IGN continues to disappoint. The game looks tremendous, there's no doubt about that. But it's not perfect, and deserves a score reflecting that. The textures are ass, and their review even goes out of its way to mention how great they are.chubigans said:I feel the same way. Looking at media and movies I'm like, "how on earth do they do all that amazin' stuff at 60fps?!" After looking at a texture: "oh."
Not to detract anything from the game, as I'm not a texture whore like most on the board, but it's not quite as flawless as the 10 from IGN would lead you to believe.
The PS3 looks and performs tremendously. It's just the up close texture work that sucks ass, and I assume it's like that in both versions of the game.Bebpo said:So now that people actually have it and are playing, which version should I buy if I don't care about achievements, paying for online, rumble (since I'll have a PS3 rumble soon hopefully). All I care about is nitpicky graphical differences like framerate, slowdowns, jaggies, textures.
MercuryLS said:steve, are you playing the game or just walking around examining texture work?
Vyse The Legend said:Yeah, M4 was nerfed. You hardly see anyone use it anymore.
The new "instant win" weapon is the M60. I've seen an alarming number of people using it.
duk said:does ps3 version support rumble?
How is the M16 compared to the beta? The same?Vyse The Legend said:Yeah, M4 was nerfed. You hardly see anyone use it anymore.
The new "instant win" weapon is the M60. I've seen an alarming number of people using it.
zam said:How is the M16 compared to the beta? The same?
I have the M4. Chill. You don't get it right away.MaX_PL said:oh wTF the M4 is no more! WTF
MaX_PL said:oh wTF the M4 is no more! WTF
Synless said:ps3 has more rain, lol seriously it really does watch video 1 http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=175122
Shogmaster said:I have the M4. Chill. You don't get it right away.
I'm doing better with it than Beta. All I used was the M4. Maybe it got a little weaker, but I think it's handling is better up close. So I use it alot in close up situations. Also, I seem to get more kills without the left trigger in close to mid situations as well.Vyse The Legend said:I think he means that it was nerfed, and it was. It's not completely un-usable, but it's not as good as it was in the beta.
No_Style said:Power of the Cell Processor.
Sounds like gamedaily.net is a lying shitbag site that should be banned.
Shogmaster said:I'm doing better with it than Beta. All I used was the M4. Maybe it got a little weaker, but I think it's handling is better up close. So I use it alot in close up situations. Also, I seem to get more kills without the left trigger in close to mid situations as well.
I have no complaints about the M4 from the Beta to now. It's fucking great!![]()
dark10x said:I suppose we'll see. I ended up with the PS3 version.
I find that the PS3 looks better on my TV. I use HDMI set to "Full" on the PS3 as my TV (Pioneer 5080) can actually display the full range of colors (rather than simply crushing the blacks). I also find that PS3 tends to deliver a slightly sharper look.
I've done a lot of demo comparisons between the two systems and have become used to the look and feel of each. 360 via VGA looks very nice, but I use my VGA input for my PC. Right now, 360 uses component.
Are there any differences between the assets used in the two versions (textures, models, etc)?
It was never a great gun for long range. You had to pulse 2 shot bursts to get good effect at long range.Vyse The Legend said:Up-close to mid-range, it's fine. At long range, it's not very good at all. It's very inaccurate.
Shogmaster said:It was never a great gun for long range. You had to pulse 2 shot bursts to get good effect at long range.
urk said:Failure of the Fanboys. Already confirmed by the developer to be identical earlier in the thread.
Synless said:ps3 has more rain, lol seriously it really does watch video 1 http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=175122
I haven't felt too much difference so far. We'll see how it shakes out after I give it a good couple of days.Vyse The Legend said:I disagree. It was a great all-around weapon in the beta, especially with red dot. Now, it matches it's descriptor much better.
Vic said:I can't believe that this game is running at 60fps. It's a fucking joke
duk said:is IW doing COD5?
You're crazy. M4 and semi auto sniper were the best weapons in the beta. M4 was a better long range gun than the M16 in the beta.Shogmaster said:It was never a great gun for long range. You had to pulse 2 shot bursts to get good effect at long range.
calder said:Remember that semi-recurring thread we last had a few months back asking what everyone's favourite FPS levels are? We need to have that thread again so All Ghillied Up can win by 10,000 votes.
calder said:Remember that semi-recurring thread we last had a few months back asking what everyone's favourite FPS levels are? We need to have that thread again so All Ghillied Up can win by 10,000 votes.
UnholySpectacle said:Just beat that. Damn that last part was a bitch.
traveler said:How the hell did you do it? I so frustrated right now it's not even funny. I'm seriously about to smash my controller against the wall. NOTHING in the game has even come remotely close to being this challenging till now.
Ok, the M16 was probably my main gun in the beta, at least on Overgrown and Crash, guess I'll have to see how I fare with it with the M60 people, sounds like the M60 is the new RPD. Gonna be interesting to try out all the other weapons as well, too bad the L85 wasn't included in the game, seeing how you can play as SAS.Vyse The Legend said:The M16 was made a bit stronger. The problem is that at close range it sucks. You'll miss a lot, and you can't afford to when facing someone with a M60 that just has to spray and pray.