h3ro said:what happened to jb1981 telling us how the PS3 version wasn't running in real HD????
:lolHomerSimpson-Man said:My bad, I should clarify, the X360 version uses advance nipple shaders to normal map soldier's detailed hairs around the nipples while IW borked the PS3 version with a simple low resolution tit hair texture map.
It's all very complex but fascinating technical talk.
Agent Icebeezy said:The fine people at B3D will tell us soon enough, for both version
More detailed description of environment without spoilers please. I need to be spoonfed since my store was a douche and did not get the game today.~Devil Trigger~ said:intense combat does'nt even begin to describ this game so far
and solid AI as usual
skip said:play through on normal first! don't let frustration cloud your enjoyment!
fps fanatic said:This is exactly how I play my shooters. I play through on Normal, then I move up to the next difficulty. I don't have to prove anything to anybody.Nice review by the way, great write up.
mostly guerrila warfare in Mideast, village outdoors in Russia so far. Combat goes from semi sneeking missions to ALL OUT<---CAP BOLD WARLiquidMetal14 said:More detailed description of environment without spoilers please. I need to be spoonfed since my store was a douche and did not get the game today.
Mojovonio said:IW needs to license their engine out.
is that the one im talking about... because the difficulty spike is insane.Vyse The Legend said:I'm convinced that the last level is unbeatable by anyone but the IW playtesters.
Jirotrom said:Im playing the game on hard ...any pointers?and I'm pinned down with mcmillan and lI swear what feels like 1000 enemies come after me and i have to defend against them.
Vyse The Legend said:I'm convinced that the last level is unbeatable by anyone but the IW playtesters.
InterMoniker said:Does this game have split-screen online play for two people on one system?
yes... I've been playing it for 3 hours... cant beat it. I've pretty much given up for the night, none of the levels before this were even near this difficulty.skip said:is this thelevel?sniper retreat at the ferris wheel, awaiting extraction
Jirotrom said:yes... I've been playing it for 3 hours... cant beat it.
DKo5 said:Heh, its Veteran dude ;D
Funny story about that level/Veteran:
The Veteran time was originally 90 seconds. Once it was fully implemented some Activision testers sent a bug to the designers saying, more or less, "This is impossible. Please increase time given for Veteran". 24 hours later the bug was sent back with the new build with the bug notes, "Someone was able to achieve victory in less than 60 seconds, Veteran time adjusted to 60 seconds."
skip said:it's the most ridiculous battle of the campaign.
thanks man... i'll give it a go tomorrow. I swear I'm ridiculously sick with the sniper rifle now that I might as well change my class for online games.skip said:snipe as many of the heli-drop soldiers as you can as they're rapelling down, then retreat to the area behind the bumper car arena. draw them to you and try to contiain the battle there as much as you can. use grenades as soon as you get them and always stay in motion.
it's the most ridiculous battle of the campaign.
Jirotrom said:thanks man... i'll give it a go tomorrow. I swear I'm ridiculously sick with the sniper rifle now that I might as well change my class for online games.
damnit... i was hoping that wasnt the case. Rage indeed.skip said:also be aware that even when the evac chopper comes in, the enemies are still there and you have to go retrieve mcmillan and get him to the chopper without getting clipped, so you can't fully relax until you're on board and the cut-scene kicks in.
I should have taken a picture of the boxes and debris in my desk area while I was trying to get past that part. RAGE.
A little communication goes a long way. It doesn't matter as much in TDM, but even there, calling out positions or coordinating flanking maneuvers... it makes a difference. In the Objective games, it's night and day. =)Concept17 said:Headsets are over-rated in games like CoD. I don't need some moron yelling or just randomly talking to someone else while I play. Besides that, this game isn't terribly team-based. (it is to an extent of course, but not enough to use headsets unless you're having yourself a clan match or what not)
Read DKo5's comment above. But yeah,Vyse The Legend said:To someone who has finished the game on Normal or Hardened:
IsI beat the game on Veteran, and I wondering if it's a special or not. It's nigh impossible.the extra post-credits mission available for you too?
*hugs*Iron_Scimitar said:Got past the TV station. I said, "Fuck this...im a goddamn Marine!" I used up all my flashbangs so i got the advantage around the smaller rooms and used the shotty that I picked up.
Prayer.Jirotrom said:Im playing the game on hard ...any pointers?and I'm pinned down with mcmillan and lI swear what feels like 1000 enemies come after me and i have to defend against them.
wth are you talking about... anywho I don't think the knife achievement is working. I've done it about 4 times with no achievement, my bud did to.SnakeXs said:Me and Fallen were birthed from a demon. We were born under a pact.
We ravage souls.
Jirotrom said:wth are you talking about... anywho I don't think the knife achievement is working. I've done it about 4 times with no achievement, my bud did to.
Wario64 said:So is Treyarch still gonna do the odd numbered CoD's after this game?
Wario64 said:So is Treyarch still gonna do the odd numbered CoD's after this game?
See said:They didn't do COD 1.
Wario64 said:So is Treyarch still gonna do the odd numbered CoD's after this game?
SnakeXs said:We are raping bitches. It's unreal. Destruction on levels I have not seen in ages.
If that is true, there isn't really anything to worry about (considering the reception of COD4 matches with COD2), I'm guessing it would be mostly the same game, with slightly better graphics and a shorter single player experience. Then IW would go do "Future Warfare" with Mechs and lightsabers!.Wario64 said:I know, but I thought I read somewhere a year or two ago that even numbers would go to IW and odd numbers would go to Treyarch
Ned Flanders said:Were you on earlier? Do you have GAF at the front of your handle? I swore I was in a room with you earlier on Live..Seek and Destroy I think..
skip said:snipe as many of the heli-drop soldiers as you can as they're rapelling down, then retreat to the area behind the bumper car arena. draw them to you and try to contiain the battle there as much as you can. use grenades as soon as you get them and always stay in motion.
it's the most ridiculous battle of the campaign.
SnakeXs said:Double Tap and the AK74 4tmfw.
Agent Icebeezy said:The fine people at B3D will tell us soon enough, for both version