Kyoufu said:
Yes and No. A lot of CoD4's multi-player maps are horribly unbalanced with one side having dominance over the other.
IMO, I think what keeps everything together in CoD4 is the weapons/perks are so well balanced in regards to the maps where as in WaW, there are weapons/perks that dominate over everything else the WaW maps terrible.
Not to mention there aren't any stupid mother fuck'n tanks in CoD4.
snap0212 said:
It's just better, that's it. I mean, am I the only person who thinks WaW's Maps are waay too big? I don't like it when I have to run around for a Minute just to find someone... And the modern setting is just more appealing (imo).
Yeah, outside of Big Team Battles, a lot of the maps are just too big for anything less. Ever had a 4v4 or less on Seelow? My god.
Another thing I think that separates CoD4 from WaW is CoD4 feels more authentic in its presentation where as WaW seems very cheesy more specifically, the voice overs. The voices in CoD4 feels more believable where as WaW sounds like one person was hired to do all the voice work and not to mention Jack Beur is annoying to listen to.
Edit: The CoD4 community seems to be more active compared to WaW as well. I was called a 'silencer-using-fa**ot' after a CoD4 match yesterday compared to the silence I would always hear in WaW. :lol