said:Team Killers suck. To me, Hardcore mode is the best mode for gameplay, yet the griefers love it too because they are totally free to Team Kill without consequence. It sucks we can't kick them. :-\
The 360 version is awesome. You'll have a good time with it.U K Narayan said:????
x3sphere said:I'll bet my account on it, k?![]()
UnholySpectacle said:Does anyone know around what time the maps will be up? I don't have work tomorrow and I need me some digital crack.
x3sphere said:Yes, I posted that article. It's April 10 now. An Activision rep confirmed it.
I even double checked since it still says April 3 on XBL, but they confirmed to me it was delayed.
lol silly goosex3sphere said:I'll bet my account on it, k?![]()
lionelhutz said:Why are these maps delayed? I demand answers.
ElyrionX said:I'm a huge fan of COD4. But I'm not so sure about the map pack. 800 points for only four maps seems pretty damn hefty to me. If they had thrown in more perks or weapons or attachments, it would seem more reasonable. But just four maps alone is kind of stretching the value proposition of the DLC for me.
It depends on which mode you play and what play style you play. If you play S&D, it makes every sense to have dead silence, but if you're playing domination or hq, when there are better options to take when it comes to choosing a perk 3 item. I mean the whole game becomes so loud and chaotic, footsteps will be very hard to hear any way.PjotrStroganov said:Like has been said before. Many people don't even hear footsteps. Maybe this is more the case with the console version than the PC version, but I really don't need it. Currently I use headphones because it makes me hear footsteps almost too well. When putting sound on the speakers I don't hear them nearly as good. I think it has to do with the way the sound is being mixed by my receiver.
Yeah, Infinity Ward has me by the fucking balls, unfortunately. :\Router said:Any other game and I would agree with you.
ElyrionX said:I'm a huge fan of COD4. But I'm not so sure about the map pack. 800 points for only four maps seems pretty damn hefty to me. If they had thrown in more perks or weapons or attachments, it would seem more reasonable. But just four maps alone is kind of stretching the value proposition of the DLC for me.
CajoleJuice said:Yeah, Infinity Ward has me by the fucking balls, unfortunately. :\
Breaking my buying DLC rule with this game.
MaizeRage25 said:Banned???
CajoleJuice said:Yeah, Infinity Ward has me by the fucking balls, unfortunately. :\
Breaking my buying DLC rule with this game.
Thanks, can't wait to try it!Brandon F said:5.1 audio is superlative. One of those games where the presentation is so rich and stray bullets and explosions are constantly going off all around you in heated missions. In the more quiet moments, you'll be able to pick out exactly where ambient audio is coming from due to strong separation.