CCC attachment to your secondary weapon.
Cute Cat Carrier: they release the dogs and you release the cats.
Thanks for posting the IGN MP links, DAMN I want this game so bad.
If I like bot matches in this as much as I did in BO1, I'll buy it.Be honest, who is getting the $50 map pass?
Not after I got burned by the premium Elite for MW3. Hell no.Be honest, who is getting the $50 map pass?
Be honest, who is getting the $50 map pass?
Nah I'm usually good with the base set.Be honest, who is getting the $50 map pass?
Word is it plays quite well on the PS3.
Here's a vid:
Edit: Kill confirmed is 50xp per kill, not 25.
Be honest, who is getting the $50 map pass?
So I ordered this for Ps3 as I have some friends on there I will most likely play with. I have 360 as well and I am now wondering how this will run on Ps3 compared to 360. Prior games seem to get the shaft on Ps3. can anyone confirm any notable differences yet in performance or graphics?
I am genuinely annoyed after reading Liquidsnakes post. The main problems I had with MW3 were the spawns and the maps. But now I hear they are just as bad?
That can't be possible. Lmao.
Is the hit detection as good as MW2? Please keep posting updates cause I really want to like this game.
The SP writer is David S. Goyer, same dude who wrote for the Batman Trilogy (Nolan).
Might be cool.
We'll see. Not to knock your opinion, but a lot of people have been saying the exact opposite, so I'll just have to see for myself.
Quick question, but the demolition bomb layouts are the same as SnD, right?
Objectives are huge. I think kills = 50xp and capping a point in dom = 200 xp. Kill confirmed is 25xp per kill and 100xp per confirm.
]I am supremely disappoited in Blops2. It's like MW3 turbo edition.
Way to chaotic.
Maps are to small.
UAV every 2 seconds.
There is no tactics what so ever.
The spawn system is disgusting.
This is sadly a game for the ADD generation.
I am level 29, and I have not had fun getting there. I am not trolling, I loved black ops, hated MW3.
I am so sad that the state if this game has become what it is. Who ever made the decision to speed up the gameplay like this should be fired.
If you doubt what I say, come Tuesday you will all experience what I have. Utter disgust, and it's not fun getting killed 3 times within 10 seconds.
can someone answer this for me, mw3 ruined HQ for me, does Blops2 give the whole team XP again for capping?
The spawn system is seriously as bad as MW3?
That can't be possible..........
Be honest, who is getting the $50 map pass?
Quick question, but the demolition bomb layouts are the same as SnD, right?
I like this, other than no one will rush B with me now. Also noticed that on Kill Confirmed if someone else collects the dogtags from your kill, they get 100xp and you get 25.
Also glad to see opponents tilt-chat is back in.
MW3 had the best spawns in the series.
Not until mid way through next year, it's part of the deal Microsoft has with activision.Will this game be on PSN too?
Asking because if it is I could save $5 bucks.
wut? have you really played MW3?
LOL @ MW3 having the best spawns.
Ahahahaha at MW3 + Best Spawns
wut? have you really played MW3?
LOL @ MW3 having the best spawns.
Ahahahaha at MW3 + Best Spawns
What?! That makes your opinion even crazier! The changed Demolition spawn logic (that they rolled out a couple of months after release) completely destroyed the mode. They removed the point of planting the bomb if enemies could suddenly spawn 2 feet outside the door.This is all from demolition though.
What?! That makes your opinion even crazier! The changed Demolition spawn logic (that they rolled out a couple of months after release) completely destroyed the mode. They removed the point of planting the bomb if enemies could suddenly spawn 2 feet outside the door.
So who else has the game? I would love to hear more impressions.
(Though I hope they are positive. Lol)
Hipfire is dominant on SMGs. Most people are using SMGs and hipfiring right now. Some people have laser sights as an attachment as well. If you aim down in CQB, then you'll probably die. It's VERY accurate for SMGs. I've hipfired people at medium range xP
Not sure if this is positive or negative for you lol.
Hipfire is dominant on SMGs. Most people are using SMGs and hipfiring right now. Some people have laser sights as an attachment as well. If you aim down in CQB, then you'll probably die. It's VERY accurate for SMGs. I've hipfired people at medium range xP
Not sure if this is positive or negative for you lol.
So who else has the game? I would love to hear more impressions.
(Though I hope they are positive. Lol)
That's really not good news at all.
Do you even have to aim in this game?
I am supremely disappoited in Blops2. It's like MW3 turbo edition.
Way to chaotic.
Maps are to small.
UAV every 2 seconds.
There is no tactics what so ever.
The spawn system is disgusting.
This is sadly a game for the ADD generation.
I am level 29, and I have not had fun getting there. I am not trolling, I loved black ops, hated MW3.
I am so sad that the state if this game has become what it is. Who ever made the decision to speed up the gameplay like this should be fired.
If you doubt what I say, come Tuesday you will all experience what I have. Utter disgust, and it's not fun getting killed 3 times within 10 seconds.
Be honest, who is getting the $50 map pass?
Aren't there 14 maps in the game? That will be more than enough for me. Unless there are some dlc MW2 maps.
That's a bigger problem I've found in all the CoD games I've played. It always feels like I'm the only one willing to shoot down UAVs/spyplanes in matches.
Amazon UK have dispatched my copy.....What's the odds of it turning up in the morning?
How many people are gonna jump right into multiplayer?
I'll prob play a few rounds of multi then do a few zombie matches.
Ill probably get the campaign finished during wed/Thursday.
Hipfire is dominant on SMGs. Most people are using SMGs and hipfiring right now. Some people have laser sights as an attachment as well. If you aim down in CQB, then you'll probably die. It's VERY accurate for SMGs. I've hipfired people at medium range xP
Not sure if this is positive or negative for you lol.
100% agreed. UAV is ridiculous. Spawns are awful. MW3 had the best spawns in the series (At least in demolition) and this is a huge downgrade. And there is no flow to the maps at all. The only flow I ever saw was in headquarters.
Yeah everybody gets 200score for capping and 200 per kill while capping, but i don't know how much xp that turns into.
It's worse than MW3. MW3 had the best spawns in the series. I spawned once and died instantly by a hunter killer drone, like push x BAM push x. I've also spawned with people looking at me or me looking at people. I've killed the person that's killed me several times within 1.5 seconds or so.
Theres no reason to purchase it now, but when the first map pack comes out and I like what is in it, then i might. I'm sure there might be zombies DLC and I'll get the pass for that alone. Multiplayer is garbage so far, but i can't really judge it until street date when all the bad players begin playing.
For the most part yes, but theres always a few bombsites (1 or 2, maybe 3) that are slightly different than search and destroy, but not by much.
Capping a point in dom is 200 score, but only 100xp.
there's a campaign?
These last few pages have killed more hype than a ODing chick at your house party.
I thought Treyarch knew what they were doing
this can't be life, b
Some people have bad opinions. The maps look really good from the streams that I've watched; nothing like the closed-in arenas of MW3 and more along the lines of W@W and Blops 1. Funny, Treyarch made those games too.
closed in is better so no one can snipe you.Some people have bad opinions. The maps look really good from the streams that I've watched; nothing like the closed-in arenas of MW3 and more along the lines of W@W and Blops 1. Funny, Treyarch made those games too.